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Cross-State Convening June 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-State Convening June 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-State Convening June 2017
The “Perfect Storm”: Leveraging Resources Across the Golden State California Cross-State Convening June 2017 H325A120003

2 Engaging Question What activities and initiatives are going on in your state that relate to CEEDAR reforms and how can you leverage your work with them to foster sustainability? (Table talk)

3 The Perfect Storm New Paradigm for Teacher Education
Collaboration in Policy Lifting the Floor and Opening the Canvas Kristin

4 CA: Related Initiatives and Infrastructure
“The Big Trunk” Special Education Task Force Education Specialist Licensure Re-design SUMS New TPEs for single and multiple subjects CCTE Modules California Council of Teacher Educators

5 Special Education Taskforce
Purpose: What policy and practice changes are needed to improve services for children w/ disabilities- develop a unified system of education Composition: parents, teachers, IHE professors, school district, CA DOE, CTC, SBOE, LAO Report issued March 2015 Shireen

6 Special Education Taskforce Report
Covered 7 areas: Early learning EBP Educator Preparation and Professional Learning Assessment Accountability Family and Student Engagement Special Education Financing Shireen

7 SUMS CA Scale-Up MTSS Statewide (SUMS) – technical assistance to LEAs and LEA consortia Leads: OCDE, Butte County Office of Education, SWIFT Center Shireen

8 Teacher Performance Expectations
New Teacher Performance Expectations aligned with the CA Standards for the Teaching Profession New program standards for Multiple and Single Subject Programs Programs must adopt these changes by Fall 2017 Shireen TPEs- what teachers should know and be able to demonstrate

9 Focus of revised TPEs “All Students” College and Career readiness
Working effectively with SWDs (UDL, co-teaching, MTSS) Emerging technologies for instruction Integration of visual and performing arts Support of SEL Shireen

10 Sp Ed and the new TPEs Work underway on new TPEs for Special Educators
Development of a “common trunk” of standards/content for all teacher preparation programs, and then “branching” out with specialized knowledge in specific areas of credential authorization Examining the sp ed credentialing structure Shireen Bilingual ed, sp ed, reading specialist, etc.

11 California Council on Teacher Education
California Professional Organization for Teacher Education Advocacy Mentoring Journals: Teacher Education Quarterly and Issues in Teacher Education Lynne/Lisa

12 Intersegmental Project
All Segments 8 hours of training Andragogy Cognitive Coaching Inclusion Professional Expectations Content Strategies for Diverse Learners

13 Going Deep CCTE Module Development Work Key Concepts in new TPEs
UDL, MTSS, differentiation Training for Supervising Teachers and Module Development “Coalition of the Willing” CEEDAR’s role

14 Discussion What state legislative priorities or policies align with your CEEDAR blueprint objectives? Lisa

15 Discussion What educator preparation or licensure changes are needed to reach your CEEDAR goals? Lisa

16 Discussion What initiatives is your state taking to promote sustainability of your CEEDAR goals? Lisa

17 Closing Connections What is your two minute message to share with your team that helps your context?

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