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Excel STDEV.S Function.

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1 Excel STDEV.S Function

2 Excel STDEV.S Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments
Get the standard deviation in a sample Return value  Estimated standard deviation Syntax  =STDEV.S (number1, [number2], ...) Arguments  number1 - First number or reference in the sample. number2 - [optional] Second number or reference. Usage notes  The STDEV.S function calculates the standard deviation in a sample set of data. Note: STDEV.S replaces the older STDEV function, but has identical behavior. Although STDEV still exists for backwards compatibility, Microsoft recommends that people use the newer STDEV.S function instead.

3 Excel STDEV.S Function Notes:
STDEV.S calculates standard deviation using the "n-1" method. STDEV.S assumes your data is a sample only. When your data is complete (i.e. when your data representations the entire population), calculate standard deviation using the STDEVP.P function. Numbers are supplied as arguments. They can be supplied as actual numbers, ranges, arrays, or references that contain numbers. The STDEV.S function will include numbers entered as text and logical values when they are entered directly as arguments. However, when an argument is an array or reference, empty cells, logical values, text, and error values are ignored. When you want to include logical values and/or numbers as text in a reference, use the STDEVA function.

4 Excel STDEV.S Function

5 Excel STDEVP Function

6 Excel STDEVP Function Purpose Get standard deviation of population
Return value  Estimated standard deviation Syntax  =STDEVP (number1, [number2], ...) Arguments  number1 - First number or reference in the sample. number2 - [optional] Second number or reference. Usage notes  The STDEVP function calculates the standard deviation in a sample set of data. Standard deviation is a measure of how much variance there is in a set of numbers compared to the average (mean) of the numbers. Note: STDEVP has been replaced with a newer function called STDEV.P, which has identical behavior. Although STDEVP still exists for backwards compatibility, Microsoft recommends that people use the newer STDEV.P function instead.

7 Excel STDEVP Function Notes:
STDEVP calculates standard deviation using the "n" method, ignoring logical values and text. STDEVP assumes your data is the entire population. When your data is a sample set only, calculate standard deviation using the STDEV function (or it's more current replacement, the STDEV.S function). Numbers are supplied as arguments. They can be supplied as actual numbers, ranges, arrays, or references that contain numbers. The STDEVP function ignores logical values and text. If  you want to include logical values and/or numbers as text in a reference, use the STDEVA function.

8 Excel STDEVP Function

9 Excel CHAR Function

10 Excel CHAR Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments Usage notes
Get a character from a number Return value  A single character specified by a number. Syntax  =CHAR (number) Arguments  number - A number between 1 and 255. Usage notes  Use CHAR to translate code page numbers into actual characters. CHAR can be useful when you want to specify characters in formulas or functions that are awkward or impossible to type directly. For example, you can use CHAR(10) to add a line break in a formula on Windows, and CHAR(13) to add a line break on the Mac. The character returned is based on the character set used by your computer: Windows Mac

11 Excel CHAR Function

12 Excel CLEAN Function

13 Excel CLEAN Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments Usage notes
Strip non-printable characters from text Return value  Text with non-printable characters removed. Syntax  =CLEAN (text) Arguments  text - The text to clean. Usage notes  You can use CLEAN to remove characters that are not printable from text. You can also use CLEAN to strip line breaks from text. Note: The CLEAN function removes the first 32 (non-printable) characters in the 7-bit ASCII code (values 0 through 31) from text. Unicode contains other non-printable characters that are not removed.

14 Excel CLEAN Function

15 Excel CODE Function

16 Excel CODE Function Purpose Get the code for a character Return value
A numeric code representing a character. Syntax  =CODE (text) Arguments  text - The text for which you want a numeric code. Usage notes  CODE returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. The  code is based on the character set used by your computer. Links: Windows Mac

17 Excel CODE Function

18 Excel CONCATENATE Function

19 Excel CONCATENATE Function
Purpose  Join text together Return value  Text joined together. Syntax  =CONCATENATE (text1, text2, [text3], ...) Arguments  text1 - The first text value to join together. text2 - The seond text value to join together. text3 - [optional] The third text value to join together.

20 Excel CONCATENATE Function
Usage notes  CONCATENATE can join up to 30 text items together. Text items can be text strings, numbers, or cell references that refer to one cell. Numbers are converted to text when joined. If you need to specify a number format for a number being joined, see the TEXT function. The ampersand character (&) is an alternative to CONCATENATE. The result is the same, but the ampersand is more flexible, and creates formulas that are shorter and (arguably) easier to read.

