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Basic Finance Securities Markets

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1 Basic Finance Securities Markets
4 An introduction to financial institutions, investments & Management Eleventh Edition

2 Market Makers Dealers offer to buy and sell for their own accounts
The spread - the difference between the bid and ask prices

3 Market Makers Facilitate securities transactions
Do not set the level of prices Prices determined by supply and demand for the securities

4 Buying and Selling Securities
Role of brokers full service brokerage firms discount brokers electronic trading Difference between a broker a securities dealer

5 Types of Orders Market orders Limit orders
Executed at the current bid or ask Assured transaction Limit orders Specified price Transaction may not occur

6 Settlement Confirmation statements for transactions
T + 3: Settlement date Securities are held (registered with) by the brokerage firm (“street name”)

7 Confirmation Statement

8 The Cost of Investing Commissions The spread Full service brokers
Discount brokers On-line brokers The spread

9 Margin Accounts Buying with a combination of the investor’s funds and borrowed funds Leveraging the position Increased potential percentage return or loss Increased risk

10 Margin Requirements Initial margin requirement Margin call
Established by the Federal Reserve Margin call

11 Long and Short Positions
Long (bullish) position Anticipates prices rising Short (bearish) position Anticipates prices falling

12 The Short Sale Sale of borrowed securities
Contract for future delivery To close position: Purchase the stock and return the borrowed securities

13 Examples of Measures of Securities Prices
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Stock Index New York Stock Exchange Index Nasdaq Index Wilshire 5000 Russell 1000

14 Construction of Indices
Questions concerning: What securities to include How index is computed Can produce different measures of stock performance

15 Foreign Securities Foreign stocks traded in American markets
American Depository Receipts (ADRs) Avoids the problem of language Expressed in dollars and not the local currency Registered with the SEC

16 Competitive and Efficient Markets
Easy entry and exit Information disseminated rapidly Price changes occur quickly

17 Efficient Market Hypothesis
Current price properly values a stock Cannot expect to consistently out perform

18 Efficient Market Hypothesis

19 Efficient Market Hypothesis
Empirical results supports the hypothesis Exceptions “anomalies” to efficient market hypothesis

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