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Management Practices Lecture-32.

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1 Management Practices Lecture-32

2 Last Lecture Revision of Lecture 1-15

3 Today’s Lecture Revision- Lecture 16 to 30

4 Performance Appraisal & Feedback
Trait Appraisals: evaluate on traits (skills, abilities) related to the job. Problem: Even though a worker has the trait, they may not use it in the job and it is hard to give feedback. Behavior Appraisals: how a worker does the job. Focuses on what a worker does and provides good feedback options. Results appraisals: what a worker accomplishes. Sales reps are usually evaluated on what they sell. Objective appraisals: based on facts (sales figures) Subjective appraisals: based on a manager’s perceptions of traits, behavior, or results. Many rating scales used to overcome subjective problems.

5 Pay and Benefits Pay level: how the firm’s pay incentives compare to other firms in the industry. Managers can decide to offer low or high relative wages. Pay Structure: clusters jobs into categories based on importance, skills, and other issues. Benefits: Some are required (social security, workers comp). Others (health insurance, day care, and others) are provided at the employers option. Cafeteria-style plan: employee can choose the best mix of benefits for them. Can be hard to manage.

6 The Big Five Extroversion: people are positive and feel good about themselves and the world. Managers high on this trait are sociable, friendly. Negative Affectivity: people experience negative moods, are critical, and distressed. Managers are often critical and feel angry with others and themselves. Agreeableness: people like to get along with others. Managers are likable, and care about others. Conscientiousness: people tend to be careful, persevering. Openness to Experience: people are original, with broad interests.

7 Career Stages Preparation for Work Organization Entry Early Mid-
Late Career

8 Career Stages Preparation for Work: decide on kind of career, determine qualifications needed. Organizational entry: find a “first” job. Managers usually start in a functional area first. Early career: establishes person in the firm and begins achievement. Worker learns firm’s values and duties. Also begins to achieve noteworthy results in the job. Worker tries to stand out as a good performer. Mentors (experienced manager who shows you the ropes) are valuable during this stage.

9 Stress Results when people face important opportunity or threats they are uncertain can be handled. Managers almost always face stress. Physiological issues: stress can result in sleep problems, headaches, and other issues. Long-term levels of stress can result in heart attack, and high blood pressure. Different people experience stress differently. Psychological issues: stress can result in bad moods, anger, nervousness. Can result in lower work output and frustration. Behavioral issues: stress can actually enhance job performance as well as impair it.

10 Sources of Stress Role Conflict: results from conflict between managerial roles. Conflict can result when managers want to present a problem with the firm but still want to present firm in best possible light. Role Overload: managers have too many duties and activities. Most managers have several roles but they can become over-powering.

11 Political Strategies for Gaining and Maintaining Power

12 Conflict and Unit Performance

13 Conflict Management Techniques
Problem solving Super ordinate goals Expansion of resources Avoidance Smoothing Compromise Authoritative command Altering the human variable Altering the structural variables

14 Successful Conflict Resolution
Manage stress while remaining alert and calm. By staying calm, you can accurately read and interpret verbal and nonverbal communication. Control your emotions and behavior. When you’re in control of your emotions, you can communicate your needs without threatening, frightening, or punishing others. Pay attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others. Be aware of and respectful of differences.

15 The Decision-Making Process

16 What is Intuition? Source: Based on L. A. Burke and M. K. Miller, “Taking the Mystery Out of Intuitive Decision Making,” Academy of Management Executive, October 1999, pp. 91–99.

17 Types of Problems and Decisions
Structured Problems Involve goals that are clear. Are familiar (have occurred before). Are easily and completely defined—information about the problem is available and complete. Programmed Decision A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach.

18 Overview of Managerial Decision Making

19 Empowerment Get workers involved in the decisions.
Process of giving workers at all levels authority to make decisions and the responsibility for their outcomes. Empowerment helps managers: Get workers involved in the decisions. Increase worker commitment and motivation. To focus on other issues. Effective managers usually empower substantial authority to workers.

20 Transformational Leaders
Transformational leaders are charismatic and have a vision of how good things can be. They are excited and clearly communicate this to subordinates. Transformational leaders openly share information with workers. Everyone is aware of problems and the need for change. Empowers workers to help with solutions. Transformational leaders engage in development of workers. Manager works hard to help them build skills.

21 Dimensions of Organizational Culture

22 Strong versus Weak Organizational Cultures

23 A Socialization Process

24 How the Environment Affects Managers
Environmental Uncertainty The extent to which managers have knowledge of and are able to predict change their organization’s external environment is affected by: Complexity of the environment: the number of components in an organization’s external environment. Degree of change in environmental components: how dynamic or stable the external environment is.

25 Organizational Stakeholders

26 From Obligation to Responsiveness to Responsibility
Social Obligation The obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more. Social Responsiveness When a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need. Social Responsibility A business’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.

27 Three global attitudes
Ethnocentric Attitude The best work approaches and practices are those of the home country. Polycentric Attitude The host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business. Geocentric Attitude A world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe.


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