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Welcome to Meet the Teacher..... Year 2.

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1 Welcome to Meet the Teacher..... Year 2

2 Welcome to our department.....
Our department consists of three classes: Year 1–Mrs Best KS1 leader Year 1/2–Mrs Bell Year 2–Mon-Wed Mrs Lyons; Thu and Fri-Mrs Afaq Teaching Assistants: Miss O’Rourke and Mrs Flaherty This allows us to plan across the classes more easily to ensure continuity and progression. The teaching assistants will be working alongside the children in all three classes. They will also be delivering intervention where appropriate Edmodo

3 KS1 Curriculum An overview of our two year cycle is on the website.
All the classes will be working on the same topic but with slight differences appropriate to their age. A two year cycle will ensure all the children will cover everything regardless of which class they are in. Each class develops the overview into their own topic web – again these are on the website and a paper copy sent home. Sharing topics allows us to plan more exciting days such as our recent Down Our Street launch day. We follow the new curriculum, introduced in 2014 The main changes were in maths and English where the expectations have been raised considerably. Details for each year group expectations are on the school website.

4 Intervention In KS1 over the last few years we have been using our teaching assistants to work in the classroom as well as to deliver booster groups. These sessions are planned together as a department. They have been very successful and have helped the children receive the necessary support they may need to reach their full potential. The specific focus of the groups changes over the year depending on the needs of both year 1 and year 2 children. Intervention/booster groups –you may receive a note home to inform you that your child is receiving some extra group work in an afternoon. This is nothing to worry about but you may come in and see us about it. Please make an appointment. The children will not see these groups as anything different to what normally happens in class. The sessions are planned on a two week cycle so the children don’t miss the same lesson each week. The timings will also change so that the children do not miss the same parts of the lesson (e.g. introduction).

5 We Only Reach for The Highest
Worthington Way We are gentle–we don’t hurt others We are kind and helpful-we don’t hurt anybody's feelings We listen-we don’t interrupt We are honest–we don’t cover up the truth We work hard–we don’t waste our time or others’ We look after property–we don’t waste or damage things Behaviour ladder/marbles in the jar

6 Welcome to Meet the Teacher..... Year 2

7 Maths In maths we develop the children’s fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in the age appropriate learning objectives. Objectives are available on the school website and on our half termly topic webs. We make maths fun, practical and meaningful. Year 2 will receive maths targets each term as they did last year linked to the curriculum to develop the fluency of the basic skills e.g. recall of number bonds to 20, times tables later on in the year. At the end of each term these will be assessed and reviewed and new targets sent home the following term. Alongside these targets we will send you ideas and suggestions on how you can support your child to meet these targets. Calculation Policy – we have been working on the school calculation policy which can be found on the school website under policies. Maths library

8 English Speaking and Listening
Reading –letters and sounds –fluency-comprehension Writing –SPaG-spelling, punctuation and grammar The children will receive both reading and writing (spelling) targets which, like the maths, are linked to the curriculum objectives and will be assessed termly. In year 2 the children complete phase 5 and the year 2 spelling learning objectives. In both classes the delivery of this is slightly different but all the children cover the same learning objectives. You have already received the spelling packs for this half term.

9 Reading Guided reading is teacher-led reading at a level beyond your childs independent reading level to challenge and develop their fluency and understanding of a variety of texts. The children will bring home an individual home reader – please read with your child every night. Examples of the types of questions you could ask are in the parent pack. The children will bring home up to 2 home readers a week – if you want your child to read more than this please get them to read their own books/ go to the library – it’s so important that children read real books as well as reading scheme books; it broadens their reading skills and understanding of books tremendously. Please comment in the reading record books. Guided reading is a time when a group of children of similar reading ability will read the same book – all have a copy – its an ideal opportunity to ensure all the reading techniques are emphasised and the comprehension of the story/ non-fiction / poetry is really understood by the children. Reading happens all the time in a classroom – we ask the children to do shared reading of the big books at the beginning of the lesson; read labels around the classroom; use reading worksheets or word banks which help when the children are doing their work. The children will have the opportunity to change their reading books every week.

10 Writing Year 2 writing- The children will be encouraged to write independently. They will need to make attempts at spelling unfamiliar words using their phonic knowledge and use resources such as dictionaries, word banks and begin to use a thesaurus to use a wider range of vocabulary. . In year 2 there is a greater emphasis on grammar and punctuation and written comprehension to supplement comprehension activities through guided reading. We will continue to look at different genres of text in both reading and writing – looking at their purposes and format. We will continue to focus on the children’s handwriting and their ability to join. This plays a significant part of the end of year 2 assessments.

11 Assessment The children are continually assessed in a variety of ways throughout the school year to inform our planning and teaching. In year 2 we do complete the end of KS1 assessments known as SATs. You will receive more information as the year goes by about these as we receive confirmation of the governments plans this year. They will take place during the month of May; however, the tests are devised to support the ongoing teacher assessment in the form of: Assessment of targets End of term checks Spelling tests

12 PE-Please label all your child's clothes.
Please practice with your child getting changed for PE –placing all clothes in a neat pile of back in their PE bag. No earrings or jewellery.

13 KS1 project In addition to the children’s targets we like to give a termly project. We vary the focus to support all types of learning and interests.

14 Any Questions? Thank you For Coming!

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