21 Excel CONCATENATE Function

22 Excel Dollar Function

23 Excel DOLLAR Function Purpose Return value Arguments Usage notes
Convert a number to text in currency format Return value  A number as text in currency format. Syntax =DOLLAR (number, decimals) Arguments  number - The number to convert. decimals - The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Default is 2. Usage notes  The DOLLAR function converts a number to text using currency number format. The number format used is $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00). The default for decimals is 2. If decimals is negative, number will be rounded to the left of the decimal point. The TEXT function is a more flexible way to achieve the same result, since it can convert numbers to text in currency format and other number formats as well. The name of the function and the currency symbol used is based on language settings of the computer.

24 Excel DOLLAR Function

25 Excel EXACT Function

26 Excel EXACT Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments Usage notes
Compare two text strings Return value  A boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) Syntax  =EXACT (text1, text2) Arguments  text1 - The first text string to compare. text2 - The second text string to compare. Usage notes  EXACT will compare two text strings and return TRUE if they are the same, and FALSE if not. EXACT is case-sensitive. You can also use the equal sign in a formula (text1=text2) to compare text strings. However, the equal sign is not case sensitive.

27 Excel EXACT Function

28 Excel FIND Function

29 Excel FIND Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments
Get the location of text in a string Return value  A number representing the location of find_text. Syntax  =FIND (find_text, within_text, [start_num]) Arguments  find_text - The text to find. within_text - The text to search within. start_num - [optional] The starting position in the text to search. Optional, defaults to 1.

30 Excel FIND Function Usage notes
Use the FIND function to get the location of one text string inside another. The FIND function will return the location of the first instance of find_text in within_text. The location is returned as the number of characters from the start of within_text. Start_num is optional and defaults to 1. FIND will return #VALUE if find_text is not found in within_text . FIND is case-sensitive and does not support wildcards. Use the SEARCH function to search without case-sensitivity and/or to use wildcards.

31 Excel FIND Function

32 Excel LEFT Function

33 Excel LEFT Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments Usage notes
Extract text from the left of a string Return value  One or more characters. Syntax  =LEFT (text, [num_chars]) Arguments  text - The text from which to extract characters. num_chars - [optional] The number of characters to extract, starting on the left side of text. Default = 1. Usage notes  Use the LEFT function when you want to extract characters starting at the left side of text. num_chars is optional and defaults to 1. LEFT will extract digits from numbers as well. Keep in mind that number formatting (i.e. the currency symbol $) is not part of a number so is not counted or extracted.

34 Excel LEFT Function

35 Excel LEN Function

36 Excel LEN Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments Usage notes
Get the length of text. Return value  A number representing the lengh of the text. Syntax  =LEN (text) Arguments  text - The text for which to calculate length. Usage notes  LEN is a useful when you want to count how many characters there are in some text. Numbers and dates will also return a length keep in mind that number formatting is not included. (i.e. the length of "100" formatted as "$100.00" is still 3).

37 Excel LEN Function

38 Excel LOWER Function

39 Excel LOWER Function Purpose Convert text to lower case Return value
Text in lower case. Syntax  =LOWER (text) Arguments  text - The text that should be converted to lower case. Usage notes  All letters in text are converted to lower case. Numbers and punctuation characters are not affected.

40 Excel LOWER Function

41 Excel MID Function

42 Excel MID Function Purpose Return value
Extract text from inside a string Return value  The characters extracted. Syntax =MID (text, start_num, num_chars) Arguments  text - The text to extract from. start_num - The location of the first character to extract. num_chars - The number of characters to extract. Usage notes  MID returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at start_num and continuing through start_num + num_chars. Use the MID function when you want to extract text from inside a text string, based on location and length. Use FIND or SEARCH to locate start_sum when you don't know the location in advance.

43 Excel MID Function

44 Excel PROPER Function

45 Excel PROPER Function Purpose Return value Syntax Arguments
Capitalize the first letter in each word Return value  Text in proper case. Syntax  =PROPER (text) Arguments  text - The text that should be converted to proper case. Usage notes  Use PROPER to capitalize each word in a given string. All letters in text will be converted to lower case before the first letter in each word is capitalized. Numbers and punctuation characters are not affected.

46 Excel PROPER Function

47 Excel REPLACE Function

48 Excel REPLACE Function
Purpose  Replace text based on location Return value  The altered text. Syntax =REPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text) Arguments  old_text - The text to replace. start_num - The starting location in the text to search. num_chars - The number of characters to replace. new_text - The text to replace old_text with. Usage notes  Use the REPLACE function when you want to replace text based on its location in a string. Use FIND or SEARCH to find the location of text to replace it it's not known in advance. Use SUBSTITUTE to replace text based on content.

49 Excel REPLACE Function

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