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Young Workers Engagement Project Apprenticeships Julie Williamson

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Presentation on theme: "Young Workers Engagement Project Apprenticeships Julie Williamson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Young Workers Engagement Project Apprenticeships Julie Williamson

2 What is an ‘Apprenticeship’?
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications What is an ‘Apprenticeship’? Apprenticeships are government funded work-based training programmes for people aged 16 and over They combine on the job training with nationally recognised qualifications Apprenticeships come in different levels from intermediate and advanced to degree level and will last a minimum of 12 months

3 What is an ‘Apprenticeship’?
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications What is an ‘Apprenticeship’? Rates of pay Health & Safety Same rights as other workers Time off for study Job rotation Lead to employment or give transferable skills Doesn't replace a worker or head count

4 What is a ‘Traineeship’?
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications What is a ‘Traineeship’? A traineeship is an education and training programme with work experience that prepares young people for their future careers by helping them to become ‘work ready’ Designed to help those aged 16 to 24 who don’t yet have the appropriate skills or experience Traineeships should provide essential work preparation training, English, maths and work experience needed to secure an apprenticeship or employment

5 What is a ‘Traineeship’?
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications What is a ‘Traineeship’? Health & Safety Workers Rights Ensure they receive off the job training Expenses 360-degree view of the role Duration Form part of technical education

6 The ‘Post-16 Skills Plan’
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications The ‘Post-16 Skills Plan’ What is the ‘Post-16 Skills Plan’?

7 ‘Alternative Provision’
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications ‘Alternative Provision’ (SEND) Special Education Needs & Disability (NEET) Not in Education, Employment or Training Work placement (Traineeships) Workers rights Health & Safety Adequate assessments Reasonable adjustments

8 Any questions? Thanks for listening!
Opportunity Growth Support Learning Qualifications Thanks for listening! Any questions?

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