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Coaching Heavy? Coaching Light? Coaching Right!

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching Heavy? Coaching Light? Coaching Right!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching Heavy? Coaching Light? Coaching Right!

2 Tricia Kurtt, Instructional Coach
Welcome! @IowaASCD Tricia Kurtt, Instructional Coach @tkurtt77

3 Who are some of the experts and what are they saying?
What are the characteristics of coaching heavy/coaching light? What is the relationship between professional development and coaching? How do we monitor the impact of coaching on teaching? On learning? Other tips and strategies Questions/Comments Outcomes For Today

4 As an Instructional Coach
You Will Wear Many Different Hats!


6 The Nine Coaching Roles:

7 Who are the Experts? What Do They Say?

8 Who are the Experts? Jim Knight Steve Barkley Joellen Killion
Diane Sweeney Others Who are the Experts? Learned a lot from reading these people/conferences Stealing one idea….plagarism…. No intent to plagerize...just compiling and applying and hoping to share some tips that will help you

9 Steve Barkley

10 Cognitive Coaching
Jim Knight...relationships first Diane Sweeny ….focus on student learning and student results

11 Student Centered Coaching by Diane Sweeney

12 Many Different Hats Do you know all the different hats you are expected to wear? Do you know the purpose of each hat and when to wear them/not wear them? Do you know how to “behave” as you wear each hat? Do you make it transparent which hat you are wearing to those you serve?

13 What are the Characteristics of Coaching Heavy? Coaching Light?

14 Have to start with coaching light. That is what I was initially told
Have to start with coaching light? That is what I was initially told...never sat well with me. Use as a reflective tool...what did I just do? Intentions can be to coach heavy but did our words/actions align with coaching heavy? Reprising Coaching Heavy and Coaching Light by Joellen Killion:

15 Coaching Light Coaching Heavy
“Occurs when coaches want to build and maintain relationships more than they want to improve teaching and learning. From this perspective, coaches may act to increase their perceived value to teachers by providing resources and avoiding challenging conversations.” “Coaches work outside their comfort zone and stretch their coaching skills, content knowledge, leadership skills, relationship skills, and instructional skills. They are increasingly aware of the beliefs that drive their actions and reexamine them frequently.” Surface Coaching Versus Deep Coaching by Jim Knight:

16 -Joellen Killion (Dec 2010)
“Some have even suggested that coaches cannot coach heavy without coaching light first to build relationships. Perhaps that is true for some; however, I do not subscribe to that notion.” “....more substantive conversations about student learning increase trust.” -Joellen Killion (Dec 2010)

17 Align Your Coaching to Goals
What are the goals of your... District Building PLC Student Learning Outcomes Focus on Creating a Coaching Culture

18 A Good Coach Gets Lots of Plates Spinning?

19 Every Student Deserves a Great Teacher, Not by Chance but By Design
How do we create a coaching culture that ENSURES quality teaching in every classroom? Every Student Deserves a Great Teacher, Not by Chance but By Design Fisher, Frey, Hattie

20 Link to Resource

21 What is the Relationship Between Professional Development & Coaching?

22 Theory, Demonstration, Practice, Peer Coaching
-Joyce and Showers

23 Teacher Driven/ Technical Coaching
Steve Barkley: What is the focus of your school’s professional development? Start your heavy coaching there!

24 Theory, Demonstration, Practice, Peer Coaching
Teachers research Summarize research and reflect Meet with a coach Demonstration Watch what they researched in action Video demonstrations or visit classrooms Summarize/reflect Practice Plan and implement the strategy Record teaching/reflect Peer coaching/Student Feedback *Want to see more? me!

25 Peer Coaching - #ObserveMe:

26 Book: Thanks for the Feedback by Stone and Heen
If we are going to create a culture of GIVING FEEDBACK we also have to support it by improving our skills to RECEIVE FEEDBACK!

27 Feedback Three Types Appreciation Coaching Evaluation Three Triggers
Truth Triggers Relationship Triggers Identity Triggers

28 How Do We Monitor the Impact of Coaching on Teaching?
On Student Learning? ?

29 Steve Barkley:

30 Woodruff Scale by Susan Woodruff:

31 Walk Through Tool:
Built it collaboratively with a team of teachers Purpose was clearly communicated Sought teacher feedback before/during/after Data collected was transparent

32 Tips and Strategies What do the experts say?

33 Coaching Heavy Utilize (or create) “Third Parties”
Curriculum Review Cycle Individualized Teacher Professional Development Plan/Evaluation Cycle Professional Development Any District, Building, or PLC Initiatives

34 Coaching Heavy Focus on Student Learning Outcomes
Classroom visit feedback should be centered on student outcomes/student behaviors Coaching conversations should not happen without the presence of student work - Sweeney Micro-teaching - watch videos together and focus on what the students are doing/not doing (Record your own teaching too!)

35 Coaching Light...ish Get into rooms and practice/model what teachers are being asked to do! “I need to practice ________ and I have a goal to practice in five classrooms. Are you up for it?”

36 IF it worked well in one room, offer it to everyone!

Make copies and place in boxes with a individual note to each teacher. Reminders about the various things you are able to do!

38 Let them know you are there...and you are approachable!


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