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HUD’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)

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1 HUD’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)
Lauren Knott, Technical Assistance Collaborative September 26, 2016

2 About TAC TAC is a nonprofit consulting firm specializing in the intersection of affordable housing and services We work primarily with Continuums of Care, local and state governments, and HUD grant recipients Over the course of the past few months, we’ve been working on a team (with Abt and CSH) to develop three guidebooks focused on ending youth homelessness: System Planning Mainstream System Collaboration Promising Program Models Note that the guidebooks are available on the website

3 What is the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)?
YHDP is a demonstration project to support communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to prevent and homelessness HUD will select up to ten communities, four of which will be rural communities Once selected, these communities will engage in a planning process to develop a coordinated community plan The ten communities will then have access to $33 million dollars, where each community can apply for between $1 and $15 million for different projects The ten communities will also participate in an evaluation that will inform the federal strategy for preventing and ending youth homelessness YHDP projects will have two year grant terms and may be renewed under the Continuum of Care program if they meet program statutory requirements.

4 Rating Factors for the YHDP NOFA
Leadership Capacity Current Resource Capacity Community Need Capacity for Innovation Collaboration Financial Resources Data and Evaluation Capacity

5 System Planning Get involved with the Continuum of Care in your community- partners need to respond to youth homelessness in an integrated, cohesive approach If you’re already involved, determine who’s missing and get them to the table As a mainstream housing provider, HFAs will be a target for collaboration Could the HFA put points in the QAP for units set-aside for youth? For those with Housing Choice Vouchers, can some of those be designated for young people? The Collaborative Applicant (or the entity in charge of submitting the application to HUD each year) is the one who is responsible for submitting this application

6 Promising Program Models
Tailored Housing and Services Rapid Re-Housing Housing First approach Age Appropriate and Individualized Case Management Cultivate Landlord Base Long-Term Housing Stability Non-time-limited Supportive Housing Highest Needs Housing First Non-Time-Limited Housing and Service Operating Agreements

7 To Learn More…find the YHDP on the HUD Exchange



10 Contact Information: Lauren Knott Technical Assistance Collaborative

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