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Greek and Latin Roots Words: Dormant, gazebo, prance, somber Make a connection to each word!

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Presentation on theme: "Greek and Latin Roots Words: Dormant, gazebo, prance, somber Make a connection to each word!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek and Latin Roots Words: Dormant, gazebo, prance, somber Make a connection to each word!

2 Greek and Latin Roots penta: 5 Example: pentagon hydro: water Example: hydrant, dehydrate, hydroplane fer: carry Example: transfer, ferry homo: same Example: homophone, homogenize photo: light Example: photograph, photosynthesis pend: hang Example: pendant, pendulum spec: look Example: inspect, spectator pan: all Example: panorama micro: small Example: microscope, microphone, microwave duct: lead Example: conduct

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