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2 Content Definition Economical Globalisation
Technological Globalisation Cultural Globalisation Ecology Global warming The EU Pros & Cons Q&A References

3 Definition Globalisation is the worldwide exchange on an economic, technological & cultural level by which the world is gradually becoming unified. → achieved through a global network of political ideas, communication, transport and trade Often seen as an unstoppable process, that affects people all around the globe

4 Economical Globalisation
displayed by the activity of the multinational companies (= global players) → produce wherever labour & overhead costs are cheapest & sell throughout the global market Leads to: constant pressure to cut costs → aims: efficiency, speed, flexibility, profits employees welfare & job security are neglected by global players


6 Technological Globalisation
rapid advances in technology → allows people to communicate more easily & efficiently by computer or mobile phone

7 Cultural Globalisation
global spread of multicultural influences (e.g food, art, fashion) → multicultural society → process = promoted by continuing increase in global economic activity & advances in communication technologies


9 Ecology deforestation (of rainforests) Global warming
Environmental pollution (oil, CO2) Food-miles: people do not buy locally and seasonal products anymore Everyone leaves a Carbon footprint (production of greenhouse gases from factories, cars, trains etc.) → Greenhouse gases: cause chemical damage to the atmosphere (ozone hole) as well as global warming

10 Global warming Greenhouse gases form a layer around the earth trapping heat & thereby causing the temperature on the ground to rise Consequences of global warming: → Extreme weather conditions; Hurricanes & storms get stronger and more frequent → rising of sea level: Floods, heavy rainfall, drought, (wild)fires, melting of polar icecaps → Biodiversity is threatened, many animals & plants become endangered → increase of diseases and migration


12 The EU After the 2nd World War there was a desire for a united Europe to prevent extreme forms of nationalism Today´s EU -> 1993 Maastricht treaty – individual member states: regarded as 1 global player Currently 27 states belong to the European Union (EU) Aims of the EU: Friendly relations between member countries Guarantee freedom and justice for Europe Prosperity and social progress while keeping diversity alive International representation with a single voice

13 Pros & Cons Developing countries
Hopes/ Opportunities Dangers, risks and fears Developing countries new jobs are available and access to world market available reduction of poverty increasing dependence on foreign support, credit & investment unfair / inhumane working conditions Economy exports improve economy (international/free trade) wide range of products/food at any time growing prosperity for producers people in industrial countries lose jobs The latest financial crisis shows that a crisis which starts in one country can affect others as well negatively

14 Pros & Cons Culture greater understanding & tolerance towards other people, their traditions and culture. regional & ethnic tensions (racism) fear that individual cultures will blend into a single global culture (loss of cultural diversity) Politics spread of freedom, democracy & human rights → reduction of wars & conflicts worldwide Peaceful, borderless world of shared universal values, general economic prosperity & ecological stability massive illegal immigration increasing power of global players (loss of control)

15 Pros & Cons Environment Generally
pollution (more transport = co2 higher emissions) global warming Generally faster/better communication + exchange technological progress easier travelling wider range of products wider gap between rich & poor due to increased mobility, diseases like H1N1 can easily spread all around the globe → pandemia


17 References globalization-on-work-and-organizations-exploring-post- industrialism-post-fordism-work-and-management-in-the- global-era sweatshops


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