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1 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sedimentary Rock Teams: Sandstone Breccia Siltsone Shale Limestone Shale Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 9 Metamorphic Rocks Learning Objectives I can explain what defines a metamorphic rock as well as why they are valuable. I can describe the three types of metamorphism: regional and contact metamorphism and metamorphism with chemically active fluids I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. I can relate metamorphic rock type, facies, and grade to different tectonic processes Suggested tips to give students: All of these images were taken from the text unless otherwise credited. Look them up and read the captions … interesting and useful information that helps you relate to the subject matter. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Metamorphic Rocks CHAPTER 9
Suggested tips to give students: All of these images were taken from the text unless otherwise credited. Look them up and read the captions … interesting and useful information that helps you relate to the subject matter.

6 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 1 I can explain what defines a metamorphic rock as well as why they are valuable. Team Competition Metamorphic rocks are derived from rocks Rock metamorphism is caused by , and involves changes in of a rock If a rock is heated to the point at which it melts then Presented by Team Breccia Critique by Team Sandstone During metamorphism, minerals recrystallize without melting. Here, shale composed of clay minerals made of silicon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, and other elements experiences metamorphism under high pressure at a convergent plate margin. As conditions within the crust become more intense, elements in clay recombine to form new, more stable minerals. The result is a metamorphic rock called gneiss that consists of an assemblage of metamorphic minerals aligned in bands. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 1 I can explain what defines a metamorphic rock as well as why they are valuable. Metamorphic Rocks are commonly exposed at the surface: In mountain ranges As old rocks in continental interiors During metamorphism, minerals recrystallize without melting. Here, shale composed of clay minerals made of silicon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, and other elements experiences metamorphism under high pressure at a convergent plate margin. As conditions within the crust become more intense, elements in clay recombine to form new, more stable minerals. The result is a metamorphic rock called gneiss that consists of an assemblage of metamorphic minerals aligned in bands. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Geology in OUR LIVES Learning Objective 1 Marble from Carrara, Italy
I can explain what defines a metamorphic rock as well as why they are valuable. Geology in OUR LIVES Marble from Carrara, Italy Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 1 I can explain what defines a metamorphic rock as well as why they are valuable. Geology in OUR LIVES Slate roof marble countertops schist Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Learning Objective 1 I can explain what defines a metamorphic rock as well as why they are valuable. Ore deposits: are found in igneous rocks (crystal settling) and metamorphic rocks. Many metallic ores are created by metamorphism due to rock interaction with chemically reactive fluids

11 Learning Objective 2 Team Competition
I can describe the three types of metamorphism: regional and contact metamorphism and metamorphism with chemically active fluids Team Competition Contact metamorphism is defined as and often occurs Regional metamorphism is defined as and often occurs Presented by Team Sandstone Critique by Team Siltstone During metamorphism, minerals recrystallize without melting. Here, shale composed of clay minerals made of silicon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, and other elements experiences metamorphism under high pressure at a convergent plate margin. As conditions within the crust become more intense, elements in clay recombine to form new, more stable minerals. The result is a metamorphic rock called gneiss that consists of an assemblage of metamorphic minerals aligned in bands. Regional metamorphism Contact

12 Learning Objective 2 I can describe the three types of metamorphism: regional and contact metamorphism and metamorphism with chemically active fluids Wealth of ores in massive sulfides produced by hydrothermal venting

13 Learning Objective 2 HOT FLUID, interacts with rock & causes
I can describe the three types of metamorphism: regional and contact metamorphism and metamorphism with chemically active fluids Iron sulfide HOT FLUID, interacts with rock & causes metamorphism (metasomatism) Products often found in hydrothermal vein fillings and massive sulfides.

14 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 2 I can describe the three types of metamorphism: regional and contact metamorphism and metamorphism with chemically active fluids Ore deposits: are found in igneous rocks (crystal settling) and metamorphic rocks. Many metallic ores are created by metamorphism due to rock interaction with hot, chemically reactive fluids Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

15 Question 1: Which of these are foliated rocks? Quartzite & Marble
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Phyllite Question 1: Which of these are foliated rocks? Quartzite & Marble Gneiss & Phyllite Marble & Phyllite Quartzite & Gneiss Marble Quartzite Gneiss

16 Question 2: Which of these are nonfoliated rocks? Quartzite & Marble
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Phyllite Question 2: Which of these are nonfoliated rocks? Quartzite & Marble Gneiss & Phyllite Marble & Phyllite Quartzite & Gneiss Quartzite Gneiss Marble

17 Question 3: Which of these are foliated rocks? Quartzite & Anthracite
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Question 3: Which of these are foliated rocks? Quartzite & Anthracite Gneiss & Schist Quartzite & Schist Antracite & Gneiss Schist Anthracite Quartzite Gneiss

18 Question 4: Which of these are nonfoliated rocks?
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Question 4: Which of these are nonfoliated rocks? Schist & Metaconglomerate Slate & Hornfels Slate & Schist Metaconglomerate & Hornfels Schist Metaconglomerate Hornfels Slate

19 Learning Objective 3 Team Competition
I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Team Competition Granite is an rock; gneiss is a rock. Foliation is created when Foliation occurs in what type of metamorphism? Presented by Team Siltstone Critique by Team Shale Directed Stress Gneiss Granite

20 Learning Objective 3 Team Competition
I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Team Competition Conglomerate is a rock; metaconglomerate is a rock. Nonfoliation metamorphic rocks are created by Nonfoliated rocks occur by what type of metamorphism? Presented by Team Shale Critique by Team Limestone Conglomerate Metaconglomerate

