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Example Outcome and Impact Level Indicators

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1 Example Outcome and Impact Level Indicators
DAC Network on Development Evaluation 10th Meeting – 11 February 2010

2 Why are Outcome & Impact Indicators Needed?
1. Assist country offices to develop a set of indicators for the programming level (e.g. to guide development and monitoring of a Country Strategy Paper) 2. To fill, as much as possible, the 'missing middle' between implementation indicators and global impact indicators

3 The Missing Middle (1) Outputs Outcomes Specific Impacts Intermediate
Global Impacts

4 Attention 1. This is a simplified tool, not a template. Intervention logic must be developed for each country based on its context and existing government strategies 2. Indictors are not fixed but provide ideas on how to set, monitor and evaluate Country Strategy objectives 3. Crosscutting issues should be mainstreamed into relevant indicators (e.g. disaggregation of data by gender) 4. Outcomes/Impact are not fully attributable to development interventions Outputs are 100% attributable but attribution falls as you move up the chain of results

5 Roads

6 Common Indicator of Success
Kilometres of Roads…

7 Examples - Real Indicators of Success
Other Factors Kilometres of Road Education Trade Time Health Jobs/Profits Cost Environment Poverty Reduction

8 Intervention Logic Specific Impacts Output Clusters Outcomes
Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Lower Road Transport Time Greater Economic Accessibility Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Lower Road Transport Costs Greater Accessibility to Social Services Economic Growth Improved Institutional Management of Road System Institutional Reform Poverty Reduction MDG 1 Economic Increased Employment Social Development Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised Environment Enhanced Human Capacity MDG 7 Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Social MDG 6

9 Outcome Indicators Output Clusters Outcomes Indicators 1. Travel Times
Lower Road Transport Time 1. Travel Times Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Lower Road Transport Costs 2. Transportation costs Improved Institutional Management of Road System Institutional Reform 3. Implementation and enforcement of laws related to roads Increased Employment Economic 4. Employment resulting from construction and maintenance of roads Environment Social

10 Specific Impact Indicators
Output Clusters Specific Impacts Outcomes Indicators 5. Access to roads 6. Use of public transportation 7. Business productivity Greater Economic Accessibility Lower Road Transport Time Infrastructure (construction/maintenance) Lower Road Transport Costs Greater Accessibility to Social Services 8. Access to social services Improved Institutional Management of Road System Institutional Reform Economic Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised 9. Environmental effects of road system Environment 10. Road deaths and injuries 11. Disease transmissions influenced by improved mobility Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Social

11 Intermediate Impact Indicators
Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Outputs Outcomes Indicators Lower Road Transport Time Greater Economic Accessibility Infrastructure (construction/maintenance) 14. Employment 15. Trade Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Lower Road Transport Costs Greater Accessibility to Social Services Improved Institutional Management of Road System Institutional Reform Economic Increased Employment Environmental Impacts of Roads Minimised Environment 16. School attendance 17. Health attendance Enhanced Human Capacity Enhanced Safety & Health Linked to Roads Social

12 The Missing Middle (2) Outputs Outcomes Specific Impacts Intermediate
Global Impacts

13 List of Key Indicators (with examples)
Outcome Indicators 1.Travel times Public/Commercial transportation time 2. Transportation costs Cost of public transport fares; commercial operating costs List of Key Indicators (with examples) 3. Implementation and enforcement of laws related to roads Number/type of prosecutions related to road offences; number/type of approved laws related to roads 4. Employment resulting from road construction and maintenance Number of people directly and indirectly employed in road construction and maintenance projects Specific Impact Indicators 5. Access to roads Population living within x kilometres of a road network 6. Use of public transportation Number of people using public transportation 7. Businesses productivity Market return for traded goods; transfer to higher-value goods 8. Access to social services Number of people who live within x time of a school, health centre, or local government office; number of visits by government officials to towns/villages 9. Environmental effects of road system Soil erosion directly related to roads; lead and carbon monoxide pollution; market share for unleaded petrol; number of vehicles meeting x environmental quality standard 10. Road deaths and injures Number of road deaths; number of road injuries 11. Disease transmissions influenced by improved mobility HIV/AIDS infection rate; TB infection rate Intermediate Impact Indicators 12. Employment Employment opportunities within x travel time; increase in employment within x area 13. Trade Volume of trade between y and z regions; value of trade between y and z regions 14. School attendance School enrolment rates; school completion rates 15. Health attendance Number of visits to health centres; number of supervised births; child immunisation rates

