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Day 1: Course Introduction

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1 Day 1: Course Introduction
Harish Palakurthi January 10, 2017

2 Your Instructor: Harish Palakurthi
Contact Information Website: Office: 210K Armstrong Hall Office Hours: Thursdays from 3:30PM-5:30PM during open lab in 219 ARM Or me to setup an appointment at other time

3 About the Course The course goal is to teach data management/analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills. You’ll learn how to use Microsoft Office to solve problems in a scientific or analysis-oriented context. CS101 is a 4-credit hour GEC-listed course. 2 hours in lecture 2 hours from out-of-class work (primarily MyITLab & Homeworks)

4 Course policies & Syllabus
The course syllabus is available at Make sure that you read and are familiar with syllabus. You’ll be held responsible for the information it contains.

5 Website and E-mail The main CS101 website is at:
Our class website is at: A lot of important info will be made available on the website and through MIX . It’s your responsibility to be aware of all provided information.

6 E-mailing Your instructor
If you your instructor, please: from your MIX account only. Use a descriptive subject line. Don’t just reply to a previous unrelated message. List your name and section. Write in clear, concise sentences so you can easily be understood. Be specific. If you’re writing about HW #3, specifically say “HW #3” in your message.

7 Follow on Twitter and Facebook
@wvucs101 on Twitter and wvucs101on Facebook Get reminders of due dates, exams, tips and other information.

8 What You Need to Have: Textbook
Exploring Microsoft Office 2013 ( Vol. 1 & 2) Available in eText and regular print formats Good for reference to material covered in class Ties in with MyITLab

9 Textbook bundles Barnes & Noble:$178.25 Barnes & Noble: $177.00
Electronic Bundle eBook MyITLab Adequate for most students Available at: Pearson (Online): $104.00 Barnes & Noble: $177.00 Book Exchange: $158.85 BookHolders: $150.91 . Print Bundle Print Books eBook MyITLab Available at: Barnes & Noble:$178.25 Book Exchange:$171.40 BookHolders: $179.75

10 What You Need to Have: Software

11 Microsoft office Acceptable Versions
Office 2013/2016 Pro/ProPlus or Office 365 Pro/Pro Plus/Home/ Personal/University Include Access, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. All WVU students can get Office 365 Pro Plus for free Get it at Office for Mac does not include Microsoft Access. Excel for Mac also misses some features (like XML support) used in CS101 homeworks.

12 Have a MAC ?? Microsoft Office for Mac contains only Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. There is no version of Access available for Mac OS. A free virtual machine to run Microsoft Windows 10 and the Windows version of Office 365 on a Mac is available.

13 Mac OS Virtual Machine By running a virtual machine, you can use Office for Windows on a Mac. CS101 has a free ready-to-use virtual machine at Bring your Mac to Open and we’ll help you get the VM installed.

14 Public computer labs Don’t have your own computer ?
Office 2013 is installed at: CS101 Open Lab ITS Computer Labs WVU Libraries public computers

15 Storing your files Keep copies of all your files in a secure place!
If others use them, you might be penalized. If you work in a lab or other computers: Recommended: Get a USB Flash drive or or use cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive) Don’t: your files to yourself USB Flash drives are easy to use and can be bought for ~$10 at Walmart or Target. Just plug it in to the USB port and save your files. They’re generally the easiest to use as long as you’re not prone to losing things. All students have a free Google Drive account they can access at by logging in with their MIX address and password. You can access files from any Internet-connected computer and don’t have to worry about losing your work, but be careful when you download files that you save them locally rather than just “open” them from the browser. ing files to yourself tends to cause problems. Students will forget to add attachments or will download the files by opening their work rather than saving it, which sometimes results in changes getting lost.

16 Protect your Work It’s your responsibility to ensure nobody else can use your files. If another student uses your file, you will be penalized! Protect yourself! Don’t let others use your computer. Don’t share your files for any reason. Don’t leave your files on public computers. It doesn’t matter if the other student was given permission to use the file. If they have it an use it, the original student will be penalized as explained in the Academic Integrity Policy. CS101 recommends that students do not allow others to use their computers to reduce the likelihood that their files will be taken.

