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Chapter 10: Trade organizations and policy

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1 Chapter 10: Trade organizations and policy
Charles van Marrewijk International Trade Chapter 10: Trade organizations and policy

2 10.2 spiderweb spiral: world imports in million US gold dollar, 1929-1933
January December February 1929 1930 1931 March November 1932 1933 April October September May August June July

3 10.3 components of world trade in services; USD billion, 2013

4 10.4 impact of a rise in export prices

5 10.5 worldwide applied tariff rates

6 10.6 USA average tariffs,

7 10.7 impact of a tariff; partial equilibrium, small country
Price demand supply pft+T T A H1 B H2 pft qsft qstar qdtar qdft Quantity

8 10.8 impact of a tariff; partial equilibrium, large country
Price demand supply ptar+T T A H1 B1 H2 pft B2 ptar qsft qstar qdtar qdft Quantity

9 10.9 impact of a tariff in general equilibrium, small country
Food (1+t)pworld pworld Q* Q2 C* C2 C1 U* U1 U2 Manufactures

10 10.9 production (square), consumption (circle), and relative price
10.10 production (square), consumption (circle), and price 10.9 production (square), consumption (circle), and relative price

11 higher welfare for America
10.11 America's offer curve America import America offer curve higher welfare for America slope p' D Up Up' slope p C America export

12 10.12 free trade equilibrium with offer curves
America import America offer curve Britain export free trade price = p E Britain offer curve America export Britain import

13 America offer with ‘optimal’ tariff
10.13 the 'optimal' tariff America import America offer America offer with ‘optimal’ tariff Britain export Up' Up E Britain offer F America export Britain import

14 America offer with ‘optimal’ tariff
10.14 tariffs and retaliation America import America offer Britain export America offer with ‘optimal’ tariff E Britain offer F G H Britain offer with ‘optimal’ tariff America export Britain import

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