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Published byBaldwin Newton Modified over 6 years ago
Table of Contents Roots #1-5 Roots #6-10 Roots #11-15 Roots #16-20
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1. semi half semicircle half circle semisweet half sweet
semi Root Meaning: HALF Example Words: semicircle
Definition: a half circle semisweet Definition: half sweet and half bitter semifinal Definition: half way to the final competition.
mono ONE Root Meaning: Example Words: Monocle
Definition: one piece eyeglass Monopoly Definition: exclusive control over one service or commodity
uni ONE Root Meaning: Example Words: unity Definition: united as one
uniform Definition: identical or as one
bi two Root Meaning: Example Words: bicycle
Definition: a two wheeled vehicle bilateral Definition: two sides, surfaces, or lines
du two Root Word: Example Words: duplicate Definition: to make two of
duet Definition: a musical composition for two voices
semi half semicircle half circle mono one monocle one eye glass uni unity together as one bi two bicycle two wheeled vehicle du duplicate make two of
tri three Root meaning: Example Words: tripod triathlon
Definition: a three- legged stool, table, or stand used to hold things like a camera triathlon Definition: a race with three parts: running, swimming, and bicycling
quad four Root meaning: Example Words: quadrennial
Definition: happening every four years quadrilingual Definition: the ability to speak four languages
dec ten Root meaning: Example Words: decade
Definition: a period of ten years decapod Definition: a ten-footed creature, such as a crab or shrimp
cent hundred Root meaning: Example Words: centipede
Definition: a small bug with 100 feet century Definition: a period of 100 years
milli thousand Root meaning: Example Words: millipede
Definition: one thousand legged bug
multi many Root meaning: Example Words: multiply
Definition: to increase by many multitask Definition: to do many things at the same time
poly many Root meaning: Example Words: polygon
Definition: a shape with many sides Polytheism: the belief in many gods.
pan all Root meaning: Example Words: panoramic
Definition: a view from all angles Pandora All gifted
equ equal Root meaning: Example Words: equation
Definition: a number sentence with an equals sign Equilateral All sides equal
a/an without Root meaning: Example Words: anonymous
Definition: without a name anarchy Definition: without a government or law
in- not Root meaning: Example Words: insincere
Definition: not sincere; not genuine inconsiderate Definition: not considerate; not kind
un- not Root meaning: Example Words: uncertain
Definition: not certain; not clear unforgiving Definition: not willing to forgive others easily
mal bad; badly Root meaning: Example Words: malfunction
Definition: badly functioning malicious Definition: intending to harm someone badly
mis bad; badly Root meaning: Example Words: mispronounce
Definition: badly pronounce misbehave Definition: to act out badly
theo/thei god Root meaning: Example Words: polytheism
Definition: the belief in many gods theology Definition: the study of the nature of God and religious belief
gen Root Meaning: Cause; Birth; Kind; Race
Example Words: generation Definition: birth order genealogy Definition: the study of family lines and birth order
cosm Root Meaning: World; Order; Universe
Example Words: cosmopolitan Definition: Sophisticated and worldly cosmic Definition: relating to the universe or cosmos
aster/astr star astronaut Definition: traveler of the stars asterisk
Root Meaning: star Example Words: astronaut Definition: traveler of the stars asterisk Definition: a tiny star; used in editing and printing to show something special
phot/phos Root Meaning: light
Example Words: photosynthesis Definition: to use light to make food source phosphorescent Definition: giving off light without heat
geo geography Definition: the study of the Earth and its features
Root Meaning: Earth Example Words: geography Definition: the study of the Earth and its features geology Definition: a science that deals with the history of the Earth
terr territory Definition: an area of land extraterrestrial
Root Meaning: land, Earth Example Words: territory Definition: an area of land extraterrestrial Definition: existing outside the earth
mar submarine Definition: an undersea boat marine
Root Meaning: sea; pool Example Words: submarine Definition: an undersea boat marine Definition: found in or relating to the sea
hydr hydrant Definition: storage pipe of water hydrophobia
