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Learning Targets *What is a SURVEY ? *What are the advantages of a

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Targets *What is a SURVEY ? *What are the advantages of a"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Targets *What is a SURVEY ? *What are the advantages of a survey ? *What are the disadvantages ? *Know what is the POPULATION of a survey. *What is a RANDOM SAMPLE ? *When conducting a survey what sample size is best ?

2 Advantages of SURVEYS?

3 Disadvantages of SURVEYS ?
1) Wording Effect: > Are you interested in plants & trees ? 77% yes >Are you interested in botany ? 39% yes == Favorable rating of “Hillary Clinton” ==Favorable rating of “Hillary Rodham Clinton”

4 Disadvantages of Surveys?
2) Socially Desirabilty : >>When interviewed by whites, 62% of white respondents agree that “The problems faced by minorities are brought on by minorities themselves.” When interviewed by a member of a minority race, only 46% agree.

5 Student examples of Biased Questions ….the wording effect.
Students were asked to design a pair of questions that related to the same issue. Due to the wording of the question one or both questions may bias answers in a particular direction. In order to test how well their biased question "worked", students selected a random sample of 20 people to query. The questions and results are shown below: Gun Control With all the gang killings and domestic disputes ending with gun fire, do you think there should be legislation passed to hinder gun ownership? The second amendment guarantees citizens the right to bear arms, should this right be compromised by legislation in the twenty-first century? Drinking Do you agree that drinking is ok as long as you are of age and that you don't get drunk? Do you think drinking is good or bad? Abortion Do you think that it is ok to get an abortion if it is the only way to save the mother's life? Do you think abortion is good or bad? Smoking Should people have the right to smoke? Since cigarettes are dangerous and have deadly side effects such as cancer wouldn't you agree that smoking should be controlled to save the lives of many? Bathroom Size Do you agree or disagree that Calvin Residence Hall has big enough bathrooms? Do you agree with the National Students Rights Poll which says that Calvin Residence Hall has big enough bathrooms?

6 Gun Control With all the gang killings and domestic disputes ending with gun fire, do you think there should be legislation passed to hinder gun ownership? (6 agree; 4 disagree) The second amendment guarantees citizens the right to bear arms, should this right be compromised by legislation in the twenty-first century? (yes = 1; no=9) Drinking Do you agree that drinking is ok as long as you are of age and that you don't get drunk? (agree=8; disagree=2) Do you think drinking is good or bad? (agree=6; disagree=4) Abortion Do you think that it is ok to get an abortion if it is the only way to save the mother's life? (agree=9; disagree=1) Do you think abortion is good or bad? (good=3; bad=7) Smoking Should people have the right to smoke? (yes=9; no=1) Since cigarettes are dangerous and have deadly side effects such as cancer wouldn't you agree that smoking should be controlled to save the lives of many? (yes=7; no=3) Bathroom Size Do you agree or disagree that Calvin Hall has big enough bathrooms? (Agree=5; Disagree=5) Do you agree with the National Students Rights Poll which says that Calvin Hall has big enough bathrooms? (Agree=9; Disagree=1)

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