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Vocabulary:Greek and Latin Roots

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary:Greek and Latin Roots"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary:Greek and Latin Roots
Determine the root for the following meanings:

2 around

3 circum

4 body

5 corp

6 stop

7 cess

8 not, without

9 a, an

10 rule

11 archy AND cracy

12 two

13 bi

14 kill

15 cide

16 happen

17 cur

18 book

19 biblio

20 time-order

21 chrono

22 color

23 color

24 chroma

25 both

26 ambi

27 speak

28 dic

29 knowledge

30 cog

31 helpful

32 bene

33 a lot of; tending or inclined to

34 acious

35 man

36 anthrope

37 self

38 auto

39 against

40 contra

41 begin; inward

42 intro

43 over

44 hyper

45 people

46 demo

47 between

48 inter

49 make

50 fac

51 skin

52 derm

53 go; step

54 gress

55 same

56 homo

57 woman

58 gyn

59 among; within

60 intra

61 inside

62 endo

63 throw

64 ject

65 race;heredity

66 geno

67 under

68 hypo

69 different

70 hetero

71 marriage

72 gamy

73 good

74 eu

75 write

76 graph

77 earth

78 geo

79 outside

80 exo

81 death

82 mor

83 conquer; show conclusively

84 vid

85 call

86 voc

87 truth

88 ver

89 life

90 vive

91 wisdom

92 soph

93 religion; God

94 theo

95 mind

96 psych

97 sound

98 phono

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