14 Education

15 Education Intervention Logic
Output Clusters Outcomes Specific Impact Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Better Allocation of Educational Resources Improved Family Planning & Health Awareness Institutional Management Quality of Education Increased Affordability of Education Economic Growth Skills and Learning Enhancement Curricula & Teaching Materials Poverty Reduction Improved Participation in Society MDG 2 MDG 1 Teacher Recruitment & Training Equitable Access to Education Social Development MDG 2 Health MDG 3 Greater Income Opportunities Education Facilities Optimal Employment

16 Outcome Indicators (1) 1. Transparent decision making
Output Clusters Indicators Outcomes Better Allocation of Educational Resources 1. Transparent decision making Institutional Management Increased Affordability of Education 2. Cost for household Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Health 13. Employment: school/university construction and maintenance 14. Employment: teachers and government workers Education Facilities Optimal Employment

17 Outcome Indicators (2) Results Output Indicators (Outcomes) Clusters
Better Allocation of Educational Resources 3. Absenteeism & Drop Out 4. Teacher ratios/rates 5. Qualification of teachers 6. Teaching material ratios 7. Transition & Repetition Institutional Management Quality of Education Increased Affordability of Education Curricula & Teaching Materials Equitable education participation 9. Enrolment rate 10. Completion rate 11. Distance to school/university 12. School and university places Teacher Recruitment & Training Equitable Access to Education Health Education Facilities Optimal Employment

18 Specific Impact Indicators
Output Clusters Outcomes Specific Impact Indicators Better Allocation of Educational Resources Institutional Management Quality of Education Increased Affordability of Education Literacy & Numeracy rates Examination results Social views Skills and Learning Enhancement Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Equitable Access to Education Health Education Facilities Optimal Employment

19 Intermediate Impact Indicators
Output Clusters Specific Impact Intermediate Impacts Outcomes Indicator Better Allocation of Educational Resources Improved Family Planning & Health Awareness Institutional Management Quality of Education Increased Affordability of Education Skills and Learning Enhancement Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Equitable Access to Education Improved Participation in Society Health Greater Income Opportunities Employability Education Facilities Optimal Employment

20 List of Key Indicators (with examples)
Affordability Outcome Indicators 1. Transparent decision making - Implementation of transparent mechanisms to allocate resources between sectors (e.g. using tools such as average cost ratios per student for different educational levels) 2. Cost for Household - Cost of education (i.e. fees, materials/equipment, lunches etc) as a % of household expenditure; cost per student as a % of income per capita List of Key Indicators (with examples) 11. Distance to school/university - x% of students within x kilometre of a school 12. School and university places - Educational places as an x% of eligible students Optimal Employment Outcome Indicators 13. Employment: school/university construction and maintenance - Number of people directly and indirectly employed in school/university construction and maintenance 14. Employment: teachers and government workers - Number of people directly & indirectly employed as teachers and government workers linked to education sector Quality Outcome Indicators 3. Absenteeism and drop out - Teacher/student absenteeism rates; drop out rates 4. Teacher ratios/rates - Student teacher ratio; rate of double shifting 5. Qualification of teachers - Average qualification of teachers at each educational level 6. Teaching material ratios - Student textbook ratio 7. Transition and repetition - Progression rates; repetition rates Specific Impact Indicators 15. Literacy and numeracy rates - Literacy and numeracy rates by age, sex and social group 16. Examination results - Examination results for various educational levels and subject areas by age, sex & social group 17. Social views - Support for violent conflict; prejudiced views towards other social groups Access Outcome Indicators 8. Equitable educational participation - Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education; ratio of other disadvantaged groups compared to x% of population 9. Enrolment rate - Gross and net enrolment rates 10. Completion rate Intermediate Impact Indicators 18. Employability - % of school leavers/graduates gaining paid employment (split by type of employment)