21 Learning Objective 3 Question 5
I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Question 5 The parent rock, or protolith of metaconglomerate is... Shale Limestone C) Sandstone D) Conglomerate E) None of the above: Metaconglomerate IS a protolith Metaconglomerate

22 Learning Objective 3 Question 6
I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Question 6 The parent rock, or protolith of Slate is... Shale Limestone C) Sandstone D) Coal E) None of the above: Slate IS a protolith Slate

23 Phyllite Parallel mineral arrangement.
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths FOLIATED metamorphic rocks: aligned or bands of minerals deformed by directed stress. Some (slate) break along cleavage planes created by mineral layers (not along crystalline structure that creates cleavage of minerals) Slate (aphanitic) Fractures along parallel planes. Gneiss Minerals segregated into bands. Suggested tips to give students: The metamorphism of shale… in order of increasing metamorphic grade and tectonic location. Insert Metamorphic Drag and Drop Phyllite Parallel mineral arrangement. Schist - parallel to sub-parallel arrangement. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

24 Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Shale (sedimentary rock made of clay) Shale is the protolith of slate Slate is the protolith of phyllite Slate Phyllite is the protolith of schist Phyllite Suggested tips to give students: The metamorphism of shale… in order of increasing metamorphic grade and tectonic location. Insert Metamorphic Drag and Drop Schist Schist is the protolith of gneiss Gneiss Increasing metamorphic grade (pressure + temperature).

25 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Nonfoliated rocks recrystallize without directed stress so there is no mineral alignment. This often occurs by contact metamorphism. Team Competition Match daughter metamorphic rocks (left) with the parent protoliths (right) Presented by Team Limestone Critique by Team Breccia Quartzite Quart Sandstone Hornfels Conglomerate Marble Anthracite Shale Suggested tips to give students: “Country rock” (the rock that was already there, before the magma intruded) becomes “parent rock” after metamorphism. Limestone Metaconglomerate Coal Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

26 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Nonfoliated rocks are recrystallized but without directed stress so there is no mineral alignment. This often occurs by contact metamorphism Quartzite Quart Sandstone Hornfels Shale Suggested tips to give students: “Country rock” (the rock that was already there, before the magma intruded) becomes “parent rock” after metamorphism. Marble Limestone Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

27 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 3 I can explain the different types of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks, how they form, and identify their protoliths Suggested tips to give students: The metamorphism of shale… in order of increasing metamorphic grade and tectonic location. Insert Metamorphic Drag and Drop Metaconglomerate Marble Increasing metamorphic grade Anthracite Quartzite Hornfels Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

28 Question 1: In which direction is temperature AND pressure increasing
Learning Objective 4 I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. Question 1: In which direction is temperature AND pressure increasing Upper right to lower left Top to bottom Upper left to lower right Lower left to upper right Right to left Protolith or

29 Learning Objective 4 Protolith or
I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. Shale Protolith or Slate Phyllite Schist Gneiss

30 Learning Objective 4 I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. Slate Phyllite Schist Gneiss

31 Learning Objective 4 Team Points
I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. Team Points These minerals are effective geothermometers (measure temperature) and geobarometers (measure pressure). If you had a metamorphic rock that had garnet in it. You could infer it came from what depth and what temperature? increasing metamorphic grade

32 FALSE Learning Objective 4 Team Points
I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. Team Points True or False: Feldspar and Quartz are excellent geobarometers and geothermometers. FALSE

33 Learning Objective 4 Team Points
I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. Team Points A large geothermal gradient corresponds to a rapid increase in temperature with depth; a low geothermal gradient corresponds to a slow increase in temperature with depth 1) Which line represents the greater geothermal gradient A (iii) mountain belt B (i) active volcano This contour marks where temperature is 500oC 2) Order tectonic settings (i)-(iii) from lowest to highest geothermal gradient (ii) continental subduction zone

34 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 4 I can relate the foliated metamorphic rocks, index minerals, and metamorphic facies, to the degree of metamorphic grade. The appearance, “face”, or “facies” of a metamorphic rock depends on the assemblage (combination) of the minerals that form at different pressures and temperatures. There are 7 metamorphic facies that form at different metamorphic grades. Do you see the face in this eclogite? Suggested tips to give students: The concept of metamorphic facies (from the Latin for “face”) was developed by Pentti Eskola in He wrote: “In any rock of a metamorphic formation, which has arrived at a chemical equilibrium through metamorphism at constant temperature and pressure conditions, the mineral composition is controlled only by the chemical composition.” Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

35 * * * * * Learning Objective 5
I can relate metamorphic rock type, facies, and grade to different tectonic processes There are 7 dominant mineral assemblages or metamorphic facies that form under different metamorphic grades. Team Points: Match 5 yellow trajectories below with the arrows indicating the evolutionary paths of hypothetical rocks marked by the asterisks *. Answers 1) near volcano (contact metamorphism) 2) subducting plate 3) mountain building 4) deep burial 5) accretionary prism 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Suggested tips to give students: The concept of metamorphic facies (from the Latin for “face”) was developed by Pentti Eskola in He wrote: “In any rock of a metamorphic formation, which has arrived at a chemical equilibrium through metamorphism at constant temperature and pressure conditions, the mineral composition is controlled only by the chemical composition.” Mountain building Deep Burial * Near volcano Accretionary prism * * * Subducting plate *

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