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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up

2 Yes, even if you got them correct.
Answers Warm-Up Write these down under your responses. Yes, even if you got them correct.

3 Think back to a time when someone made you feel awful/unworthy
Before we begin with the lecture answer the following questions in your Warm Up Journals: Think back to a time when someone made you feel awful/unworthy Who was this person? What did they say/ how did they say it? How did they get you to believe what they were saying about you?

4 Persuasive Techniques
Through out Puritanism we are going to look at persuasive techniques and how they shape your understanding, believes, and actions.

5 Puritans

6 The Scrooby Separatists: Persecuted in England Settle first in the
Netherlands Sail on the Mayflower to New England Mayflower Compact

7 Non-Separatist Puritans: Want to purge Church of all traces of
Catholicism Believe in “elect” 1630 Winthrop leads 700 to found Massachusetts Bay Colony, a “city upon a hill” 1691 the colony merges with Separatists of Plymouth John Winthrop Massachusetts Bay 1630

8 Daily Life: Small Farms Plain living Fashion Laws Meeting House center of town life

9 Church Services: Compulsory Assigned seating Most important event in daily life

10 2 Sacraments: Communion Baptism Only members could take communion Baptism does not wash away original sin

11 Puritan Beliefs (TULIP):
Total Depravity – Through Adam and Eve’s fall, every person is born sinful Unconditional Election – God’s grace cannot be earned; only a few are selected for salvation. Limited Atonement – Jesus only died for the elect. Irresistible Grace –God’s saving grace cannot be earned or denied. Perseverance of the Elect – The chosen prove their salvation by continuing to live godly, upright lives.

12 Punishment based on Bible Misfortunes in life seen as
Government: Massachusetts Bay Theocracy Plymouth based off of Mayflower Compact Limited democracy Punishment based on Bible Misfortunes in life seen as punishment for sins Ducking Stool

13 Writing: Sermons Histories Diaries/autobiographies Poetry Use of Persuasive Triangle

14 Poetry: used for religious instruction mnemonic devices Very few personal poems




18 From the Pulpit of Jonathan Edwards: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

19 I. Jonathan Edwards Biography 1702-1758
Believed that religion should be rooted not only in reason but also in emotion. Considered by many to be America’s greatest religious thinker. Born in East Windsor, Connecticut and entered Yale University at 12yrs old. 1735 &1735: Delivered a series of sermons that resulted in a great # of conversions of people who believed that they had felt God’s grace and were “born again” when they accepted Christ. I. Jonathan Edwards Biography

20 ****Edwards’ sermons helped trigger the Great Awakening, a religious revival that swept through New England from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was delivered at the height of the Great Awakening and is the most famous of his 1200 sermons. Edwards believed strongly that only a genuine conversion experience should qualify a person for church membership. Also that God pitied the sinner and only his mysterious will saved them 1750: Edwards was dismissed from his church because he wanted to limit membership. A year later he was in Stockbridge, MA, where he became a missionary in a Native American settlement.

21 Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet was born in 1612 to a nonconformist former soldier of Queen Elizabeth, Thomas Dudley. In 1630 he sailed with his family for America with the Massachusetts Bay Company. Also sailing was his associate and son-in-law, Simon Bradstreet. At 25, he had married Anne Dudley, 16, his childhood sweetheart. Anne Dudley Bradstreet did not attend school, but received an excellent education from her father. Anne Bradstreet was the first woman to be recognized as an accomplished New World Poet. Her volume of poetry The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America ... received considerable favorable attention when it was first published in London in 1650.  Her poems often consist revolve around her daily life, including events, family members, and religion

22 Group Share You have 1 minute to prepare yourself and group to share out about one of the persuasive techniques we discussed It will be random so have all three prepared! You will only have 20 seconds to present, so be concise!

23 Agenda Present: Warm Up Refresh on Puritan Ideals (Group Share)
Initial Read Anne Bradstreet Model Annotations (3) Partner Annotations (3) Discuss Independent Annotations (3)

24 By the end of today you should…
Be able to Identify Literary devices “H.L.S.V.U.T.B.O.H.” Incorporate Puritan Ideals when interpreting the poem Paraphrase the poem So we are prepared to read “The Crucible” ON MONDAY!!!!

25 “Here Lie Some Verses Upon The Burning of Our House”
Anne Bradstreet “Here Lie Some Verses Upon The Burning of Our House”

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