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End of Key Stage One Assessments 2017

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1 End of Key Stage One Assessments 2017
14th March 2017

2 End of Key Stage 1 Assessments
In this session we aim to outline the end of Key Stage One assessments that your children will complete in the Summer term. This short video clip will explain what the assessment papers there will be and show examples of what they look like.

3 Summary To summarise the children will complete:
Spelling paper (20 words) Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) Paper Reading Paper 1 – text and questions in same booklet Reading Paper 2 – text and questions separate Maths – Arithmetic paper Maths – Reasoning Paper

4 Expectations The Maths papers no longer allow for equipment and visual supports to be used. NO numberlines/100 squares/counting equipment. Rulers allowed for Reasoning Paper. Reading paper 1 very much like old Level 2 SATS paper, Reading paper 2 most children will take but set out with text and questions separate (like old Level 3 paper was) GPS – This assessment paper is no longer compulsory but will help to build a picture of what your child knows and feed into on going assessment. Please have a look at the example papers on the tables at the end.

5 Administering the assessments
We call them quizzes not tests! Completed in May – please avoid booking appointments, leave etc in school time. The children are used to sitting and working on their own and quietly. Familiar setting and adults administering the papers The papers are a snapshot of a child's ability and are only used to inform teacher assessments. On going assessment happens all the time We will continue with normal lessons and topic work as normal alongside the assessments.

6 How can you help? Please continue hearing your child read regularly and asking comprehension questions. Please continue working on Mental Maths Home Learning weekly Please continue working on Phonics Home Learning/Spelling Rules and ensuring this is applied to reading and writing. Regular recap of number facts, mental addition/subtraction, multiplication/division skills etc Writing assessment based on regular assessments of independent writing in class. Assessment data sent to Wokingham and will be sent out to parents later in the Summer Term.

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