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Oceanography 3/1 – 3/2/2017 Topic: Coastal waters

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Presentation on theme: "Oceanography 3/1 – 3/2/2017 Topic: Coastal waters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceanography 3/1 – 3/2/2017 Topic: Coastal waters
Goal: Wetlands, lagoons, marginal seas and pollution. Bell Ringer: What are the four types of estuaries we discussed, and what are the characteristics of each?

2 Oceanography 3/3 -3/6/2017 Topic: Coastal Waters
Goal: review and estuary circulation Bell Ringer: What are the 4 types of estuary mixing patterns? What defines them?

3 Oceanography 3/13 – 3//14 Topic: Marine life and environment.
Goal: define life and nature of categorizing it. Bell Ringer: How do starfish reproduce?

4 Oceanography 3/15-3/16/2017 Topic: Marine life and environment
Goal: to determine the characteristics and organization of living things. Bell Ringer: You find a “thing” you have never seen before. How would you determine if it is alive? What does it mean to “be alive”?

5 Oceanography 3/17- 3/20/2017 Topic: Marine life and environment
Goal: Understand form and function of adaptations in a marine environment Bell Ringer: You live in the depths of the ocean (no light). What adaptations will you need to breath, eat, avoid being eaten, and reproduce?

6 Oceanography 3/21 – 3/22/2017 Topic: Marine Life and Environment
Goal: Understand form and function of marine life adaptations Bell Ringer: What adaptations would you expect to find in a warm, fresh-water plankton (for buoyancy)? Why?

7 Oceanography 4/3 – 4/4/2017 Topic: Bio-productivity in Earth’s oceans
Goal: To explore the form and function of crayfish adaptation, to their environment. Bell Ringer: If you were really hungry, would you eat bugs? What kind would you choose?

8 Oceanography 4/5 – 4/6/2017 Topic: Biologic productivity and energy transfer Goal: To explore a small sample of macroscopic ocean producers. Bell Ringer: What would happen on earth in the first 24 hours, if the sun went out?

9 Oceanography 4/7 – 4/10/2017 Topic: Bioproductivity and energy transfer Goal: explore primary productivity and microscopic algae Bell Ringer: What are the three types of macro-algea we discussed last time (think color)?

10 Oceanography 4/12 – 4/13/2017 Topic: Bioproductivity and energy transfer Goal: to finalize understanding of energy and matter pathways through the ocean environment. Bell Ringer: What will happen to the energy from your breakfast, and what will become of the matter?

11 Oceanography 4/18/2017 Topic: Squid
Goal: become familiar with physical adaptations to life processes of the squid. Bell Ringer: What are 3 cool things you know about cephalopods (Octopus, cuttlefish, squid, nautilis)?

12 Oceanography 4/20 – 4/21/2017 Topic: Animals of the pelagic
Goal: understand various adaptations for floating and moving in the pelagic environment. Bell Ringer: From memory, draw your favorite fish. Try to make it as accurate as possible. Don’t google it.

13 Oceanography 4/24 – 4/25/2017 Topic: Animals of the pelagic
Goal: understand the diversity of adaptations and organisms in the pelagic. Bell Ringer: Would you rather be swimming and be unaware that you were surrounded by sharks or be scuba diving and see that you were surrounded by sharks?

14 Oceanography 4/26 -4/27/2017 Topic: Animals of the pelagic
Goal: ace quiz and observe adaptations to open ocean pelagic environment. Bell Ringer: Cetaceans like whales have special adaptations for pelagic life. What are some of them?

15 Oceanography 4/28 – 5/1/2017 Topic: Animals of the pelagic
Goal: explore the form and function of osteichthyes. Bell Ringer: if you could fish for any type of…well …… fish, what would it be? Where would you go?

16 Oceanography 5/2 – 5/3/2017 Topic: Pelagic Goal: shark dissection.
Bell Ringer: What do you like to do?

17 Oceanography 5/4 – 5/5 Topic: Pelagic
Goal: Shark muscle and internal adaptations Bell Ringer: Tell me a cool shark fact.

18 Oceanography 5/8 – 5/9/2017 Topic: Animals of the Benthic
Goal: Explore the basic environment and distribution of benthic organisms. Bell Ringer: What characters from Spongebob Squarepants are actually benthic (bottom dwellers).

19 Oceanography 5/12 – 5/15/2017 Topic: Animals of the benthic
Goal: evaluate adaptations to sandy intertidal organisms as well as off shore benthic communities. Bell Ringer: What have you heard about the Great barrier reef? What is causing the recent development?

20 Oceanography 5/16 – 5/17/2017 Topic: Animals of the Benthic
Goal: Review Bell Ringer: What were the major topics we covered this semester?

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