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Core -the center of the Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Core -the center of the Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Core -the center of the Earth

2 Mantle- the middle of the Earth made up of molten (melted) rock

3 Crust- the surface layer of the Earth that includes the continents and oceans

4 Continental Drift -the theory of how Earth’s continents move over its surface

5 Plate Tectonics -the theory of how the continents move on giant crustal plates over the mantle of the Earth

6 Earthquake -a sudden movement of the Earth’s crust

7 Landform -a natural feature of the surface of the Earth that has a particular shape

8 Mountain -a landform caused by the uplift of the Earth’s crust; created when two crustal plates press against each other; this landform can also be caused by volcanoes

9 Growth -creation of new landforms (by crustal movements, harden lava flow and/or deposition of sediments)

10 Flow -movement of material (such as lava, mud or water/ice)

11 Constructive Forces -actions that build up or construct landforms

12 Destructive Forces -actions that wear down or destroy landforms

13 Volcano -an opening in the Earth’s crust through which lava, ash and gases flow

14 Magma -the melted rock under Earth’s surface; magma flows in the mantle

15 Lava -melted rock flowing on the surface of the Earth, usually from volcanoes

16 Weathering -the process of breaking rock into soil, sand and other tiny pieces

17 Erosion -the process of moving sediments from one place to another

18 Deposition -the process of dropping (depositing) sediment in a new location

19 Beach -gently sloping shore next to a body of water, washed by waves or tides, often covered by sand and pebbles.

20 Dune -a mound, hill or ridge of wind-blown sand

21 Glacier -a large river of ice that moves very slowly; will create a u shaped valley between mountains

22 Valley -a low area between hills and mountains; v-shaped valleys are formed by rivers; u-shaped are formed by glaciers

23 Plain -a nearly level area that has been eroded or where material has been deposited

24 Plateau -a nearly level area that has been uplifted

25 Flood -when water get higher than normal and flows onto dry land

26 Canyon -a long, narrow, deep valley with steep walls that is formed by running water cutting into the Earth

27 Meander -a curve or loop in a river

28 Delta -a fan shaped deposit at the mouth of a river

29 Groundcover -small plants that grow on the forest floor or in a field (mosses, ferns and grasses)

30 Sediments -pieces of rock or earth that have been broken down by weathering

31 Fossils -a trace of a plant or animal from long ago (millions of years) that is embedded in the Earth’s crust.

32 Soil -the top layer of the Earth’s surface that is made of rocks, minerals and plant material

33 Bedrock -the rock layer that is under the soil

34 Topsoil -the upper, dark soil where plants grow

35 Humus -the decomposing remains of dead plants and animals

36 Renewable resource -a resource that CAN be replaced in a short amount of time examples: plants, animals, water, oxygen, soil, wind, ocean tides)

37 Nonrenewable resources -a resource that CANNOT be replaced in short time examples: oil, natural gas, coal, minerals, rock

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