17 Participation Projects MyITLab
Assignments Homework Projects Participation Projects MyITLab Use Microsoft Office and Create files Online assessments completed using a browser

18 LATE work & Penalities Late homeworks have a 20% per day penalty, calculated based on your final score. Late work in MyITLab is 50% penalty any day after due date until 04/28/2017 No late work is accepted participation projects and they all need to be finished in class

19 Grades:Overview Assignment Pts Each Total Pts Total 1,000 Homeworks
6 at 50 300 Participation Projects 16 at 10 (complete 16 of 19+) 160 Exams 1 & 2 2 at 100 200 Final Exam 150 MyITLab Lessons Questions 190 at 1 (complete 190 of ~207) 190 Total 1,000

20 Grades: Bonus Points Opportunity Pts Each Total Pts
MyITLab Bonus Projects 3 at 20 60

21 Grades: Grading Scheme
Grade Letter Point Value A 900 or more B C D F 599 or fewer Grades are not curved. You can view your grades at

22 Grades & Submissions It’s your responsibility to make sure you submit your work on-time. Late penalties will be applied for late work. Once grades for an assignment are posted, you have 7 days to contact your instructor if you believe they are incorrect. After that, they are final.

23 MyITLab REgistration Registration instructions are at Read and follow the instructions! If you need help, go to CS101 Open Lab.

24 In-Class Participation Projects
Hands-on projects completed during class while working in small groups. There will be 19+ projects during the class. You need to complete at least 16 of them. Projects won’t be announced in advance. You won’t be able to make-up missed projects if you’re not in class.

25 Academic Integrity Academic integrity is very important to us.
It’s your responsibility to know our policy. Not reading the syllabus is not an excuse. If you cheat, you will get caught. Penalties are severe and strictly enforced. 1st Time: You lose 100 points, a full letter grade. 2nd Time: You get an F for the course, even if you had no warning of the first violation.

26 How to avoid violations
Don’t work with other people. Homeworks are not group projects. Never give files to anyone for any reason. Don’t leave your files on a public computer or anywhere else someone could take them. Don’t let others use your computer. Don’t share or reuse files, even blank ones, because they may contain hidden details about the person who made the original file.

27 Start with Your Own blank file every time
Never give or take a file from anyone else. If you did not start your assignment with a blank, empty file that you yourself created, you have cheated. Do not share files with friends, even if the only thing in them is an import of the starter data for the assignment.

28 Key Points If you cheat, you will get caught.
Every semester, 5% of students cheat. Every semester, 5% of students get the penalties. Every semester, about a dozen students try to cheat twice. They are failed, period. We have tools to find cheating, even if you use a file from a different section or semester. CS101 is not hard enough to bother with the risks of cheating. Learn the material, do the work, and you will be fine. Our exams are based directly on material covered on the homeworks. If you cheat on the homeworks, you will be lost on the exams.

29 Academic Integrity: Policy Acknowledgement Form
Before you can get credit for any of your work, you must sign the CS101 Academic Integrity Policy Acknowledgement Form. By signing this form, you certify that you understand CS101’s policies and will abide by them. If you have questions, ask before signing the form.

30 Getting assistance on assignments
Open Lab (in 219ARM) M/T/W/Th 3:30pm-7:30pm Fri :00am-6:00pm Homework Help! Videos

31 Accessibility Accommodations
If you have a disability, you may be entitled to special accommodations. Accommodations are granted by the Office of Accessibility Services. We can’t grant accommodations without their authorization. We need to receive notice of authorized accommodations at least one week before we are to provide them (like for an exam).

32 Things to Do: Activate WVU Login
Go through syllabus Register for MyITLab

33 Next class… Loot at some basic tech stuff and intro to Microsoft Office

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