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Managing the HIM talent pipeline

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1 Managing the HIM talent pipeline
AHIMA Foundation Managing the HIM talent pipeline Registered Apprenticeship Program Onsite Presentation: Thank you for giving us an opportunity to provide an overview of the AHIMA Foundation’s Registered Apprenticeship Program. We hope you will gain understanding of the program. © 2017

2 Grantee: AHIMA Foundation
Funding Agency: Department of Labor/Employment  & Training Agency Grant Timeline: October 1, 2015 –September 30, 2020 In 2015, the AHIMA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AHIMA, was awarded $4.9 million from the Department of Labor to fund the Managing the HIM Talent Pipeline to help train and place 1,200 recent college graduates and working learners to find jobs in the health information industry. © 2017

3 The 21ST Century Workforce
How do we address the gap between academic training/competencies and the skills needed to ensure workforce readiness? The gap between students with market-ready skills and experience is growing and has become the primary barrier to both entry into and advancement within the Health Information Management (HIM) market. Over the years, increasingly tight manpower budgets have led HIM employers to seek only experienced candidates for open positions. A common comment from employers is “We do not have the budget or manpower to do the training that is necessary to bring a less experienced person to our required level of skill proficiency.” © 2017

4 AHIMA Foundation’s Managing the Talent Pipeline (MTP) in Health Information Management apprenticeship program addresses this gap by preparing individuals through skills training and experiential learning that is required by employers in today’s healthcare market. Further, the program serves to provide an on ramp for new graduates seeking their first work experience and to boost career mobility for the working learner. The MTP program will provide the missing, initial, immersion and on-the-job training of the apprentices at no cost to the HIM employer or to the employee. The program is: a five year program and will be complete in September of 2020 the only national program in healthcare will place at least 1,200 HIM professionals in apprentices Provides immersive training, skills demonstrations and experiential learning needed by the industry © 2017 © 2016

5 “We’re always honored to have new HIM professional join the company, but sponsoring apprentices marks a game change form how graduates begin their healthcare career.” – Torrey Barnhouse , President, TrustHCS, Apprentice Employer © 2017

6 The DETAILS © 2017 Provide up-skilling and certification opportunities
through AHIMA, and additional professional and common employability skills training. Create pathways and increase growth opportunities within the health information profession Embed the apprenticeship model as a standard practice in health information and other healthcare verticals and grow AHIMA membership. Expand opportunities for underrepresented populations including, women (single working mothers), veterans, individuals with disabilities. Stacked, latticed and portable To ensure a market-ready workforce There are four overarching goals that drive the Apprenticeship program. The Managing the Talent Pipeline in Health Information apprenticeship program addresses each of these goals: Create career pathways that encompass American Apprenticeship and align with other post-secondary educational offerings; Our program is focused on providing pathways for individuals to enter the profession and continue to move along that career pathway Support the expansion of quality and innovative American Apprenticeship programs into high-growth occupation(s) and industry(s), particularly in areas such as health information. Increase the demand for American Apprenticeship and support sustainability; members of the AHIMA Foundation serve our profession through local, state, regional, and national representation on advisory committees and workgroups, providing input into policies and procedures impacting the apprenticeship program. Embed the apprenticeship model as a standard practice in health information and other healthcare verticals and grow AHIMA membership. Use strategies to significantly increase apprenticeship opportunities for job seekers and workers… again the program focuses on providing apprentice opportunities for women and other underrepresented populations in apprenticeship, including young men and women of color, people with disabilities; and veterans, including transitioning service members © 2017

7 © 2017 Registered Apprenticeship Roles
There are currently 4 approved apprenticeship roles in HIM: Hospital Coder; Clinical Documentation Improvement; Data Analyst, and Business Analyst. Current requirements as entry into the four specific apprenticeship roles require a combination of education, certifications, and experience that are stacked, latticed, and portable. The educational requirements, length of the program, and competencies are customized to the specific role. More information about each role can be found online at the AHIMA Foundation website. AHIMA Foundation will also seek to develop two (2) additional apprenticeship roles © 2017

