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The EDG Testbed Deployment Details

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1 The EDG Testbed Deployment Details
The European DataGrid Project

2 Contents Current EDG Testbed EDG Logical Machine Type
Hardware Components of an EDG Testbed

3 Current EDG Testbed Core Sites NorduGrid: Bergen Copenhagen Helsinki
Lund Oslo Stockholm Uppsala NorduGrid is as a Grid infrastructure in the Nordic countries Reference site: CERN Testbed1 EDG sites NorduGrid Manchester NIKHEF RAL Italy: Bologna Cagliari Catania Milano Padova Parma Pisa Roma Torino 21 sites CERN Lyon The current EDG Testbed is set up on 21 sites in 8 European countries, CERN being the reference site. A total of about 340 Machines is currently available. Most of these machines are dual processor machines. Some machines are exclusively used for EDG, others (especially some WN clusters) are shared with other users. These machines are split into two different Testbeds: a production one for running application and a developing one for integrating and testing the Grid software developed with the EDG project. The NodruGrid has the aim of creating a Grid infrastructure in the Nordic countries. Its partners come from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. It wants to be the Nordic branch of the EU DataGrid (EDG) project Testbed. About 400 machines are available. Most of them are dual processor. Some machines are only used for EDG. They are split into: - Production - Development Core Sites

4 EDG Logical Machine Types
User Interface (UI) Resource Broker (RB) Information Service (IS) Computing Element (CE) Gatekeeper (Front-end Node) Worker Nodes (WN) Storage Element (SE) Replica Catalog (RC) The systems and services provided by the EDG are logically clustered in 6 machine types, each of which serving a particular purpose: The User Interface (UI) hosts all client programs with which the user may interact with the Grid. This is the place from where a user retrieves information on the grid and submits his jobs. The Information Service machine runs the EDG information services while the Replica Catalog machine hosts the data information service – the Replica Catalog. Storage Elements provide storage resources on the Grid (in particular access to mass storage systems) while Computing Elements furnish CPU power. CEs are typically clusters consisting of Worker Nodes and a Frontend Node that manages the WNs. Finally, the Resource Broker orchestrates all activities on the Grid. Specifically, it schedules user jobs on appropriate CEs.

5 Testbed Site Configuration
UI User Interface CE Computing Element WN Worker Node SE Storage Element Minimal Testbed Proxy Proxy renewal RB Resource Broker LCFG Installation Server In a physical EDG Testbed the logical EDG machines need to be mapped onto physical machines. For storing data a storage element is also required. Finally, the information service, replica catalog, resource broker, and user interface needs to be set up on a machine. For these services either one of the computing or storage elements may be used or, as in the figure, a separate machine is set up. If enough machines are available, each of these logical machines may be mapped to a separate physical one, as well. RC Replica Catalog MDS Meta Data Server

6 Example CERN Testbed Structure
Total of 86 nodes 3 Major and several minor testbeds Production (Application Testbed) 27 nodes Development 7 nodes Integration for next major release 7 nodes Infrastructure 2 NFS server with 1 Tbyte mirrored disk NIS server to manage user accounts LCFG servers for installation

7 CERN Production Testbed
SE lxshare0393 CE lxshare0399 WNs lxshare lxshare lxshare0377 NIS lxshare072d UI testbed010 NIS Domain NFS Lxshare072d+73d Provides: /home/griduserxxx /flatfiles/SE00/VOXX LCFG lxshare0371 Installs and configures (almost) all nodes Proxy lxshare0375 MDS lxshare0225 RC lxshare0226 RB1 lxshare0382 RB2 lxshare0383

8 Services per Machine Type
Deamon UI IS CE (frontend) WN SE RC RB Globus Gatekeeper - Replica Catalog GSI-enabled FTPd Globus MDS Info-MDS Resource Broker Job Submission Information Index Logging & Bookkeeping Local Logger CRL Update Grid mapfile Update RFIO GDMP This table gives an overview on the different services that need to be available on each of the EDG machine types. Two machine types do not run any service: the user interface and the worker node. On the user interface only client libraries (or programs) need to be installed; the worker nodes are managed by their frontend node and do not need any grid services running directly on them.

9 Example IS Content ---------------------------------------------------
SE close to 2 CEs: - - - VOs supported: alice, atlas, lhcb, biomedical, earthob, iteam (wpsix) - gridftp on port 2811 - rfio on port 3147 - file Mb of free space Site: NIKHEF CE - PBS queue "qlong" with 96 hours time limit - Software installed: ATLAS ALICE LHCb IDL-5.4 NIKHEF D0MCC-0.1-4 - There are 0 jobs running and 0 waiting, with 24 CPUs free Close SE with mount point /flatfiles CE - PBS queue "qshort" with 240 minutes time limit This is an example output from the hardware information available at the EDG Information Service: At NIKHEF there is currently one CE ( with 24 WNs. The CE is configured to provide two pbs queues (a short and a long one) therefore the information is given two times. Moreover, you see the EDG application software installed and the current usage of the CE. The CE also has a “close” SE, i.e. an SE which is mounted to the CE. Similar information is available for the SE available at NIKHEF ( You see that it is close to the CE, which virtual organizations (VOs) it supports and which access mechanisms are supported (gridftp, rfio, and file). Finally, the total amount of free storage is visible.

10 Outlook EDG Testbed 1.x contains basic services
Plan for a hierarchy of testbeds Developers testbeds for individual WPs Development testbed for integration (time shared between WPs) Certification testbed for tests and certification (run by LCFG) Application testbed to allow applications to do final tests In this presentation we basically covered the system and service setup for an EDG Testbed version 1.x. In this version mainly basic services are provided (many of which are built upon Globus).

11 Further Information EDG Testbed homepage:

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