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Becky Cole Learning Partnerships Coordinator Northumbria University

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1 Becky Cole Learning Partnerships Coordinator Northumbria University
Learning Partnerships Faculty Engagement & the Functionally Structured Academic Library Becky Cole Learning Partnerships Coordinator Northumbria University

2 Northumbria’s award winning University libraries attract over
1.1 million visits per year

3 Head of Library Services
Head of Library Learning & Research Services Head of Library Collection & Digital Services Collection Management Collection Development Discovery & Access Content Delivery & Copyright Learning Partnerships Customer Experience Scholarly Publications Skills Development


5 next generation fully functional model
across every aspect

6 Customer Experience Scholarly Publications Skills Development Collection Management Collection Development Discovery & Access Content Delivery & Copyright Academic Staff Academic Registry University Marketing International Development Other internal stakeholders Library Visitors

7 Learning Partnerships team
Hi Lisa, We would be happy to receive the student feedback via the Learning Partnerships team. We are the route for all feedback from students and Faculty from such forums as faculty meetings (from both Student Representatives and Academic colleagues), FSLE’s as well as more informal feedback. If you would be kind enough to send the feedback to me I am happy to action and follow it up for you. Best wishes, Steph “Do you know who our contact is at the library for the languages Programme…? Academic Staff, 2017 “The University Library is arranged on a functional basis and the Learning Partnerships Librarian has Faculty liaison responsibility. We would be happy to receive your feedback / direct your query” Learning Partnerships team “I don’t think I’ve ever been given a named contact but I’ve copied in the library programme support mailbox who might know…” Academic Registry, 2017 “I am wondering if you could forward my to a Library Liaison manager for Business School.” Academic Staff, June 2016

8 The “Directory” principle: 

9 University Library Annual Report 2016

10 Communication with Academic Staff Library postcard Welcome email
Information for Faculty webpages Welcome

11 Communication with Academic Registry Types of support offered
by Learning Partnerships (September 2017) Mapping work streams Online proforma for requesting PSRB/PR Library support (LIVE: May 2017)

12 Communication with other stakeholders Internal stakeholders:
NEW: Learning Partnership Dashboard University Marketing: Coordinating filming and photography requests and activities within Library spaces. International Development: Coordinating and delivering Library tours for international agents Library Visitors: Ensuring that external Library visitors can access the information they need to plan and execute a successful visit.

13 Even more coming soon…. (September 2017)
Library Essentials for academic staff Staff engagement tool (survey) Open / refresher afternoons and tours for academic staff Guide to the University Library for Personal Tutors


15 Becky Cole
Learning Partnerships Coordinator Northumbria University

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