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Homework due Wednesday, February 3rd To discuss next lesson!

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1 Homework due Wednesday, February 3rd To discuss next lesson!
Read pages of white SHP 2. What was prohibition and when was it introduced? 3. Define the following terms Anti Saloon League The Temperance movement Dries 4. Answer question 1-3 on p 59

2 Revision Lesson: Two key questions: Why did immigration become such a major issue in American society? Was America a country of religious and racial intolerance during this period?

3 Starter a) Reflect and revise what we have done so far
b) Make a note of the different ways that America was changing

4 Task #1 Use your knowledge of the topics covered so far and write 5 statements that are incorrect or false in some way. This could be a wrong statistic, name or fact. Swap with your neighbour who must then correct the mistakes.

5 You say, We Revise! Revise and explain in pairs the following terms as they appear on the board. Refer to notes and textbook!


7 Red Scare

8 Universal Negro Improvement Association

9 Isolationism

10 Jim Crow Laws

11 Lynching


13 Open Door Policy

14 Scopes Monkey Trial

15 What can we learn from the following two sources
What can we learn from the following two sources? Why were they made when they were?

16 An American cartoon of 1921  

17 KKK 1927

18 Group Challenge I am going to give you a number 1-5.
Please may you then get into groups with people who have the same number as you.

19 Group 10 minute Challenge: Revise the following
The attempts to restrict immigration: (The Open Door Policy; demands for restriction; government legislation to reduce immigration) Fear of political extremism entering the USA Xenophobia, the actions of anarchists: The Red Scare; the Palmer Raids; the Sacco and Vanzetti case) Religious fundamentalism: (The Bible Belt; the ideas of the religious fundamentalists including the Scopes Monkey Trial) Attitudes towards Black Americans and racial minorities: (the treatment of Native Americans; segregation and Jim Crow, the KKK; black reaction: migration north and west; the work of the NAACP and the UNIA)

20 Group Challenge Now return to your normal seat.
Get into groups where the numbers 1-5 are all represented. Share your revision.

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