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A Peek at This Week in… Ms. Bonick’s 4th Grade Reminders Math Reading

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1 A Peek at This Week in… Ms. Bonick’s 4th Grade Reminders Math Reading
Fri., Jan. 20 Reminders Please remind your students to work on earning their Y and S keys from the Earthkeepers program. Math Students got back into the swing of things by working on word problems. They began using variables for the unknown in problems. On Friday, we began Chapter 7, Factors and Multiples. Reading Last week, students studied nonfiction text features. This week, we learned about the five ways authors organize nonfiction text. We read books/passages and used graphic organizers to pull out the relevant information based on the organization of the text. Students will begin Book Club next week! They’ll work with a group to read and discuss books! Writing This week, we mapped out our 5 paragraphs for our opinion essay. We will begin researching and writing our rough drafts next week. Upcoming Events Social Studies Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 29th! A schedule of events was ed to you! We began studying the northeast region of the U.S. after break. We will be combining chapters 4 and 5. So far, we learned about some of the products that come out of the northeast, as well as some unique landforms and geography in this part of the U.S

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