Root Meaning: water Example Words: hydrant Definition: storage pipe of water hydrophobia Definition: intense fear of water
aqua aquarium Definition: a water container for fish aquaduct
Root Meaning: water Example Words: aquarium Definition: a water container for fish aquaduct Definition: a pipeline for water
pyr pyromaniac Definition: a person obsessed with fire pyrotechnics
Root Meaning: fire; heat Example Words: pyromaniac Definition: a person obsessed with fire pyrotechnics Definition: the art of making fireworks
therm Root Meaning: heat Example Words: thermometer Definition: an instrument that measures temperature or heat endothermic Definition: heated from within the body
phon phonics Definition: the sounds that letters make megaphone
Root Meaning: sound Example Words: phonics Definition: the sounds that letters make megaphone Definition: a large funnel shaped device used to make the voice sound louder
nom astronomy Definition: the study of order of the stars economy
Root Meaning: law, order Example Words: astronomy Definition: the study of order of the stars economy Definition: the orderly system of rules and regulations by which anything is managed
meter speedometer Definition: a device that measures speed barometer
Root Meaning: measure Example Words: speedometer Definition: a device that measures speed barometer Definition: an instrument that measures air pressure
cycl Root Meaning: circle Example Words: cyclone Definition: a circular windstorm with a calm center cyclops Definition: a mythical giant with one round, circular eye in the middle of its forehead
chron time synchronize Definition: to make happen at the same time
Root Meaning: time Example Words: synchronize Definition: to make happen at the same time chronological Definition: arranged in order of time
anima soul; spirit inanimate
Root Meaning: soul; spirit Example Words: inanimate Definition: to be without a spirit or soul animated Definition: full of spirit or life
spir life; breath inspire Definition: to give life to an idea
Root Meaning: life; breath Example Words: inspire Definition: to give life to an idea respiratory Definition: of or pertaining to the organs in the body that provide breath or life
psych mind psychology Definition: the study of the brain or mind
Root Meaning: mind Example Words: psychology Definition: the study of the brain or mind psychotic Definition: an affliction to the brain or mind (i.e. insane, deranged, mad, lunatic)
bio life biography Definition: story of a person’s life biology
Root Meaning: life Example Words: biography Definition: story of a person’s life biology Definition: study of life and living organisims
capit head decapitate Definition: to cut off the head capital
Root Meaning: head Example Words: decapitate Definition: to cut off the head capital Definition: the city or state where the head or lead government resides
corp body corpse Definition: a dead body corporation
Root Meaning: body Example Words: corpse Definition: a dead body corporation Definition: a group of people united as one body
viv to live revive Definition: to live again survivor
Root Meaning: to live Example Words: revive Definition: to live again survivor Definition: one who lives through an event or time
op / opt eye, sight optical Definition: related to sight optometrist
Root Meaning: eye, sight Example Words: optical Definition: related to sight optometrist Definition: a doctor specializing in the eyes
soma body psychosomatic Definition: interaction between mind and body
Root Meaning: body Example Words: psychosomatic Definition: interaction between mind and body somatology Definition: the study of the physical body
Dent tooth/teeth Dentist Definition: person who treats teeth Denture
Root Meaning: tooth/teeth Example Words: Dentist Definition: person who treats teeth Denture Definition: an artificial replacement of the teeth
Manu Hand Manuel Definition: To involve hands Manuscript
Root Meaning: Hand Example Words: Manuel Definition: To involve hands Manuscript Definition: A document written by hand
Ped foot Pedestrian Definition: Going on foot Pedicure
Root Meaning: foot Example Words: Pedestrian Definition: Going on foot Pedicure Definition: professional care of the feet
Pod foot Tripod podium Definition: A stand with three feet
Root Meaning: foot Example Words: Tripod Definition: A stand with three feet podium Definition: A small platform you stand on with your feet
Derm/Derma Skin Epidermis Dermatology
Root Meaning: Skin Example Words: Epidermis Definition: The outer layer of skin Dermatology Definition: The study of the skin
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