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Geometry – Prentice Hall (Pearson)

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry – Prentice Hall (Pearson)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry – Prentice Hall (Pearson)
Part 1: Materials Geometry – Prentice Hall (Pearson) STUDENT MATERIALS Geometry CLIN ISBN SUPPLIES A001  Student Edition with 6-year Digital Access A002  Practice and Problem Solving Workbook TEACHER MATERIALS Geometry CLIN ISBN SUPPLIES B001  Teacher's Editions, Vol I & Vol II, with Teaching Resources DVD B002  Teacher Online Access Pack B003  All-in-One Teaching Resources B004  Student Companion B005  Student Companion, Teacher's Edition B006  Practice and Problem Solving Workbook Teacher's Guide B007  Digital Answers and Solution Key CD-ROM B008  Teaching with TI Technology plus CD B009  Lesson Quiz/ Solve It Transparencies B010  Progress Monitoring Assessments B011  ExamView Test Assessment Suite CD-ROM B012  MathXL for School 25-Pack There is a Blackboard site that contains a list of all of the materials that come with each program. It is a self-registration site. Once you have logged into Blackboard, you select the Communities Tab and type “Curriculum Cycle” in the Organization Search box. In your search results the Curriculum Cycle should be listed with an enroll button at the end. After you click the Enroll button you simply have to click on Submit to be automatically enrolled in the community. This site will be used for all new curriculum buys for any curriculum area in future years. Self-registration Blackboard Community – Curriculum Cycle

2 Teacher Edition of Textbook
Geometry – Prentice Hall (Pearson) Teacher Edition of Textbook Check it out: Take a minute to pause and reflect on the topic sequence of the chapters. The TABLE OF CONTENTS will give an overview of the organization of the content of the textbook. The Table of Contents starts on page xxii with Chapter 1. Take a minute to pause the presentation and reflect on how this aligns with the sequence in which you have taught the course in previous years. Page xxii

3 Each section of a Chapter is given a specific title to indicate the topic of the section.
Turn to page 82… (you may want to use your book as a guide)… In this example, Section 2-1 is titled “Patterns and Inductive Reasoning”. Note the OBJECTIVE and ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING. The language is student –friendly and clearly indicates the skills and concepts to be covered in the section. At the bottom of each section there is PREPARE TO TEACH section that includes the Big Idea, Essential Understandings, and Math Background) – these items link to our current content standards. Page 82

4 Lets move to page 83. At the bottom of the page you will see GUIDED INSTRUCTION which may include animated problems. Throughout the problem examples, there are GOT ITS which can be used as a formative assessment to inform instruction. There are also GUIDING QUESTIONS in the margin the teacher can use as they work through the lesson examples with their class. Page 83

Turn to page 85. Here you will see a LESSON CHECK which can also be used as a formative assessment to inform instruction. Each lesson also has a CLOSE activity (found in the margin). The closure activity is focused on an essential questions that summarizes the lesson. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS!! Page 85

6 Turn to page 86 In the margin you will see an ASSESSMENT GUIDE for the Practice and Problem Solving Exercises. This assessment guide divides the questions into the following categories: -basic -average -advanced -standardized test prep -mixed review -reasoning -and application Page 86

7 Check it out: Explore the wealth of differentiated instruction resources. Turn to page 88A and 88B. Here you will find a wealth of Differentiated Instruction resources. Take a moment to look through these resources and reflect on how they will be a useful aid to your instructional practices! Page 88A and 88B

8 Check it out: How can you use the Concept Byte Lessons in your class?
Some Lessons have an accompanying CONCEPT BYTE Lesson. Turn to pages to see the Concept Byte Lesson for use with lesson 2-2 called “Logic and Truth Tables.” Check it out: How can you use the Concept Byte Lessons in your class? Page 96-97

9 There are many assessment options that come with this new text.
Turn to page Here you will find a MID-CHAPTER quiz for Chapter 2. The quiz questions are divided into two main sections: Do you know how? And do you understand? You will also see that the quiz has open-ended questions that require students to explain their thinking as well as error-analysis questions. Page 105

10 At the end of every Chapter you will find many review resources and assessment options:
Turn to page 128 to explore the PULL IT TOGETHER Chapter tasks. Turn to page to explore the CHAPTER REVIEW Questions. Turn to page 133 to explore the CHAPTER TEST. Turn to page to explore the CUMULATIVE TEST PREP. There are more assessment options available online. We will discuss these in a later section of this training. Check it out: Take time to review the various review and assessment options. Turn to page 128 to explore the PULL IT TOGETHER Chapter tasks. Turn to page to explore the CHAPTER REVIEW Questions. Turn to page 133 to explore the CHAPTER TEST. Turn to page to explore the CUMULATIVE TEST PREP.

11 Digital Resources Part 2: Technology Geometry-Prentice Hall (Pearson)
STUDENT MATERIALS Geometry CLIN ISBN SUPPLIES A001  Student Edition with 6-year Digital Access A002  Practice and Problem Solving Workbook TEACHER MATERIALS Geometry CLIN ISBN SUPPLIES B001  Teacher's Editions, Vol I & Vol II, with Teaching Resources DVD B002  Teacher Online Access Pack B003  All-in-One Teaching Resources B004  Student Companion B005  Student Companion, Teacher's Edition B006  Practice and Problem Solving Workbook Teacher's Guide B007  Digital Answers and Solution Key CD-ROM B008  Teaching with TI Technology plus CD B009  Lesson Quiz/ Solve It Transparencies B010  Progress Monitoring Assessments B011  ExamView Test Assessment Suite CD-ROM B012  MathXL for School 25-Pack Digital Resources These are the digital resources available for both student and teacher. Today we will focus on the resources found at! Self-registration Blackboard Community – Curriculum Cycle

12 What is different about this new text book resource?
Geometry What is different about this new text book resource? IT’S INTERACTIVE!!! Now for the fun part! Log in to Use the SuccessNet Navigator handout to guide you in your online journey! In Step 1 you will set up your account. In Step 2 you will take part in guided exploration. In Step 3 you will have free exploration time. When you complete the tasks on the handout, please return to this power-point. Teacher access code: PHMADP11NTENGMB

13 Geometry-Prentice Hall (Pearson)
Part 3: Standards Geometry-Prentice Hall (Pearson) Linking our DoDEA standards to the new text is probably the most important piece of the instruction puzzle. Use the “Linking Standards to Prentice Hall Geometry” handout to explore how the textbook resources relate to our DoDEA curriculum. The first row of the handout provides a detailed example of how the text book resources relate to standard G.1.2. On the second row, we have identified a standard for you to explore. Use the book to find activities that match standard G2.4. On the third row, select a standard of your preference to explore.

14 Two Stars and a Wish Geometry Closing
Two things that you learned or liked about the New Geometry Text Two Stars and a Wish Something that you would like to learn more about On an index card or white paper write down Two things that you learned or liked about the new Geometry Text One item that you would like to learn more about at our next training

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