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This week’s Greek or Latin Root is…

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Presentation on theme: "This week’s Greek or Latin Root is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 This week’s Greek or Latin Root is…

2 What words do you know that have the root “cred” in them?

3 What do you think the root “cred” means?

4 Here’s a hint…

5 cred means believe

6 accreditation Granting approval or BELIEF in a school

7 credential A document that proves a person is BELIEVABLE

8 credible BELIEVABLE reliable

9 credit To BELIEVE that someone will do something (such as pay back a debt)

10 creditor A person who BELIEVES that he will be paid back the money that he loaned to someone

11 credulous Tending to BELIEVE too easily Easily convinced Easily fooled

12 creed A set of religious BELIEFS or principles

13 discredit To refuse to BELIEVE To reject as untrue

14 incred ible Not BELIEVABLE Improbable Unlikely

15 incred ulous Doubting Unwilling or unable to BELIEVE

16 Our cred words describe inscription manuscript postscript prescription
scribble scribe script subscription transcribe

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