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Presentation on theme: "EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONDER"— Presentation transcript:

5/8/2018 VITAL SIGNS EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONDER Temple College EMS Program Temple College EMSP

2 State Standard 20) Accurately perform the components of patient assessment to identify and manage immediate life threatening illnesses and injuries within the scope of practice of the EMR for pediatric, adult, and geriatric patients, utilizing rubrics from textbooks, National HOSA guidelines, or clinical standards of practice. Include the following areas: a. Scene Size-up b. Primary Survey or Assessment c. History Taking d. Secondary Assessment e. Reassessment Temple College EMS Program

3 Objectives Students will be able to…
Describe appropriate levels for each of the vital signs. Correctly perform a Vital Sign assessment on a partner. Temple College EMS Program

4 Vital Signs Vital signs are an outward clue to what is going on in the patient’s body Temple College EMS Program

5 Vital Signs Baseline Vital Signs provide a basis for comparison of later sets of VitalSigns Temple College EMS Program

6 Vital Signs It is important to monitor “trends” in Vital Signs rather than individual sets of Vital Signs Temple College EMS Program

7 Pulse Pulse Points Carotid Brachial Radial Femoral Popliteal
Temple College EMS Program

8 Pulse Pulse Points Dorsal Pedal Posterior Tibial
(Posterior and slightly inferior to medial Malleolus) Pulse Points Temple College EMS Program

9 Pulse Rate Adult Child Infant 60-80 Beats/minute 80-110 Beats/minute
Temple College EMS Program

10 Pulse Rhythm Regular Irregular Temple College EMS Program

11 Pulse Quality Full Weak (Thready) Bounding Temple College EMS Program

12 Respirations Rate Adult Child 12-24 Resp/min 20-28 Resp/min
Temple College EMS Program

13 Respirations Rate Infant 30-70 Resp/min @ birth 30 Resp/min @ 6 months
Temple College EMS Program

14 Respirations Rhythm Regular Irregular Temple College EMS Program

15 Respiration Quality Full Deep Shallow Labored Noisy
Temple College EMS Program

16 Blood Pressure Systolic - Pressure on the arterial wall when the heart contracts Diastolic - Pressure on the arterial wall when the heart is at rest Temple College EMS Program

17 Blood Pressure Auscultated BP - Listening for both the systolic and diastolic values Palpated BP - Feeling for the systolic pressure Temple College EMS Program

18 Auscultated Blood Pressure
Adult Male 100+ Age (up to 50) 80 Female 90 + Age (up to 50 Temple College EMS Program

19 Auscultated Blood Pressure
Child Temple College EMS Program

20 Auscultated Blood Pressure
Infant At Birth At 6 Months 90 40-76 Temple College EMS Program

21 Estimating Blood Pressure
Radial Pulse Present? >80 Systolic Temple College EMS Program

22 Estimating Blood Pressure
Femoral Pulse Present? >70 Systolic <80 Systolic Temple College EMS Program

23 Estimating Blood Pressure
Carotid Pulse Present? >60 Systolic <70 Systolic Temple College EMS Program

24 Vital Signs DO NOT TREAT NUMBERS - - - - - - TREAT PEOPLE!!!!
Temple College EMS Program

25 Activity With a partner practice taking a complete set of vital signs (pulse, respiratory rate, temperature, blood pressure) Determine if your partners vitals are normal or abnormal. ***Have we met all our objectives?**** Once finished you will begin to work on your vital sign check off activity individually. Temple College EMS Program


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