21 Health

22 Health Intervention Logic
Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Output Clusters Essential Medicines & Equipment Increased Affordability of Health Care Social Development Increased Service Utilization & Intervention Coverage Regulation of Private Sector MDG 8 Reduction in Mortality MDG 4 Enhanced Service Availability & Quality MDG 4 Institutional Reform MDG 5 MDG 5 MDG 6 Poverty Reduction MDG 6 Infrastructure MDG 6 Improved Health Behaviour MDG 1 Improved Health Awareness MDG 5 Education Reduction in Morbidity & Disability MDG 6 MDG 6 Economic Growth Mitigation of External Risks Reduced Health Risks MDG 6 MDG 7 Health Care Worker Recruitment & Training Stronger Labour Markets Optimal Employment

23 Result (Outcome) Indicators
Results (Outcomes) Output Clusters Indicators Essential Medicines & Equipment Increased Affordability of Health Care 1. Household expenditure (out-of-pocket) Regulation of Private Sector 2. Qualification of health care workers 3. Well equipped health facilities 4. Access to health facilities 5. Hospital beds 6. Availability to health care workers 7. Availability of drugs Enhanced Service Availability & Quality Institutional Reform Infrastructure 8. Awareness of infant & maternal care 9. Awareness of HIV/AIDS 10. Awareness of water borne diseases Improved Health Awareness Education Mitigation of External Risks Health Care Worker Recruitment & Training Optimal Employment 11. Employment in health sector

24 Specific Impact Indicators
Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Output Clusters Indicators 12. Antenatal care coverage 13. Births attended by skilled personal 14. Child immunisation 15. Family planning 16. Malaria treatment 17. TB detection & treatment 18. Antiretroviral therapy coverage 19. Diarrhoea treatment 20 Child vitamin supplementation Essential Medicines & Equipment Increased Affordability of Health Care Increased Service Utilization & Intervention Coverage Regulation of Private Sector Enhanced Service Availability & Quality Institutional Reform Infrastructure 21. Contraceptive use 22. Malaria prevention 23. Hand washing 24. Road safety Improved Health Behaviour Improved Health Awareness Education 25. Safe drinking water & basic sanitation 26. Food safety 27. Air pollution Mitigation of External Risks Reduced Health Risks Health Care Worker Recruitment & Training Optimal Employment

25 Intermediate Impact Indicators
Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Output Clusters Indicators Essential Medicines & Equipment Increased Affordability of Health Care 28. Life expectancy 29. Maternal mortality 30. Child mortality 31. Adult mortality Increased Service Utilization & Intervention Coverage Regulation of Private Sector Reduction in Mortality Enhanced Service Availability & Quality Institutional Reform Infrastructure Improved Health Behaviour Improved Health Awareness Education 32. Spread of HIV/AIDS 33. Spread of malaria 34. Spread of TB 35. Disability levels Reduction in Morbidity & Disability Mitigation of External Risks Reduced Health Risks Health Care Worker Recruitment & Training Stronger Labour Markets Optimal Employment

26 List of Key Indicators (with examples)
Affordability Outcome Indicators 1. Household expenditure (out-of-pocket) List of Key Indicators (with examples) 17. TB detection and treatment 18. Antiretroviral therapy coverage 19. Diarrhoea treatment 20 Child vitamin supplementation Service Availability & Quality Outcome Indicators 2. Qualification of health care workers 3. Well equipped health facilities 4. Access to health facilities 5. Hospital beds 6. