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Common Greek and Latin Roots

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Presentation on theme: "Common Greek and Latin Roots"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Greek and Latin Roots
Anatomy and Physiology

2 ant-, ante / anti -, a - Meaning: before in front of Example: anterior
antemortem Meaning: negative opposite Example: antibiotic antibody antiseptic

3 auto - arthr/o - Meaning: self, same, one Example: automatic autotroph
joint Example: arthroscopy arthritis

4 aud/i/io- -blast/o Meaning: hear Example: auditory audible Meaning:
cell Example: blastula fibroblast

5 bi - bis - Meaning: Meaning: two double Example: Example: bilateral
bisexual Meaning: double Example: bifurcate bisect

6 cardio - cephalo- Meaning: heart Example: cardiac cardiology Meaning:
head Example: cephalic encephalitis

7 cerebr/o- corp/o- Meaning: brain Example: cerebellum cerebral Meaning:
body Example: corporal corpse

8 di - dors - Meaning: Meaning: apart, away, to the opposite back
Example: distal dissect Meaning: back Example: dorsal dorsum

9 endo- ep/i- Meaning: within inside Example: endocrine endoscopic
on, upon, over Example: epidermis epidemic

10 fract, frag gastr/o- Meaning: break Example: fracture fragment
stomach Example: gastric gastritis

11 hemi- hem/a/o- Meaning: Meaning: half, partial blood Example: Example:
hemisphere Meaning: blood Example: hemoglobin hemorrhage

12 il-, in- infra/fer- Meaning: in, into Example: In situ In vitro
below beneath Example: infrared inferior

13 inter- intra- Meaning: between Example: intersect Meaning:
inside, within Example: Intravenous intra-operative

14 lab- lata- latus- later-
Meaning: side Example: lateral latisimus Meaning: work Example: laboratory

15 mal/e- melan/o Meaning: bad, ill wrong Example: malady malaria
black Example: melanin melanoma

16 medi - media- Meaning: Meaning: in the middle middle Example: Example:
median mediastinum Meaning: middle Example: medial medium

17 micro- mort- Meaning: very small Example: microscope microbiology
death Example: immortal mortal

18 my/o- neg- Meaning: muscle Example: myocardium myosin Meaning: no

19 nephro- neuro- Meaning: kidney Example: nephron nephritis Meaning:
brain Example: neuron neurology neurologist

20 ob-, op- ocu- Meaning: in the way against Example: obstruct opposite
eye Example: ocular binocular

21 ortho - osteo- Meaning: straight Example: orthopedic orthodontist
bone Example: osteotomy osteopathy

22 pneumo- peri- Meaning: breathing lung, air Example: pneumonia dyspnea
around enclosing Example: peripheral

23 Post- Prox(ime)- Meaning: Meaning: behind nearest Example: Example:
posterior posthumous Meaning: nearest Example: proximal aproximate

24 re- -rrh/ea/a Meaning: again, back Example: reaction rebound Meaning:
flow discharge Example: diarrhea hemorrhage

25 -scop/e/y -sect Meaning: examine observe Example: microscope endoscopy
arthroscopy Meaning: cut Example: bisect dissect

26 semi- supr/a-, super Meaning: half/partial Example: semiconscious
above higher Example: superior suprapubic superficial

27 trans- venter - Meaning: across through Example: transplant transect
belly Example: ventral

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