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Master in City Sciences at UPM A practical case of an interdisciplinary educational program in the field of urban studies Dr. Sergio Ramos Associate Lecturer.

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Presentation on theme: "Master in City Sciences at UPM A practical case of an interdisciplinary educational program in the field of urban studies Dr. Sergio Ramos Associate Lecturer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Master in City Sciences at UPM A practical case of an interdisciplinary educational program in the field of urban studies Dr. Sergio Ramos Associate Lecturer. Facultad Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales – UNED. Innovation & Venture Lab Manager. Master in City Sciences – UPM.


3 Why not another Smart City Program?
A city that monitors and integrates conditions of all of its critical infrastructures, including roads, bridges, tunnels, rails, subways, airports, seaports, communications, water, power, even major buildings, can better optimize its resources, plan its preventive maintenance activities, and monitor security aspects while maximizing services to its citizens. A city “connecting the physical infrastructure, the IT infrastructure, the social infrastructure, and the business infrastructure to leverage the collective intelligence of the city” A city “combining ICT and Web 2.0 technology with other organizational, design and planning efforts to dematerialize and speed up bureaucratic processes and help to identify new, innovative solutions to city management complexity, in order to improve sustainability and livability” “The use of Smart Computing technologies to make the critical infrastructure components and services of a city – which include city administration, education, healthcare, public safety, real estate, transportation, and utilities – more intelligent, interconnected, and efficient” The new intelligence of cities, then, resides in the increasingly effective combination of digital telecommunication networks (the nerves), ubiquitously embedded intelligence (the brains), sensors and tags (the sensory organs), and software (the knowledge and cognitive competence). “Understanding Smart Cities: An Integrative Framework”, 2012, 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp , IEEE Computer Society 3 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

4 50% 75% Urban society growth 2010 2050 I 4
MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

5 The City as the neuralgic center
INNOVATION SOCIETY CULTURE ECONOMY … and many others 5 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

6 Questions? A holistic vision for a complex problem
Main challenges for a city in the XXI century Cities improving the citizen’s quality of life today? Goals and objectives of a city with its citizenship How can these goals be layered or prioritized? The human dimensions of the XXI century city? Services that citizens should receive from a city The citizen’s obligations with the city The new city-citizen-stakeholder interaction Can new technology help in this purpose? 6 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

7 Stakeholders involved
Who are the professionals answering the questions? Interdisciplinary people and authorities needed to manage it Which services should be addressed first and what for? Sociologists & technicians role in this new challenge Appropriate players & policies for this new challenge How should citizens be involved in a new city formulation? 7 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos


9 Traditional education: Isolated Topics
9 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

10 Reality is interconnected
10 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

School of Civil Engineering Research Center for Digital Homes School of Industrial Engineering School of Telecomm Engineering School of Architecture UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID 11 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

12 New city topics and views from world-class experts. Academy & Industry
MCS. The format Classes Seminars Short courses of self-contained subjects where problems and existing and potential solutions are presented by professionals Foundation subjects on different issues of cities: Technologies, facilities, services, processes, rights, etc On how known cities and service providers implement their solutions to solve situations and problems Advised personal work city or consulting firm) developing a specific issue of a city New city topics and views from world-class experts. Academy & Industry Conferences Visits Thesis 12 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

13 Educating professionals for the XXI century city
Stakeholders involved in the training as trainers and trainees Academia, Industry, Policy makers, Regulators, Users What fields, services and technologies *? Among others … Waste and Air Quality Transport and Mobility Energy and Environment Urban Planning New and Retrofit architecture Health and Education Governance and Democracy Safety and Security Utilities: water, fuel, smart-grids ... Big Data and ICT Internet of Thing Commerce and Business *see Global City Indicators Facility (GCIF) 13 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

14 The content: a bottom-up feasible city approach
City physical profile & size City Components (Morphology) City Objectives (Individual & Social) City Services & Policies The citizen Quality of Life City physical profile & size Demography, climate, economy, … City Components/Needs (Morphology) Housing, Work, Transport… City Objectives (Individual & Social) Basic supplies, Culture, Democracy, … City Services & Policies Technology, Health, Education, … The Citizen. Quality of Life Economy, Justice, Government, … 14 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

15 MSC: main AREAS I City sciences basics Ict & next generation networks
Ecological urbanism Urban design Society & governance energy Transport & mobility Environment & sustainability Innovation & ENTREPRENEURIAL MANAGEMENT Economy & business 15 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

16 OVERCAMING BARRIERS 16 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

17 Overcoming barriers: enabling factors and methods (I)
Tools or methods/ time Methodological Linguistic Knowledge production Time Cultural and Social Funding Politics Structural/ Institutional* (Lyall and Meagher, 2008) Design of proposal Reduced team of leading proponents – Entrepreneurial approach Builiding consensus on the city sciences concept Drafting a map of core areas, subjects, links and interdependences Lean Startup approach: build, measure, learn Leading team to generate traction within the academic and professional community Leading team own seed money to explore the concept Involving the key person at University (President) Supporting a more ambitious approach of UPM in the field of Cities, being the MCS only an initiative Funding (access to funding) Discount on the management fee for UPM UPM President changed, no longer discounts applicable… Other programs claiming for similar support.. Process Selection of areas and core coordinators responsible for builiding their own syllabus and selecting professors General objectives settled by coordinators. Professors with freedom to design, discuss and reorient. 17 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

18 Openness, transparency, leading team of risks takers…
Overcoming barriers: enabling factors and methods (II) Tools or methods/ time Methodological Linguistic Knowledge production Time Cultural and Social Funding Politics Structural/ Institutional* (Lyall and Meagher, 2008) Dissemination/ implementation City Sciences as a wider concept thand smart cities Builiding on the city sciences concept through a communicationplan Direct contacts and interviews with stakeholders Evaluation Concept gaining momentum… Competitors emerging... Great program so far, from the point of view of students Continuation From an entire master program to shorter specialization courses New research area to develop: Cities as entrepreneurial ecosystems No more UPM support on discounts Looking for new partnerts for 2017 Crosscutting issues Openness, transparency, leading team of risks takers… 18 I MCS Case Study. Dr. Sergio Ramos

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