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WSCA Building a Career and College Readiness Culture

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Presentation on theme: "WSCA Building a Career and College Readiness Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 WSCA Building a Career and College Readiness Culture

2 When you hear ACP, do you feel like this?

3 When you hear ACP, do you feel like this?

4 Or this?

5 Or this?

6 Or maybe like this?

7 Or maybe like this?

8 At the end of this presentation, we hope you feel like this?

9 At the end of this presentation, we hope you feel like this?

10 Introductions Sara Greenwood – MS/HS Counselor
Marci Waldron-Kuhn – Academic Advisor 6-12

11 Agenda Demographics History Middle School ACP/PRIDE
High School ACP/Advisement Results Evolution – not just a document but a culture and road map Where do we go from here?

12 Demographics of the School District of Mishicot
1400 people in the Village 260 Students in the HS 173 in the MS 25% free or reduced lunch MS 10% and HS 15% receiving Special Education Services

13 Declining Enrollment – Making a Come Back

14 ACP History at MHS 2009 – MHS implemented a College and Career Readiness Portfolio as a graduation requirement 2011 – MHS saw a drop from 13% of graduates reporting that they did not have a plan after graduation to 1-3% of students reporting they were unsure of their future plans 2012 – MHS is recognized by ACT with the Red Quill Award for our ACP 2013 – Wisconsin DPI gets $1.1 million to implement ACP state wide

15 ACP History 2014 Student Services awarded Top Tech Award
2015 Student Service Department awarded Career Path Maker Educator Award via NEW Manufacturing Alliance 2015 – Mishicot MS and HS were one of 25 schools in the state to be part of the ACP Pilot 2015 – State Budget requires ACP to be implemented state wide for students by the school year

16 ACP today 2016 Dr. Timm and Mr. Ellenbecker – Economic Accelerators of the Year Award via Progress Lakeshore (EDC) 2016 Mr. Ellenbecker awarded Career Path Maker Educator Award via via NEW Manufacturing Alliance ACP PI-26 legislation mandates ACP for all public school

17 What are the benefits of ACP for students?
Soft Skill (Career Readiness) Development Explore their interests and skills Compare careers vs. jobs Post Secondary Planning Save money and time Career and college ready

18 What are the benefits of ACP for Parents?
Educational planning partners with school counselors Invited to student and parent meetings Able to help children set goals Better aware of post-secondary options Their child is prepared for life after high school

19 What are the benefits of ACP for business?
Employees have developed Soft Skills Have explored their options Work Keys Career Ready HS’s are your Human Resources Department Feeder programs

20 By All, For All Stakeholders Students Administration/Teachers Parents
Community Members Business Partners

21 ACP at Mishicot Middle School
40 minute meetings weekly – groups of 15 By ALL for ALL Counselors prepare lesson plans Student create a portfolio: Parent Meetings Career Cruising Career Pathways College Exploration Self Reflection Industry Tours College Visits Community Service Career Skills Financial Planning

22 Middle School ACP

23 ACP at Mishicot High School
30 minute meetings 3 times per week – 12 students By ALL for ALL Counselors prepare lesson plans Students create a portfolio: Parent Meetings Career Cruising Self Exploration Assessments Post Secondary Planning Reality Store Employability Job Shadow Reflective Practices Community Service Mock Interviews Financial Aid/Scholarships

24 ACP at the High School

25 Career Cruising Self Assessments College Major Exploration
Career Exploration My Journal Upload ACP documents Resume Cover Letter Job Search

26 Self Assessments Learning Styles Interest and Skills Work Values
Personality Testing

27 Academic Assessments STAR ASPIRE Forward ACT WorkKeys

28 Post Secondary Planning
Career Expo Campus Tours College Comparison College Applications Occupation Comparison Involvement Plan

29 Job Shadow Career Research Develop Questions Mentor Eval Student Eval
Thank you

30 Employment Skills Activities Sheet Letter of Recommendation Job Search
Resume Cover Letter Mock Interview

31 Reflective Practices Items that best reflect skills, talents, learning
Strengths Weaknesses 21st Century Skills Employer

32 Dual Credits

33 ACP is a Culture Academic Days Community Service
Dual Credit Options Industry and College tours Job Shadows Mock Interviews Conversations Community Partnerships Parent Engagement School to Work / Youth Apprenticeships

34 Activities that Engage
Academic Days Community Service (6 and 9) Choosing a Major (10) Character Education (7) Campus Tours (8 and 11) Being Involved (9 and 10) Reality Store (11 and 12) Health and Wellness (10) Paying For College (12) Mental Health (10) Internet Safety (10)

35 Community Service/Student Organizations

36 Campus Tours

37 Reality Store

38 Does it work? The proof is in the pudding.

39 Post Secondary Plans Diplomas with a Purpose Plan by Design not Default

40 Class of 2016 – 71 students Students have taken over the possibility 1400 college credits 100% took at least 1 dual credit course in high school 97% took 3 or more 89% took 5 or more 71% of the class took 7 or more dual credits 47% took 9 or more 34% took 10 or more dual credits during their high school career. $360,000 scholarships

41 Student Letter Dr. Timm: I am ing to thank you and the Mishicot School District for doing a superb job preparing me for post-graduation success. Thanks to the advanced placement and college credit opportunities provided by Mishicot as well as the outstanding work ethic and commitment to academic excellence imparted, I will be able to graduate this December with a degree in Business Administration, a minor in Accounting, and a member of Carroll University’s Honors Program. Without the quality education provided by Mishicot School District, I know for certain that I would not have been able to graduate from college in only two and a half years. I would like to formally thank you and Mishicot School District for the opportunities and inspiration, as well as credit a large part of my success to experiences during my high school career.



44 Ranked 45th district out of 425

45 MS is ranked 9th out of 376

46 Business Partnerships
Over 350 in a four county area Manitowoc Chamber of Commerce Manitowoc Youth Apprenticeship Consortium Progress Lakeshore (EDC) Bay Area Workforce Development NEW North NEW Manufacturing Alliance

47 Continuing to Evolve Process began in 2009 in the high school
Added Academic Days to high school and then middle school Began working on dual credit and AP course options Introduction of PLC’s district wide Extended to the middle school 2015 Rti and PBIS

48 Business Education Partnership Summit
NEW Manufacturing ACP Presentation in Oshkosh Progress Lakeshore/Chamber of Commerce Workforce Development Partnerships Sargento, Lakeview Regional Tech Academy, United One, Fox Cities Chamber

49 Advisory Boards Agriculture Health Care Manufacturing

50 Early College Health Care Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool

51 Laude System Encourages students to take higher level course
Encourages completing a course sequence based on their post secondary plans Encourages teachers to offer rigorous and relevant course work that align with student interest

52 Pathways Comprehensive high school experience
The Association for Career and Technical Education outlines 16 Career Clusters and 79 Career Pathways. MHS offers coursework in all of the 16 nationally established Career Clusters. MHS offers 23 pathways for students to explore while in high school.

53 Mishicot High School Career and College Readiness Report Card


55 ACP is a culture not just documentation
Academic Days Community Service Dual Credit Options Industry and College Tours Job Shadows Mock Interviews School to Work / Youth Apprenticeships Conversations

56 Where do you go from here?
The next question is… Where do you go from here?

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