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Fantastic Fourth - Peek of the Week

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1 Fantastic Fourth - Peek of the Week
Jan. 16 – Jan. 20 Li Wilder Elementary Mrs. Gulley & Mrs. Lyles Math & Science Reminders Please have your student work on or use the app Earn prizes by tracking reading through Math: Input and Output Table and Decimals Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources. Conservation Project due 1/27/17 Please have your student work on Think Through Math at home. Reading, Writing, & Social Studies Reading: Review Non-fiction & Fiction: Main Idea, Summary, Point of View, Theme, & Character Analysis Language Arts: Revising & Editing Expository Writing Prompts Word Study: Greek and Latin Roots, Commas, & Quotation Marks Social Studies: European Exploration Upcoming Events MLK Holiday – No School January 19, 2017: Writing SIM Cultural Day 2;30 PTO International Night 6:00-7:30 Reading CBA

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