8 Program benefits What are the benefits to the program for both apprentices and employers? © 2017

9 Apprentice Benefits To HIRING
One attempt at an AHIMA Certification Exam paid through the grant Access to Apprentice Engage online community Vlab access to immersion training & role specific learning modules Mentoring through AHIMA Foundation and employer Structured training program including common employability skills training, coding immersion, and other specialized training based on apprentice role. Benefits To HIRING Creates career pathways and growth opportunities Benefits to Hiring an Apprentice Hiring an apprentice has many benefits to your organization: Apprentices successfully completing certain program requirements will be eligible to sit for the appropriate credential aligned with the role and one attempt paid through grant funding. Which, showcases your organization's commitment to employee’s career growth and upskilling. Opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences will be provided through access to an Apprentice Engage on-line community; Apprentices will be mentored through the employer as well as through project staff; Apprentices are offered a structured training program that includes in depth hands-on practice specifically designed and customized with the employer based on the apprentice role. © 2017

10 Employer benefits Creates industry driven workforce strategy © 2017
First level screening/referral program for appropriate placement Opportunity to customize Immersion training for Hospital Coder/Coding Professional and CDIS Apprentices Common employability skills training to ensure work-ready apprentices Pre-/post-assessment for Hospital Coder/Coding Professional and CDI roles Mentor support to include access to Mentor Engage community and AHIMA Foundation Trainers Opportunity to bring on apprentices at a reduced salary Potential for state incentives for hiring apprentices benefits Creates industry driven workforce strategy Employer Benefits<Slide 10> Additional benefits to the employer are made available through the grant funding, such as: The AHIMA Foundation Apprenticeship project staff will provide the first level of screening for apprentice applicants and then match those applicants to employers based upon criteria and job roles that the employer has identified. Immersion training designed specifically for Coding and CDI apprentices (During the required coding immersion training period, designed for Coding and CDI apprentices, redacted medical records will be included in structured Vlab training. If an employer wants the apprentice to have access to records specific to its environment, the project team will work with the employer to place redacted medical records provided by the employer, within the Vlab for additional training. Common Employability Skills Training will be provided to all apprentices in the designated roles. An assessment at the start of the apprenticeship is used to determine knowledge or skill level. The employer will assign mentors (trainers) for the apprentice(s). For example, a mentor may supervise up to 4 medical coding apprentices (this doesn’t mean the employer needs to hire someone FT to supervise the mentors). The AHIMA Foundation project team members will maintain ongoing communications with mentors connecting them to training and evaluation materials. Additionally, an online Mentor community will be established through AHIMA’s Engage communities, giving mentors the opportunity to connect, sharing of ideas and resources. Opportunity to bring on apprentices at a reduced salary Potential for state incentives for hiring apprentices © 2017

11 Sharon Dinwiddie, MBA, RHIT, CCA currently applying for an apprenticeship
“The apprenticeship program is exactly what the HIM field has been needing in order to bridge the experience gap. Being accepted into the program would be life changing and a dream come true. Thank you for your part in making this wonderful program possible.” (Update) © 2017

12 How does it work? The Registered Apprenticeship model combines job related instruction with on-the-job learning and progressively increases the skill level and wages of apprentices as they advance through the program. How Does the Program Work? The Registered Apprenticeship model combines on-the-job learning with job related instruction and progressively increases the skill level and wages of apprentices as they advance through the program. © 2017

