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Do you know the geographic divisions within the colonies?

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1 Do you know the geographic divisions within the colonies?
Class Starter How many of the 13 original English Colonies can you name. Here is a hint to get you started: You live in a state that was previously an original Colony. Do you know the geographic divisions within the colonies?

2 Settling The South Roanoke and Jamestown

3 Starter – August 28th Would you have migrated to Colonial America? When is migration a good move?

4 Roanoke and JamesTown

5 England’s First Attempt at Roanoke
Sir Walter Raleigh given rights to claim land for Queen Elizabeth He sends explorers to check out sites Find Roanoke Island off coast of NC They depend too much on Indians, strain relations, hunger ensues, 1st attempt fails

6 Raleigh Tries Again In 1587, Raleigh sent colonists a second time. John White was the colony’s governor. This time, the colonist brought their wives and children. John White’s granddaughter, Virginia Dare would be the first English baby born in the New World.

7 5. The Lost Colony -- Croatoan
White has to return to England for supplies and gets stuck there for 3yrs due to war with Spain When White returns, the settlement is abandoned, supplies left, no bodies Only clue is word “Croatoan” carved several places nearby White can’t search because of a hurricane, returns to England

8 Roanoke Video The Lost Colony

9 Jamestown Colony (1607)

10 Jamestown: Settling The Chesapeake Bay
Joint-stock-company- investors share risk by investing but also profit Founded with 105 men Problems: On a swamp- diseases and mosquitos Surrounded by unfriendly tribes People wanted to look for gold all the time

11 The Jamestown Colony (founded in 1607)
First year many die of disease/starvation Captain John Smith takes over- whips people into shape (literally) Pocahontas saves John Smith’s life and helps save Jamestown She marries John Rolfe (1611 cultivation of tobacco makes money) She goes to England, dies of disease

12 4. Conflict with the Powhatan
At first help colonists, they take advantage and get greedy Jamestown grows and takes more land Small fights break out, many killed on both sides, colonists burn many Powhatan villages

13 Jamestown Video The Jamestown Colony

14 Life In Virginia Rich fertile soil, broad coastal plains, tidewater
Headright system– encouraged settlers, 50 acres/person Other towns develop outside of Jamestown Many women are sent, men could buy a wife for certain pounds of tobacco Geography Rich fertile soil, broad coastal plains, tidewater Backcountry: rolling hills and rocky soil Plantations develop, labor intensive, needs workers Indentured Servants – work for 4-7 years in return for passage to New World, but increased Wealth and decline in white indentured servants would lead to importation of slaves First slaves brought to Jamestown in 1619

15 C. The Triangular Trade Route
Triangular Trade Route: linked Europe, Africa, The West Indies and Americas Africans were kidnapped and taken to the coast, Middle passage (boat journey), sold into slavery Europe traded textiles and weapons to Africans for slaves and colonists traded for sugar molasses to make rum for Slaves.

16 Slave Trade in Colonial America
Middle Passage

17 Triangular Trade Transatlantic trade network
Threeway trading between merchants who carried rum and other goods to from New England to Africa where they were traded for slaves who were transported to the West Indies, and sold for sugar and molasses, where those were shipped to New England. The middle leg was know as the Middle Passage

18 Economic Activity of Southern Colonies
Large Plantations of Tobacco, Rice, indigo Slave labor Few Crafts and industry

19 Types of Settlers English aristocrats, Planters, Small farmers, slaves Backcountry farmers were subsistence farmers.

20 Religious Groups Church of England Maryland (Catholics) Toleration Act of Maryland practice of Separation of Church and State Religion played small part in everyday life

21 Society Women had little education and no political rights White males with property most powerful (Plantation Owners) Education obtained by Planter’s sons through tutors

22 Society Virginia House of Burgesses-established direct democracy An elected body First example of self government in the colonies

23 Bacon’s Rebellion, Nathanial Bacon, a wealthy VA farmer, lead others against Jamestown Causes: Declining tobacco prices, Increasing competition and Restrictions from English market, discontent with local government causes frustration of Frontier farmers leading to fighting against Natives Killed many Native American’s, burned villages and then burned Jamestown

24 Governor William Berkeley
Bacon’s Rebellion, Gov. Berkeley sent troops to put down rebellion Bacon dies and rebellion falls apart Outcome: Illustrated that poor whites and black could unite in a cause and exposed the power of former indentured servants Governor William Berkeley

25 Settled by Catholics Toleration Act of Maryland 1634 Agriculture
Colony Date Founder Economic Activity Other Key Facts Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia George Calvert Settled by Catholics Toleration Act of Maryland 1634 Agriculture Virginia Company Became Royal Colony Virginia House of Burgesses 1607 Agriculture Colony 1584 to 1653 Virginia Colonists Split from SC in 1710 and Became Royal Colony in 1729 Agriculture 8 nobles Split from NC in 1710 and Became royal Colony in 1729 1665 Agriculture Became colony for debtors and poor served as Buffer between Spanish Florida and English Colonies James Ogelthorpe 1732 Agriculture

26 Map: The Southern Colonies
Label the 5 Southern Colonies. Write out the Names. No Abbreviations Label Jamestown, Roanoke Island Label the Atlantic Ocean Color the Southern Colonies. Color them 5 Different Colors.

27 What are the 5 Southern Colonies?
Exit Slip What are the 5 Southern Colonies? What was the first permanent British settlement in the South (and in the New World)? Describe the “Plantation” culture?

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