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Introducing the Arduino boards & some supporting modules

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Arduino boards & some supporting modules"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Arduino boards & some supporting modules
Micro computer boards

2 Arduino Uno Clone Basic Arduino, one of several variants
Atmel 328P processor, small but useful Well known, lots of examples, easy to use Arduino Uno Clone

3 The IOIO board, designed to connect to Android devices and provide hardware I/O
Not an Arduino !

4 Breakout boards, a great way to expand your Arduino's abilities
Some sensor boards

5 Power control is essential and these boards are adjustable so you can set for 3v3 or 5v as required, you can use an old laptop supply for your project thanks to these gems Power boards

6 There are many more Arduino's based on the Atmega AVR processor chips
Mega 2560, more I/O

7 Arduino boards using the ARM processor are also available
Unlike the AVR based boards, the ARM boards run at 3.3 volts They have processor speeds of 48mhz or higher They feature far more Ram & Flash, some also include real time clocks Suitable for more complex projects including flight control for drones ARM based boards

8 The STM32 board runs at 72mhz and features 64k flash, real time clock and 20k of Ram
Also not an Arduino

9 Arduino Due, for serious stuff
The Due is ARM based and features 96k ram, 512k flash, 54 I/0 pins, 12 bit ADC, 84mhz clock Arduino Due, for serious stuff

10 433 Mhz Serial Radio Module

11 2.4 Ghz Radio, SPI interface

12 Special thanks to Dave Weinstein of Aquifer Labs who has provided many of these boards and given me the opportunity to work with them professionally

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