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Global Business Strategy

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1 Global Business Strategy
Hwy-Chang Moon Professor of International Business & Strategy Graduate School of International Studies Seoul National University Office: 614 & 615 Class Mon. 1:00 - 4:00 pm (Bldg /Room 202) Office Hours Mon. 4:00 - 5:30 pm or by appointment Tue. 1:25 - 2:25 pm or by appointment Assistant Jimmyn Parc 1 1

2 Course Objectives In today’s global economy, global strategy is a must rather than a choice. In almost all areas of economy and business, the question is not whether to globalize or not but rather how to globalize most effectively. However, the precise definition of globalization is unclear to many people and the term itself has become a buzzword. Therefore, we need to understand the correct meaning of globalization before we pursue a global strategy. This course helps students understand globalization and global strategy, and cultivate skills necessary for implementing successful global strategies. Different perspectives on global strategies are compared and contrasted. Furthermore, both theories and practices are rigorously discussed to develop the correct perspective on global strategy. 2 2

3 Course Materials Grading [total 100%]
Text Book: Hwy-Chang Moon, Global Business Strategy: Asian Perspective, World Scientific, 2010. Students should read the materials before class, so that class meetings can be used for discussion rather than for lecture. It is also recommended that students regularly read good business and economic publications such as WSJ, NYT, and Economist, and other articles. Grading [total 100%] Professional Behavior: attitude, attendance, participation (20%) One page summary of readings for each class (20%) Group presentation on assigned sessions (20%) Individual report on assigned sessions (20%) Final Exam (20%) 3 3

4 Professional Behavior
Students must attend all classes in order to receive full attendance credit. Otherwise, they will lose points regardless of the reasons. Students who miss more than two classes may not receive a grade. Tardiness or any unprofessional behavior that distract the class will be reflected in the final grade. Assignments All assignments must be done in the form of either Word or PowerPoint. No hand-written material will be accepted. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Any late submission without a valid reason will be penalized. 4 4

5 Class Schedule Class 1: (Sept. 3) Introduction Overview of the Course
Globalization and Global Business Strategy Class 2: (Sept. 10) Ch 1. The Basics of Strategy Five Forces Model Generic Strategy The Value Chain and Competitive Advantage Class 3: (Sept. 17) Ch 2. Alternative Business Models [Group 1] Knowledge-Creating Strategy Customer Co-opting Strategy A More Comprehensive Strategy? Which Model? Class 4: (Sept. 24) Ch 3. Applications of Business Models to Non-Business Areas [Group 2] Strategy and the Internet Strategy and Philanthropic Organizations Strategy and Society Class 5: (Oct. 1) Chusok Holiday Class 6: (Oct. 8) Ch 4. Extension of Generic Strategy [Group 3] Operational Effectiveness versus Strategic Positioning Why Do Good Managers Set Bad Strategies? Retrospective: An Interview with Michael Porter and Related Articles Chusok Holiday 5 5

6 Class 7: (Oct. 15) Ch 5. New Models for Business Strategy [Group 4]
Blue versus Red Ocean: A Critique of Porter? Another Critique Dynamics of How to Sell What to Whom Class 8: (Oct. 22) Ch 6. Measuring and Forecasting [Group 5] Measuring the Intangible Measuring Globalization Measuring the Future Class 9: (Oct. 29) Ch 7. Global Perspectives on Strategy [Group 1] Global Competitive Strategy Global Cooperative Strategy Comprehensive Synthesis? Class 10: (Nov. 5) Ch 8. Developing and Extending Analytical Models [Group 2] Configuration-Coordination Model Three-Dimensional Global Model Dynamic Diversification-Coordination Model Class 11: (Nov. 12) Ch 9. The Grand Debate Over Standardization Strategy [Group 3] The Grand Thesis: The World Is Flat? Antithesis: The World Is Spiky? Another Antithesis: The World Is Not Flat 6 6

7 Class 12: (Nov. 19) Special Topic Special Lecture
Class 13: (Nov. 26) Ch 10. All Together Now… [Group 4] Global Strategy: The Context Global Strategy: The Firm Global Strategy: The Manager Class 14: (Dec. 3) Ch 11. Dynamic Perspectives of Globalization [Group 5] Controlling the Uncontrollable Standardization: Key to Success? The World Is Not Flat … But You Can Flatten It! Class 15: (Dec. 10) Final Exam (Closed book/notes) 7 7

8 One-Page Summary and Evaluation
Your name Class number (e.g., Class 01) Article author & title Summary of the article(s) Uniqueness Main points Evaluation (the last one paragraph) Constructive evaluation Possible extension

9 A Profile of Professor Hwy-Chang Moon
Hwy-Chang Moon received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington and is currently Professor of International Business and Strategy in the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University. He has taught at the University of Washington, University of the Pacific, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Helsinki School of Economics and Business, Kyushu University, Keio University, and Hitotsubashi University. He was also a visiting Professor to Tokyo University. Professor Moon has published numerous journal articles and books on topics such as International Business Strategy, Foreign Direct Investment, and Cross-Cultural Management. To the field of International Business, he has contributed particularly by developing several new analytical tools, including the generalized double diamond approach to international competitiveness and the imbalance theory of foreign direct investment. Professor Moon is currently the editor-in-chief of Journal of International Business and Economy. He has consulted for many international companies, international organizations (APEC, World Bank, UNCTAD), and governments (Korea, Malaysia, Dubai, Azerbaijan, and Guangdong Province of China).

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