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An update: Working Day February 2014

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1 An update: Working Day February 2014
NatSIP update An update: Working Day February 2014 Lindsey Rousseau Facilitator for NatSIP

2 The purpose of NatSIP, since 2009, has been:
to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment through promoting collaborative working between education, health and social care professionals to help fulfil the potential of children and young people who have sensory impairment to promote a national model for the benchmarking of clear progress and impact criteria for children and young people who have sensory impairment, with the aim of closing the gap with their peers

3 Purpose of NatSIP contd:
4. to support a well trained sensory impairment workforce responsive to the Government agenda for education 5. to inform and advise the DfE and other national agencies on the education of children and young people with sensory impairment

4 Objectives and workstreams in the NatSIP contract:
Improve Outcomes benchmarking and quality of management information on CYP with SI Support Implementation of the SEND Reforms (EHC Plans, Local Offer, Personal Budgets, Joint Commissioning, Schools Offer) Funding reforms for schools, settings and colleges. Including use of auxiliary aids.

5 Objectives contd: 4. Advising on teaching and learning strategies to support the curriculum reforms 5. Creating an Online Resource Portal for Sensory Impairment 6. Development of specialist skills – Workforce Development NDCS/NatSIP Assessments resource


7 6. Development of specialist skills – Workforce Development
Jim Edwards – Co Chair 6. Development of specialist skills – Workforce Development 6a) specialist skills for BSL and sign support

8 Background The BSL Coalition is a consortium of partners from lead deaf organisations, schools and services. Including: - The British Deaf Association Signature - DEX: Deaf Ex-Mainstreamers Group - The Sign Bilingual Consortium - Frank Barnes School for the Deaf - Leeds Sensory Service, Wakefield Council and Surrey Physical and Sensory Support Service

9 Objective 6a: Development of specialist skills for BSL and sign
support 6a(a) Audit / survey of the provision to deaf children and young people using BSL as a first language, reflecting changing needs and linking to the I-Sign VCS project - Report now complete - Findings focus on a child centred model - Empowering families

10 Recommendations Creating opportunities for knowledge development
Linguistic Access and literacy development Skills development Data Collection and Analysis Further research and development The audit team – Louise & Brian are available to take questions and discuss findings All headlines taken from Executive Summary. Creating opportunities for knowledge development Improved opportunities for stakeholders to work together and create effective support and solutions. Linguistic Access and literacy development For teachers in training, ToD, CSWs and parents to increase the awareness of the range of tools and techniques that can be used to support improved literacy. Skills Development for everyone that is supporting the child or young person Developing an integrated approach which reflects the different systems that may be used at different stages to develop different skills Ensuring that everyone involved in early years is equipped with the knowledge and skills to support, inform and signpost parents to specialists Data Collection and Analysis Collect information to identify the impact of policies and service design Further research and development Look at examples of how best practice and research from Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium could inform policy and practice in the U.K Draw on research of DCAL Interaction between I-Sign and development of Community of Practice

11 6a(b) We will publish a guidance document on the use
of Language Plans for BSL users and disseminate it via our website, events and professional networks Draft document now available Guidance document takes a professional through the process of writing a language profile

12 6a(b) The assessment pack contains an overview sheet of all different assessments available supported by exemplar case studies Positive feedback received from regional focus groups Karen and Ruth are both available for questions and will be leading a working group.

13 6a(c) Working with NDCS / I-Sign in the VCS grant
project to promote and report on training and provision locally and regionally which meets established demand for BSL Report ready for March Aim for L.As and HoS to look at report 57% of L.As offer some support but variable

14 6a(c) The survey shows the area where parents have responded from. It should be possible to compare the parental experience to the council offer. Martin Mclean from NDCS leading

15 6a(d) Working with Sense, publish a short factsheet outlining principles of adapting BSL to be accessed in a tactile way – mapping existing resources and giving access via the NatSIP portal with a short summary of principles

16 6a(d) Agreement amongst specialist practitioners about some key principles Scope and plan for draft of guidance Identified key resources Steve Rose from Sense leading

17 Workstream 4 Objective 4: Advising on teaching and learning
strategies to support the curriculum reforms Some BSL Coalition work has been identified in this workstream The BSL Coalition are working with DEX and Jill Jones is leading

18 Going forward Links to other workstreams – John Walker has identified linkages How do we manage a joined up approach? Plans for Year 2 Questions?

19 Objectives contd: 6. Development of specialist skills – Workforce Development 6b) resources to support braille literacy in blind children 6c) MSI/Deafblind Interveners for children and young people 7. Post 16 Transition Pathways for CYP with SI

20 NatSIP activities alongside the DfE contract
HoSS Associated work (HI, MSI and VI) Conferences addressing SI in the current and changing context Consultations NatSIP Reference Group Affiliated organisations Sustainability for the future

21 Future NatSIP dates NatSIP national working days
Wednesday 4th June 2014, Hamilton House, London “Putting the Legislation into Practice for learners with Sensory Impairment” Wednesday 1st October 2014, Friends House, London NatSIP Regional working days Monday 28th April, Holiday Inn, Cambridge “Making the Vision a Reality – The Children and Families Act” HoSS event June 2014 – Birmingham University (date tba soon)

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