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Concept Paper Flowchart

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Presentation on theme: "Concept Paper Flowchart"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concept Paper Flowchart
Planning the Structure of Your Concept Paper (which is basically your formal research proposal)

2 Directions On the next slide, there is a template flow-chart using the InsertSmartArt function of PPT. This is only a template, but it includes most everything you would possibly need for your project. For many projects, it may include too much information. The more detailed you are in this flow chart, the easier it will be to set up your final concept paper. You are welcome to set up your flow chart in any format you see fit— this is just the easiest one for a quick template for me to do.

3 Research Problem Goes Here
Research Question Goes Here (subquestions if necessary) Introduction Purpose Hypotheses Research Hypothesis, Null and Alternate (for statistic-based analysis) Significance Key Terms if needed (optional) Background Few points from your lit review Subheadings? Design and Method Research Design Quantitative/Qualitative Validity & Reliability Assumptions, Limitations, Delimitations Method Type Procedure (list steps) Materials, Instruments (surveys are instruments), Apparatuses (fancy machinery is an apparatus) Operational Definitions if needed Population & Sample Selection Data Analysis Statistical Test(s) Ethical Assurances Limitations, Delimitations (possibly)

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