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Fire Suppression (Fire Fighter I)
Courtesy of the University of Nevada, Reno Fire Science Academy CHAPTER 22 Fire Suppression (Fire Fighter I) 1
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the objectives of an offensive attack. Describe the operations performed during an offensive attack. Describe the objectives of a defensive attack. 2
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the operations performed during a defensive attack. Describe the characteristics of a fog stream, straight stream, and solid stream. Describe the objectives of an interior fire attack, direct attack, indirect attack, and a combination attack. 3
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the techniques used to advance a large handline. Describe the characteristics of a master stream device, deck gun, portable monitor, and elevated master streams. Describe the tactics used to protect exposures. 4
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the characteristics of concealed- space and basement fires. Describe the tactics used to suppress: Basement fires Fires above ground Fires in large buildings Fires in buildings under construction, renovation, or demolition 5
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the tactics used to suppress: Fires in lumberyards Fires in stacked or piled materials Fires in trash containers Fires in confined spaces Fires in vehicles Fires in the passenger compartment of a vehicle 6
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the tactics used to suppress: Fires in the engine compartment of a vehicle Fires in the trunk of a vehicle Describe how to overhaul a vehicle fire. Describe the tactics used to suppress fires in alternative-fuel vehicles. 7
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the hazards presented by flammable- liquid fires. Describe the tactics used to suppress flammable-liquid fires. Discuss when gas service and electrical system should be shut off. 8
Fire Fighter I Objectives
Describe the hazards posed by electrical fires. Describe the tactics used to suppress an electrical fire. 9
Introduction Tactics and tasks to achieve extinguishment of the fire
Variety of methods Remove fuel, oxygen, or heat Break chemical chain reaction Typically extinguish with water 10
Offensive Versus Defensive Operations
Interior operations are offensive. Exterior operations are defensive. 11
Offensive Operations Exposes fire fighters to heat and smoke
Apply extinguishing agent directly to overpower the fire. Causes least amount of property damage Used when fires are small Usually uses small handlines 12
Defensive Operations Usually uses large handlines or master streams
Used when fire is too large for offensive attack or risk too great to fire fighters Objective is to prevent fire from spreading. 13
Strategic Decisions Must be made by the incident commander
Made prior to operations beginning Clearly communicated to personnel Confusion cannot exist. The strategy may change during the operation. 14
Operating Hose Lines Small handlines Large handlines One fire fighter
A second is helpful for advancement and maneuverability. Large handlines Require two or more fire fighters One can operate if well anchored. © Jack Dagley Photography/ShutterStock, Inc. 15
Operating Hose Lines Master streams Operated from a fixed position
On the ground On top of a fire apparatus On an elevating device Used for defensive operations 16
Fire Streams Nozzle defines the pattern and the form of the water discharged. Produced by either Smooth-bore nozzle Adjustable nozzle 17
Fog Stream Divides water into droplets with large surface area
Absorbs heat very efficiently Can lower heat levels very quickly Usually adjustable from straight stream to narrow fog to a very wide fog 18
Straight Stream Provides more reach Keeps water concentrated
Created by the narrowest setting on a fog nozzle Consists of highly concentrated droplets 19
Solid Straight Stream Produced by smooth-bore nozzles
More reach and penetration than straight stream Consists of a continuous column of water 20
Points to Remember Air is moved along with the water.
Fog streams move large amounts of air. Thermal balance may be disrupted, pushing hot fire gases onto fire fighters. Straight streams move very little air, causing less thermal inversion. 21
Interior Fire Attack Offensive operation where fire fighters enter a structure Three methods of attack: Direct Indirect Combination 22
Direct Attack Most effective method Uses straight or solid stream
Delivers water directly to seat of fire Short, controlled bursts of water 23
Indirect Attack Used when area is ready to flash over
Short burst of water applied to ceiling Uses straight, solid, or narrow fog stream Can cause serious injuries if too much water is used 24
Combination Attack Employs both indirect and direct method
Uses indirect to cool atmosphere, then direct to extinguish Only use enough water to control the fire. 25
Large Handlines Both offensive and defensive attacks
Can extinguish larger interior fires and have greater reach. More difficult to maneuver 26
Large Handlines One-fire fighter method Two-fire fighter method
Control hose by forming a large loop of hose about 2 ft (0.6 m) behind the nozzle. Two-fire fighter method One should act as the nozzle operator, while the other serves as a backup. 27
Master Stream Devices Produces high-volume water streams for large fires Includes portable monitors, deck guns, ladder pipes, and other devices May be manually operated or by remote Should never be directed into a building where fire fighters are inside 28
Deck Guns Permanently mounted
The driver/operator can usually open a valve to start the flow. Sometimes may require a hose to be hooked up to operate 29
Portable Monitors Positioned wherever needed Connected to supply water
May be equipped with a strap or chain Safety lock is provided to limit use beyond 35°. 30
Elevated Master Streams
Mounted on aerial ladders, aerial platforms, or hydraulic booms Ladder pipe is mounted on an aerial ladder. Many have fixed piping for water © SteveStone/ 31
Protecting Exposures Prevent fire spread Most important at large fires
Often, the best method is to apply water directly to exposed building exterior. 32
Concealed-Space Fires
Fires may burn in void spaces. Must be found and extinguished to prevent from spreading 33
Basement Fires Ventilation must be planned and conducted early.
