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Age of Absolutism Failures.

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1 Age of Absolutism Failures

2 Charles V Heir to throne Constantly battling wars Splits his empire
Holy Roman Empire (grandson of holy roman emperor Maximillian I) Spain (grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella on his mother’s side) Constantly battling wars Ottomans from east Muslims & Jews from West Splits his empire Holy Roman Empire to brother Ferdinand Spain to his son Philip II

3 Charles V’s Empire

4 Spain

5 Philip II & Divine Right
Absolute Monarchy Devoted much time to government Divine Right Defender of Catholic faith

6 Wars of Philip II Inquisition Invades England Netherlands
Hated Elizabeth I for being protestant Huge armada Stopped by freak storm on English Channel

7 Spain’s Golden Age Adoption of Italian renaissance
Philip II patron of the arts Outstanding writers and painters

8 Economic Decline 1600s decline Philip II’s successors weaker rulers
Wars too costly Promise of American gold overshadowed farming and basic necessities Ejection of Jews & Muslims deprived economy

9 Review Charles V inherited what empires?
Philip II claimed the right to rule through what idea? What wars did Philip II wage? Why did Spain fall into economic decline?

10 England

11 Tudors and Parliament Henry VIII and Elizabeth I consulted parliament
Held much power

12 Stuarts Elizabeth left no direct heir
Stuarts – ruling family from Scotland Inherited Tudor problems Less active with parliament

13 James I & Charles I Constantly fought over money with parliament
Imprisoned foes Tended to strict Anglican rules Fought with puritans

14 English Civil War Oliver Cromwell lead puritans Charles I is beheaded
Charles I fought with puritans Oliver Cromwell lead puritans Charles I is beheaded First monarch to be tried and executed by own people

15 Puritan Society Oliver Cromwell & puritans create commonwealth
Very strict Puritan rules After Cromwell’s death call for monarchy Charles brother James II was disliked

16 English Bill of Rights William and Mary now rulers of England
Bill of Rights established parliamentary superiority Created limited monarchy

17 Review Which family held strong control over parliament?
Why did the Stuarts lose the control and influence over parliament? What was the outcome of the English Civil War? Who took over after Oliver Cromwell?

18 Holy Roman Empire Thirty years war

19 War begins Religious differences in kingdoms
Created alliances with surrounding empires Brutal war Depopulation Peace of Westphalia France clear winner

20 Austria & Prussia Weakening of Holy Roman Empire
Heightened geographic, cultural, language, etc. difference in empire Austria & Prussia successfully break away Demonstrate weakening power of Holy Roman Empire

21 Closure When Charles V abdicated the throne who did he give what Spain to? Holy Roman Empire? How was Philip II’s rule in Spain? What the downfall of absolutism? Which family allowed for decline in power in England? Who took control after the English Civil War? What is a limited monarchy? What war allowed for Austria and Prussia to rise in relative power to the Holy Roman Empire?

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