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Interesting facts about languages – game
Languages records: How many languages are there in the World? Comment: It’s not easy to place a definitive number on the world’s languages: currently estimate is Many have become extinct, others are in process of being born. Which three languages are most popular among Internet users? English/Chinese/Spanish English/Spanish/German English/Spanish/Japanese Comment: German ranks sixth (59 million) among languages employed by internet users, behind Japanese and French. With around 366 million users, English is number one, followed by Chinese (184 mil) and Spanish (102 mil).
Interesting facts about languages – game
What is the most widely spoken language in the world? English Chinese Arabic Comment: Standard Mandarin is the native tongue of approx. 850 million people and official language in China, Taiwan and Singapore. Hindi is spoken by more than 600 million people, followed by Spanish and English. What country has the most official languages? India China Switzerland Comment: Besides the two supra-regional languages of English and Hindi, 21 languages are officially recognized in India. The country’s constitution ensures that every minority is granted the right to their own language.
Interesting facts about languages – game
What language has the fewest consonants? Hawaiian Russian Japanese Comment: The language of Polynesian natives of Hawaii consists of 12 letters, 8 of which are consonants. The meaning of many words can only be discerned through subtle differences in pronunciation. What language spoken today was revived only 120 years ago? Hebrew Sumerian Greek Comment: Spoken Hebrew ceased to exist in second century AD. About 120 yeas ago, a successful effort was mounted to restore this “lost” language. Modern Hebrew, also called Ivrit, is now the official language of the state of Israel.
Interesting facts about languages – game
Language Curios: When you ask a Greek something and he answers “ne”, its means..? no yes Maybe Comment: In this case it is easy for misunderstanding to arise since “ne” means “yes”. To say “no”, a Greek shakes his head, raises the eyebrows, clicks with his tongues or say “ochi”. When you order “ÖL” in Sweden, you get…? juice fuel Beer Comment: Although Swedish and German belong to the same Indo-European language group, a Swede ordering “ÖL” will be treated to a beer. In German, you would get oil, which in Swedish is “olja”…
Interesting facts about languages – game
What language has 27 different words for “moustache”? Hungarian Albanian Portuguese Comment: A moustache is quite an important matter in Albania. When a Japanese businessman offers a deal to European business partner, and the partner keeps silent, the Japanese will consider his offer as ? rejected accepted still be discussed Comment: The meaning of silence varies greatly in different cultures. In Western world silence can be interpreted as a sign of rejection. In Japan it implies acceptance.
Interesting facts about languages – game
What is the only Germanic language with an origin outside of Europe? German Afrikaans Swedish Comment: Afrikaans, one of the official languages in South Africa, evolved from its Dutch roots, incorporating various African dialects. In which of European language foreign words are avoided at all? Hungarian Icelandic Polish Comment: In Icelandic, one of the oldest European languages, foreign words are avoided as much as possible. Iceland even created a committee that substitutes terms of modern life, science and engineering with new Icelandic words…
Interesting facts about languages – game
European Languages: How many official languages are spoken in the European Union? 13 23 44 Comment: There are currently 23 official languages in the European Union; the latest additions were Gaelic, Bulgarian and Romanian. In the European Parliament speeches can be delivered in any official language and are translated simultaneously. Which European country is called “Suomi” by its citizens? Bulgaria Finland Estonia Comment: The Finns call their country “Suomi”. The original meaning of Suo-maa was “Swampland”. Officially Finland is bilingual, though more than 90% of its citizens claim Finnish as their native tongue.
Interesting facts about languages – game
What is the only country in which Latin is the official language? Italy Vatican City Cyprus Comment: In Vatican City, the world’s smallest internationally recognized country, Latin is the official language. This enclave, located within the city of Rome, has a little more than 500 citizens. Vatican City is an absolute monarchy, with the Pope at its head. What is the native tongue of most Europeans? English German French Comment: German is the first language of about 100 million Europeans and hence, the one spoken most within EU, followed by English and French. The most popular second language inside the EU is English.
Interesting facts about languages – game
Which European language isn’t related to any other? Basque Erse Rhaeto-Romanic Comment: Basque, spoken primary in the north-east of Spain and the south-west of France, isn’t related to any other languages. Arabic was once spoken in which European country? Greece France Spain Comment: In medieval times, the empire of Al-Andalus controlled the Iberian Peninsula. To this day the Alhambra, a Moorish palace in Spanish town Granada, remains a gorgeous remnant of that empire.
Interesting facts about languages – game
What is the only Semitic language in European Union? Serbian Maltese Albanian Comment: Maltese, besides English the second official language on Malta, the only Semitic language within EU. After the southernmost country in Europe joined the EU, Maltese, which is closely related to Arabic was added to the list of official EU languages. Which is the only Celtic language to be recognized as an official language in Europe? Swedish Irish Estonian Comment: Irish is the only Celtic language recognized as official state language in Europe and has been one of the 23 official languages of EU since the beginning of ,6 million people speak Irish, only around 7000 speakers.
Finally…… "A different language is a different vision of life." - Federico Fellini, Italian film director "Those who know nothing of foreign languages, knows nothing of their own." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "The individual's whole experience is built upon the plan of his language." - Henri Delacroix, French painter and filmmaker "As the traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own." - Margaret Mead, American anthropologist You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once. (Czech proverb)
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