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How far can we go with what we already have?

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Presentation on theme: "How far can we go with what we already have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nordic Green to Scale – Low-Carbon Success Stories to Inspire the World

2 How far can we go with what we already have?
How much can we reduce emissions globally if comparable countries achieve by 2030 what some have already achieved today? How far can we go with what we already have? This is a forward-looking analysis, it is by no means forward-leaning – rather the opposite. No new innovations, just better scaling up what others already have achieved in the past To achieve the goals set in the Paris agreement – to limit global warming to well below 2˚C and pursue efforts to keep it at just 1.5˚C – countries need to ramp up their climate efforts significantly. And we need to do it fast. That is why this study is so important. Like the global Green to Scale report released last year, this Nordic study shows that there are already plenty of proven low-carbon solutions available, and at an affordable cost. There is no reason to wait. The time to deliver is now. By helping the world in scaling up these solutions, Nordic countries can contribute to tackling the climate crisis way beyond our size. The results of this project show how implementing existing low-carbon solutions can take us a long way in tackling the climate crisis. Countries around the world have a range of proven and attractive Nordic solutions to choose from. Sitra • Janne Peljo •

3 Existing solutions have vast & cheap potential
Existing solutions can cut emissions significantly Just 17 solutions can cut emissions by 1/4 in 2030 15 Nordic solutions could cut emissions by as much as the EU produces Scaling up solutions is affordable Climate solutions provide various co-benefits to people and the environment Results in two reports available at Sitra • Janne Peljo •

4 Scale-up potential of 15 Nordic solutions equal to current EU emissions

5 Wide range of solutions in all key sectors
Sitra • Janne Peljo •

6 Some solutions actually save money
Sitra • Janne Peljo •

7 Energy efficiency in buildings, Sweden
Sitra • Janne Peljo •

8 Residential heat pumps, Sweden
Sitra • Janne Peljo •

9 Reducing methane in oil and gas production, Norway
Sitra • Janne Peljo •

10 Conclusions: existing solutions can take us far
Wide range of proven and attractive low-carbon solutions available Scaling up existing solutions would cut global emissions significantly Solutions would be affordable and deliver many co-benefits Various barriers slow down deployment but countries can learn from the successes in removing barriers Conclusions: existing solutions can take us far Sitra • Janne Peljo •

11 What next? Next analysis phase currently being developed
Focus on select target countries or regions (potentially e.g. CEE) Aim to bring analysis to a step closer to directly enabling implementation – goal is to support target countries reach and exceed their climate targets Full release scheduled for Q1/2018 Local partners and their expertise needed Sitra • Janne Peljo •

12 Thank you #GreenToScale #GreenToScale

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