Cellar fires can spread to upper floors in houses with balloon construction. 34
Fires Above Ground Level
Protect vertical paths Always look for secondary exit route. Standpipes Stage equipment one to two floors below the fire. 35
Fires in Large Buildings
Contain very large open spaces with smaller rooms and storage areas Fire loads differ based on contents Many contain large amounts of flammable materials 36
Fires in Large Buildings
Fire fighters may become lost or disoriented. Tag lines can be used. A preincident plan can be essential. Prior knowledge of occupancy and hazards is helpful. 37
Fires in Buildings During Construction, Renovation, or Demolition
These buildings are at greater risk. Often have large quantities of exposed combustibles Often have unlimited oxygen supply Fire systems may not be operational If no life hazard, use defensive operations. 38
Fires in Lumberyards Prime candidate for defensive operations
Contains large quantities of combustibles Plenty of air is available. Exposure protection is primary objective. Collapse zones should be established. 39
Fires in Stacked or Piled Materials
Materials may collapse without warning. Approach very cautiously. Use equipment to move material. Overhaul requires the materials to be separated. 40
Trash Container and Rubbish Fires
Usually occur outside of a structure Class A foam can be useful. Can contain hazardous materials Can use deck gun to extinguish fire. 41
Confined Spaces Fires in underground vaults and transformer vaults too dangerous to enter Contact the utility company. Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires special training and permits. Space may be oxygen deficient or high in combustible gases. 42
Vehicle Fires Common in most communities Important to wear SCBA
Use 1½" (3.81-cm) or 1¾" (4.45-cm) hose line Gas-filled components may burst. Consider other hazards. Do not risk fire fighter lives. 43
Attacking Vehicle Fires
Only fire fighters within 50 ft (15 m) Approach from uphill and upwind side. Extinguish all visible fire while advancing toward the vehicle. 44
Alternative-Fuel Vehicles
Be alert for these vehicles. Use unattended master streams. CNG (compressed natural gas) storage is usually located in the trunk. Hybrid vehicles have small gasoline-powered engines and large battery banks. 45
Fires in the Passenger Area
If the doors won’t open, stand to the windward side and break out one or more windows. Give special attention to cooling the steering column. 46
Fires in the Engine Compartment
Engine compartment filled with devices using petroleum products Batteries contain sulfuric acid. Direct water into wheel wells and through the front grill. 47
Fires in the Engine Compartment
Pull hood-release latch. If successful, trip secondary latch. If not, use a pry bar to pry up the hood. Twist the hood-release cable with a gloved hand or a Halligan bar. Open the hood and extinguish fire. 48
Fire in the Trunk Initial access by knocking out a tail light
Use a Halligan tool to force the lock for entry. Charged line must be ready. Approach with caution. 49
Overhauling Vehicle Fires
Allow a few minutes for the steam and smoke to dissipate. Remember that air bags can deploy without warning. Apply water over and under all parts of the engine compartment. 50
Flammable-Liquid Fires
Found in almost any type of occupancy Most vehicles involve flammable or combustible liquids. Special tactics are required. 51
Two-Dimensional Flammable Liquid Fires
Spill, pool, or container of liquid where only the top surface is burning Controlled with appropriate Class B foam Watch for hot surfaces or open flames that may reignite. 52
Three-Dimensional Flammable Liquid Fires
Burning liquid dripping, spraying, or flowing over the edge of a container More difficult to extinguish with foam Dry chemical or gaseous extinguishing agent is usually more effective. Do not stand in pools or contaminated runoff. 53
Suppression of Flammable Liquid Fires
Larger flammable liquid fires may require the use of Class B foam. 54
Shutting Off Gas Service
The method in which the gas is supplied must be located. After the service has been shut off, use a lockout tag. Courtesy of Barry Hyvarinen, Massachusetts Fire Academy 55
Fires Involving Electricity
Greatest danger is electrocution. Only Class C extinguishers should be used on energized equipment. Once electricity is disconnected, most are controlled as a Class A fire. Turn off electricity on structure fires. 56
Electrical Fire Suppression
Best approach is to wait until power is disconnected. If immediate action is required, use Class C agents only. For electronic equipment use halon or carbon dioxide (CO2). 57
Electrical Fire Suppression
Do not attack until power is disconnected. Transformers may contain polychlorinated biphenyls. Do not apply water to a burning transformer. CO2 and dry chemical may be used from above in underground vaults. 58
Summary Fire suppression is all tactics and tasks performed on the fire scene. Fire suppression methods are either offensive or defensive. IC evaluates conditions constantly to determine the type of attack to be used. 59
Summary Fire fighters must be able to advance and operate a hose line to extinguish a fire. Do not have opposing hose lines. The most frequently used size hose for an interior attack is 1¾" (4.45-cm). 60
Summary Different fire streams are produced by different nozzles.
Interior fire attacks require fire fighters to enter a building and discharge an extinguishing agent onto the fire. The most effective means of fire suppression is a direct attack. 61
Summary An indirect attack quickly removes as much heat as possible from the fire atmosphere. A combination attack uses both indirect and direct attack in a sequential manner. Large handlines can be used for offensive or defensive operations. 62
Summary Master stream devices produce high-volume water streams for large fires. Fires in ordinary and wood-frame construction can burn in combustible void spaces. Fires in below grade levels can cause the floor on the ground level to collapse. 63
Summary Stairways and other vertical openings between floors should be protected during a fire. Large buildings can cause disorientation. Buildings that are under construction, renovation, or demolition are at risk for destruction by fire. 64
Summary Lumberyard fires produce a lot of heat.
Use caution when approaching fires in stacked materials. Use foam or a deck gun on trash container fires. Use caution when handling fires in confined spaces. 65
Summary Vehicle fires are the most common fires handled by fire departments. Many potential hazards exist related to vehicle fires. Overhaul of a vehicle fire is just as important as overhaul of a structural fire. 66
Summary Be alert for signs that a burning vehicle could be powered by an alternative fuel. Flammable-liquid fires may be encountered in almost any type of occupancy. Electrocution is the greatest danger posed by fires involving electrical equipment. Once electrical service has been turned off, electrical fires can be controlled using the same tactics as Class A fires. 67
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