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The English Reformation

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1 The English Reformation

2 New Protestant Sects Sects: religious groups that had broken away from an established church Protestants, Lutherans Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists, ect. Many new sects sprang up that followed the Lutheran or Calvinist teachings

3 English Reformation Henry VIII stood against the Protestant revolt
Remained Catholic As a result the Pope awarded him the “Defender of the Faith” for denouncing Luther’s ideas Henry was married to Catherine of Aragon for 18 years and had one daughter Mary Tudor

4 Henry VIII Henry desperately sought a male heir
Henry sought a divorce so he could marry his mistress Anne Boleyn who would hopefully bear him a son. However, the Pope refused to annul (terminate) his marriage. Catherine was the Holy Roman Emperor’s aunt Pope didn’t want to upset the Holy Roman Emperor

5 Reform in England Henry was furious
Chose to break away from Catholic Church Becomes Protestant Suggested by advisors who were mostly Protestant leaning. Chancellor Thomas Cromwell had parliament pass a series of laws that placed Henry in control of the Church.

6 Thomas Cranmer Became archbishop of the English Church
Annulled Henry’s marriage to Catherine and married him to Anne Boleyn They would have a daughter, Elizabeth. Anne Boleyn would be executed for treason shortly after

7 Act of Supremacy In 1534, Parliament passed the act, which made Henry the head of the Church of England. Called on people to take an oath stating Henry, not the Pope was the head of England’s Church Catholics who refused to accept the act were executed for treason.

8 Henry VIII Dies 1547: King Henry VIII dies
Various health problems Edward VI begins ruling at age 10 Advisors hold true power Protestant and encourages further reforms Died of illness at age 15

9 What would Henry look like today?

10 Mary I (Bloody Mary) Half sister Mary I (daughter of 1st wife Catherine) becomes ruler Restores the Catholic Church Saw resistance, many Protestants are executed Nickname becomes Bloody Mary

11 Reign of Elizabeth I Mary ruled for 5 years and died in 1558
Elizabeth (daughter of Anne Boylen) becomes ruler Wanted a return to Protestantism Parliament set up the Anglican Church (church of England) Wanted to please both Catholics and Protestants Priests allowed to marry and allowed to deliver service in English Priests dress in Catholic robes Brings about religious peace


13 What would Liz look like today?

14 Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation)
Pope Paul III called for the Council of Trent in 1545 Meet several times over the course of 20 years Reaffirmed beliefs that had been attacked by Protestants Interpretation of bible was final, substitution was heresy Faith and good works needed for salvation, not faith alone Provided penalties for worldliness and corruption Set up school to challenge Protestant teachings Indulgences were valid, but false selling of indulgences banned

15 Pope Paul IV ordered book burnings Index of Forbidden Books
List of books the Catholic Church considered too immoral for Catholics to read. Burned books Index of Forbidden Books included works of Luther Calvin Petrarch Other humanists

16 Jesuits are Founded 1540: Pope recognizes a new religious order
Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesuits. Stressed education, missionary work, charitable works Introduced a strict programs of spiritual and moral discipline. Rigorous religious training Absolute obedience to the Church

17 Ignatius of Loyola Sought to strengthen and spread the Catholic faith
Became advisors to Catholic rulers Sought to seek out heretics Set up schools that taught humanist and Catholic beliefs Spread the Catholic faith to distant lands Asia, Africa, and Americas

18 Several Jesuit Universities Today
St. Louis University Xavier University Georgetown University Boston College Loyola University Chicago Gonzaga University Marquette University

19 Reformation and Jews Spain had expelled Jews in 1492
During what? Italy had put added pressure on Jews to convert 1516: Venice ordered Jews to live in separate parts of the city called the ghetto. Other Italian cities followed suit. Restrictions on Jews increased during the Reformation.

20 Reformation and Jews Luther had hoped they would convert but when they didn’t he wanted them expelled Some German princes expelled Jews. 1550’s: Pope Paul IV added restrictions Charles V restricted Jews from settling in the New World Many Jews migrated to the Ottoman Empire and the Netherlands.

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