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A Publish/Subscribe Model for Collaborative Project Management in a Decentralized Environment - Design and Prototypical Implementation Michael Rose, 05/11/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "A Publish/Subscribe Model for Collaborative Project Management in a Decentralized Environment - Design and Prototypical Implementation Michael Rose, 05/11/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Publish/Subscribe Model for Collaborative Project Management in a Decentralized Environment - Design and Prototypical Implementation Michael Rose, 05/11/2015

2 Environment PROJECTMANAGEMENT large projects, lots of stakeholders
high complexity diverse responsibilities not manageable by a single person AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY long-term vehicle development projects (5 – 7 years) highly inter-dependent structure involvement of numerous suppliers (Tier 1, …) Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

3 Environment Collaboration REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMOTIVE PM [1]
standardized approach early incorporation of all suppliers synchronize project plan at early stages clear delegation of responsibilities open and fast communication of changes Collaboration DECENTRALIZATION in-house installations cloud-based approaches not applicable high confidentiality and security requirements so far no data synchronization OEM Supplier 1 Supplier 2 [1] Hab, Gerhard, and Reinhard Wagner. Projektmanagement in der Automobilindustrie - Effizientes Management von Fahrzeugprojekten entlang der Wertschöpfungskette Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2010 Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

4 Motivation OEM Supplier overall planning
internal separation for departments maintain and update status delegate responsibilities exchange by , meetings, … Supplier Milestone DSC internal planning track status manage external dependencies ECU DSC Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

delegate responsibilities across systems  publish artifacts track relevant assets across systems  subscribe to artifacts synchronize changes maintain security Supplier Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

6 Research Questions 1 Which elements of the collaborative project management process need to be shared among the involved parties? milestones tasks documents dependencies 2 How to design a distributed collaborative project management using an established model? possible actions: publish (delegate), subscribe, revoke, … ownership transfer role handling central system registry? Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

7 Research Questions 3 How to implement a distributed collaborative project management system suitable for highly restricted environments? visual representation  kind (published / subscribed)  synchronization errors notifications, actions, … Workflows USER EXPERIENCE DATA EXCHANGE no / restricted internet access firewall regulations high security requirements – e.g. confidentiality INTEGRATION PM software cPlace for prototypical implementation data-model support, app integration, dependencies compatibility – support for multiple protocol versions Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

8 Status 1 2 3 milestones tasks relations complete plans
hierarchical parts 2 publish / delegate OEM Supplier subscribe 3 communication over mail asynchronous protocol asymmetric encryption  PKI? Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

9 Timeline Kickoff 07/15 08/26 09/16 10/07 START: 04/15 END: 10/15
APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Kickoff Conceptual Phase 07/15 Requirements Elicitation Existing Solutions Literature? UX Concepts Transport / Architecture Design Prototyping 08/26 UI Design Implementation Evaluation 09/16 Field Trials, Refinement Writing 10/07 Rose Master Thesis Kickoff © sebis

10 Thank you for your attention!
Michael Rose

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