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Harmony the combination of different musical notes played or sung at the same time to produce a pleasing sound.

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Presentation on theme: "Harmony the combination of different musical notes played or sung at the same time to produce a pleasing sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmony the combination of different musical notes played or sung at the same time to produce a pleasing sound

2 Chords The definition of a harmonic structure
ex. The pitches C E and G when played at the same time are known a C Major chord.

3 Chord Quality Chords are defined by there spacing between notes(intervals) each having there own emotional qualities Major - joyous, triumphant, happy Minor – melancholy, mellow, sad Diminished- tense, impatient, unsettled Augmented-shocked, jolted, explosive


5 Chord Construction We define chord quality by the chords triad
Triad- three notes that make up the foundation of a chord Major= m Minor= M3 M m3 Happy Sad

6 Diminished= m3 Augmented= M3
m M3 Tense Shock!

7 Melody a pleasing series of musical notes that form the main part of a song or piece of music

8 Scale a graduated series of musical tones ascending or descending in order of pitch according to a specified scheme of their intervals In western music our two main types of scales are Major and Minor. Determined by there arrangement of ½ steps and whole steps Major- CDE-FGAB-C W W H W W W H Do re me Fa Sol la ti Do

9 Types of Minor Scales Minor- Natural- ABCDEFGA WHWWHWWW
Minor- Harmonic- ABCDEFG#A (raised 7th) Meldoic- AB-CD-EF#G#-A (ascending) AB-CDE-FG(#)A (descending)

10 Singing When singing use a three part breath Lungs Diaphragm
Feel it in your lower back

11 Keep chin pointed toward the ground and open your mouth in a Nutcracker motion
Keep an upright posture Enunciate

12 Rhythm


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