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Religion in the Modern World

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1 Religion in the Modern World

2 Religion in the Modern World
How might we compare/contrast the offices of the papacy and Dalai Lama? How has the papacy become increasingly de-Italianized, and more global? How does the Dalai Lama’s present situation fit in with other events we have studied related to modern Asia?

3 Religion General Religious Trends PLURALISM
Fastest growing religions: Islam, Christianity Rise in atheism, AGNOSTICISM, apathy “Spiritual, not religious”

4 Roman Catholicism The Papacy Traced back to St. Peter
Spiritual-temporal office Opposed to heresy, modern trends Lost temporal authority (1870)

5 Roman Catholicism The Lateran Treaty (Feb. 11, 1929)
Pope ruler of Vatican City Restitution for expropriations Catholicism official religion of Italy

6 Roman Catholicism Pope John XXIII (r. 1958-1963) Of poor family
Stressed social justice, condemned anti-Semitism Reform-minded Aggiornamento Aperturismo

7 Roman Catholicism Second Vatican Council (1962-65) Notable reforms
Liturgical changes New focus on laity Ecumenism, dialogue Declaration on Jews Not everyone pleased

8 Roman Catholicism Tomb of John XXIII, St. Peter’s Basilica

9 Roman Catholicism Pope John Paul II (r. 1978-2005) Non-Italian
Traveler! Universal vision for Church Contributed to collapse of communism Traditional

10 Roman Catholicism

11 Roman Catholicism World Youth Day, Rome (2000)

12 Roman Catholicism John Paul II’s funeral Mass, St. Peter’s Square (April 8, 2005)

13 Roman Catholicism Pope Francis (2013-) Jesuit, Latin American Emphases
Humility Social justice Progressive? Environmentalism

14 Roman Catholicism

15 Roman Catholicism

16 Roman Catholicism

17 Roman Catholicism Questions?

18 Buddhism Buddhism Began as revolt within Hinduism
Siddhartha Gautama ( BC) Troubled by human misery Meditation  enlightenment  Buddha

19 Buddhism Fundamental Principles of Buddhism
Anyone can attain spiritual bliss Four Noble Truths Everything is dukha Origins of pain: desire Extinction of desire  nirvana Follow way of Buddha  end of pain Goal: conquer self, desire

20 Buddhism Branches of Buddhism Theravada Mahayana “Pure” Buddhism
Monastic life! Mahayana Doctrines of Buddha: “initial step” Buddha, bodhisattvas assist people Monastic life not necessary Pu-tai

21 Buddhism The Dalai Lama Head monk of Tibetan Buddhism
Spiritual-political leader of Tibet Reincarnation of past lama 14 Dalai Lamas

22 Buddhism Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet

23 Buddhism Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (1935-) Began to rule 1950
China occupied Tibet October 1950 Tibetan resistance  Chinese fury Dalai Lama fled 1959

24 Buddhism The Dalai Lama Headquarters: Dharamsala, India
Seeks peaceful means to Tibetan independence Pro-democracy Acclaimed speaker, prolific author

25 Buddhism

26 Buddhism Questions?

27 Religion in the Modern World
How might we compare/contrast the offices of the papacy and Dalai Lama? How has the papacy become increasingly de-Italianized, and more global? How does the Dalai Lama’s present situation fit in with other events we have studied related to modern Asia?

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