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Tips for Examination S.G.ISAVE, Assistant Professor,

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1 Tips for Examination S.G.ISAVE, Assistant Professor,
Tilak College of Education, Pune-India

2 Start your study well in advance. Do proper time management.
Planning of Study Start your study well in advance. Do proper time management. Give more attention to difficult subject and points. Compile notes together. Refer classroom notes and reference books. Logo

3 Before Exam. Check examination admit card for correction.
Look time table carefully with holidays. Be at least 30 min. before on the campus. Bring admit card and college identity card. Logo

4 Don’t bring unwanted paper chits, mobiles etc.
Before Exam. Keep substitute pens and other accessories e.g. pencil, eraser, scale, extra spects etc. Don’t bring unwanted paper chits, mobiles etc. Have energy boosters with you e.g.- water, chocolates. bring exam admit card and college ID card everyday. Logo

5 Write your seat no. in figure and in words.
Be Careful… The answer sheet provided to you should be neat, clean, uncut, non sticky. Serial no. of an answer sheet should be properly printed; if not change the answer sheet. Write your seat no. in figure and in words. Carefully write centre no., subject, date etc. Signature of supervisor on every answer sheet is compulsory. Logo

6 Don’t use red, green, pink like color pens.
Lets write………. Use only blue/black pen to write. Don’t use red, green, pink like color pens. Don’t make any identity mark, religious, spiritual mark etc. on an answer sheet. Leave proper margin on an answer sheet. Logo

7 Read question paper properly. Check the paper title.
Lets write………. Read question paper properly. Check the paper title. Read all the instructions given on question paper. In case of doubt see translation or ask supervisor. Follow the word limits for each question. Logo

8 Lets write………. Remember no. of questions to be solved.
In case of sections; write a section on a separate answer sheet as per instructions. Don’t write on a question paper. Logo

9 Lets write………. Start an answer on next page.
Mention question number correctly. Write question or Mention points of the question as a heading of an answer. Solve questions serially, if possible. Logo

10 Let’s write …….. Introduce and conclude answer properly.
Write accurate content. Be honest in writing. Mention related thinkers, authors, researchers, periodicals, books on proper place. Logo

11 Lets write………. For introduction write base concept of the asked topic.
Draw Flow charts as a support to an answer, but remember explanation is required just giving chart is not enough. Underline main points of an answer. Logo

12 Let’s write…….. Give more stress on application part of a question.
Application should have theoretical base. If advantages, limitations, features, suggestions etc. are asked; don’t give single line explanation. Give sufficient explanation of it. Logo

13 When 50% time remains, review the answer written and to be written.
Let’s write…….. When 50% time remains, review the answer written and to be written. Do not change pen, if not required. Use memoryless calculator. Don’t use it even if not mentioned on question paper. Logo

14 Let’s write…….. When time is over; submit your answer sheet to a supervisor. Then don’t think on a paper given, don’t calculate probable marks; it may frustrate you. Don’t waste time, have chat with good friends; go for preparation of next paper. Logo

15 Don’t even think about malpractice!

16 How to protect from malpractice?
Check litters around you, clean it or inform to a supervisor immediately. Because any paper is near to you is assumed that it belongs to you. Check your bench and wall near you, if anything written inform to a supervisor. Don’t write anything on a question paper, writing pad, compass, body etc. Logo

17 If possible; avoid give-take of a pen, pencil, logbook, scale etc.
Be Alert ! During exam if somebody throws any paper to you or your direction, immediately inform to a supervisor. If possible; avoid give-take of a pen, pencil, logbook, scale etc. If somebody is troubling or disturbing you by any mean complaint to a supervisor. Logo

18 Don’t pass your answer sheet or question paper to somebody else.
Avoid this Don’t pass your answer sheet or question paper to somebody else. Don’t show your answer sheet to anybody. Making copy and helping to copy is similar offence. Don’t keep cell phone, i-pod, headphone etc. with you. Don’t talk or whisper with somebody; if required ask to a supervisor. Logo

19 Study from the beginning of an academic year.
So what’s up? Prepare well. Study from the beginning of an academic year. Attend maximum lecture and develop notes. Refer recommended books from time to time. Discuss with your teacher. Be aware of a type of question papers. Logo

20 All the Best !

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