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Transition to High School

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1 Transition to High School
What you need to know

2 Course Selection for Freshman Year
Step by Step Process: (If you need to, write this down) We already started your 4 year plan in December…here’s what comes next! We will finish your 4 year plan in January in your science class. High School Counselors will come to Sartartia with the course selection form. You will choose your freshmen year classes. You will match these courses to the courses on your 4 year plan. You will enter your 4 year plan (with the Endorsement you choose) in Naviance with Ms. Friedel. You will turn in your course selection sheet to Ms. Friedel. You will enter your 9th grade course selections and endorsement into Skyward with Ms. Friedel. Your parents will approve your Endorsement and freshmen year classes in Family Access (Skyward).

3 High School Expectations
Students are expected to be more independent learners Advocate for yourself- talk to your teachers and solve conflicts on your own Keep track of your own credits- know what classes you need to be able to graduate high school Keep up with deadlines- ALL deadlines, including projects, applications, etc. Study- you will need to study every afternoon Seek help and ask questions when needed

4 High School Expectations
Students need to get involved Athletics- tennis, basketball, swimming, etc. Clubs- Spanish Club, Key Club, NHS, etc. Advanced Courses- AP, PAP, and Dual Enrollment Programs- JROTC, AVID, cosmetology, etc. Helping organizations-outside or in school

5 You must be in attendance 90% of the course to get credit
You must be in attendance 90% of the course to get credit If you are in a high school credit course right now, the same rule applies. So…..WATCH YOUR ABSENCES!!

6 High School Graduation Requirements
Graduation plans Foundation Plan with Endorsements 26 credits Endorsements: STEM, Business & Industry, Public Services, Arts & Humanities, or Multidisciplinary Distinguished Achievement 4 maths (to include Algebra II) and 4 sciences

7 Foundation Plan with Endorsements
• 4 credits English – ELA I, II, III, IV one credit in any authorized advanced English course • 4 credits Mathematics – Algebra I, Geometry, two credits in any authorized advanced math course • 4 credits Science – Biology, IPC/Chemistry/ Physics, and two credits in any authorized science course • 3 credits Social Studies (FBISD) – US History, Government, Economics, World Geography or World History • 2 credits World Language or Computer Science • 1 credit Physical Education • 1 credit Fine Arts • .5 credit Health (FBISD) • .5 credit Speech (FBISD) • 6 credits in electives (may include CTE or certification courses) • Credit requirements specific to at least one endorsement

8 Distinguished Plan with Endorsements
• 4 credits English – ELA I, II, III, IV, one credit in any authorized advanced English course • 4 credits Mathematics – Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, one credit in any authorized advanced math course • 4 credits Science – Biology, IPC/Chemistry/ Physics, and two credits in any authorized science course • 3 credits Social Studies – US History, Government, Economics, World Geography or World History • 2 credits World Language or Computer Science • 1 credit Physical Education • 1 credit Fine Arts • .5 credit Health (FBISD) • .5 credit Speech (FBISD) • 6 credits in electives (may include CTE or certification courses) • Credit requirements specific to a least one endorsement

9 High School Graduation Requirements
Assessments/EOC exams (All of these courses must also be on your plan because they have an EOC attached to the course) ELA I ELA II Algebra I Biology US History

10 Finding your endorsement
Explore: Career Day: Here at Sartartia! High School Election Fairs: At your future high school; check the high school website NEW Technical Career Center: will open your junior year and will offer studies including: physical therapy, cooking, cosmetology, Credit Union, Maritime, Welding and MUCH MUCH MORE! Naviance- Road Trip Nation, etc. Websites: Write these down! - - -

11 STEM Endorsement Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Advanced Science (Biochemistry, Environmental Scientist) Technology (Robotics, Nuclear Monitoring) Engineering Advanced Math Computer Science

12 Business & Industry Endorsement
ELA (English, Debate, etc.) Database & Business Management or Information Technology Communications (Audio/Video, Multimedia, etc.) Accounting & Finance Marketing Design (Fashion design, interior design) Architecture and/or Construction Welding, HVAC, or Logistics Automotive Technology Agricultural Science Culinary Arts Hospitality & Tourism

13 Public Services Endorsement
Education & Training Law Enforcement (Police, Fire Fighter) Human Services (Cosmetology, Nutrition) Health Sciences (Medicine) JROTC

14 Arts & Humanities Endorsement
Social Studies World Languages Cultural Studies History Fine Arts (visual arts, instrument, performance)

15 Multidisciplinary Endorsement
Select courses from the curriculum of each of the other endorsement areas Credits in a variety of advanced courses from multiple content areas

Students who do not submit a Course Selection Worksheet and/or do not register online will have a schedule arranged for them by their counselor according to their academic needs and/or graduation plan. During schedule pick up and through the first week of school, only the schedule changes listed in this section will be considered. Learners must submit a Schedule Change Request Form at their campus for any of the following issues: • Missing a class period • Prerequisite for course not met • Need to retake a failed course • Add/Drop UIL Activity • Add Office Aide/Teacher Aide • Course completed/credit earned via summer school, CBE, etc. NO ELECTIVE CHANGES WILL BE MADE! Last day to submit a schedule change request to your new high school counselor: CHECK THE COUNSELOR PAGE ON YOUR HIGH SCHOOL’S WEBSITE

17 You will not be able to change your courses at the beginning of next school year. Choose wisely!

18 To Do Course Selection: Students and parents will select freshman year courses in Family Access (Skyward) after High School Counselor Visits 4 year Plan: Students will input your 4 year plan in Naviance with Ms. Friedel; Parents and students finalize their 4 year plan and parents approve it in Family Access (Skyward) Thank you for the music!

19 MORE RESOURCES!! Khan Academy- tutorials for PSAT and more!
Scholarships: College and career exploration:

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