13 © 2017 Application/Survey/Interest
Complete the apprenticeship interest form to let us know which apprenticeship roles you are interested in, time line and options you would like to consider for immersion training. Registration/Agreements/Standards The Foundation meets with employers to outline the Standards and assists them with completing and returning them to the DoL. Standards of Apprenticeship are the employer’s guide to the apprentices’ roles. The Standards outlines the knowledge and skills apprentices will learn on the job; ensure consistency; and adherence to curriculum and skills demonstration. Screening/Referral The Foundation screens and interviews each applicant, then provides the employer with a pool of candidates to consider, based upon both the employer’s criteria and the candidates’ interests. Interview/Employment. The employer conducts its standard interviewing process and selects one or more apprentices for hire. Current employees may also take advantage of the program and move into the apprentice role to take advantage of program benefits including upskilling through immersion training and mentoring, and the ability to sit for a certification exam. Immersion Training/Employment/Mentoring Once an apprentice is hired, the Foundation will evaluate current skill level, and then the apprentice will enter into an intense, professionally designed training and curriculum, customized to each position track for 6-8 weeks (240 + hours). Apprentices are then guided through 10+ month (1680+ hours) on-the-job learning and skills demonstration through the conclusion of the program. Apprentice Immersion Training Program The AHIMA Foundation works with employer to train apprentices Program introduction and overview Pre-Immersion Comprehensive Exam Individualized Learning Program Identified in collaboration with the Employer Immersion Skills Training – Module Based Including: Intermediate charts & Advanced Charts Post Module Assessments (80-90% to pass) Mentor Checkpoints Customized exercises in redacted Employer records Post-Immersion Comprehensive Exam Post-OJT Skills and Competency Assessment Apprentice Completion © 2017

14 Standards of Apprenticeship Your Organization’s guide
Standards of Apprenticeship is the employer’s guide to the apprenticeship program and roles. Outlines the knowledge and skills apprentices will learn on the job. May be customizable to your hiring practices and company needs. Your Organization’s guide The standards of apprenticeship is a process of apprenticeship registration is designed to ensure that working apprentices, employer sponsors, and the general public can gain a clear understanding of the training content and the measures that are in place to ensure ongoing quality. The DoL has approved the AHIMA Foundation’s standards of apprenticeship. This document is an “employer handbook” outlining what is expected of the employer and includes: apprentice occupations, apprentice pay scales, apprentice’s immersion training, and apprentice on-the-job-learning, which may be customizable by the employer. © 2017

15 Make Apprenticeships work for your Organization
Call us at us at Fill out the Apprenticeship Interest form and we will contact you. Request a Personalized Meeting There are 5 Core Components of the Managing the Talent Pipeline in Health Information Apprenticeships: Employer Involvement is Integral : the employer is key to the apprenticeship program; the employer will be hiring the apprentice into the specific job role Structured On-the-Job Training (OJT): Most apprenticeship roles are time-based roles; however, the apprenticeship roles in HIM are competency-based and competencies identified within each role are addressed through activities that typically occur on the job site Job Related Education: Many apprentices coming into the program will bring front-loaded education (completed coursework) to the program; however, as a part of the apprenticeship program, we are planning to provide additional opportunities for training in such areas as Common Employability Skills and a 4-6 week Immersion Training for all 4 registered roles Rewards for Skill Gains: All apprentices are paid a salary – this salary may start at a reduced rate and progressively increases while the apprentice increases his/her skills and meets demonstrated benchmarks. Nationally Recognized Credential: Following completion of an apprenticeship, DOL provides a certificate of completion and apprentices may choose to sit for the credentialing exam specific to the designated role, for example: the medical coder moving from the CCA to the CCS credential. Visit to find current information about the Managing the Talent Pipeline in Health Information program, including: Upcoming informational webinars for employers and students on the apprenticeship program Descriptions and applications for each of the apprenticeship roles Frequently Asked Questions and Answers regarding the apprenticeship program Participants are invited to visit this page regularly for updates about the program. © 2016

16 “ Your workforce is your most valuable asset
“ Your workforce is your most valuable asset. The knowledge and skills they have represent the fuel that drives the engine of business – and you can leverage that knowledge.” Your workforce is your most valuable asset. The knowledge and skills they have represent the fuel that drives the engine of business – and you can leverage that knowledge. –Havey Mackay In summary An apprenticeship is a paid position that bridges education and employment in an organization. Apprentices start at an entry level scale of an occupation that increases as certain checkpoints are reached. Apprentices are hired by the employer Apprentice qualifications vary according to role. An apprenticeship program lasts from one to two years, depending the on the apprenticeship role. Apprentice applications are being accepted now - Harvey Mackay © 2017

17 © 2017 Please find an acknowledgement of the grant award
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Thank you for more information please © 2017

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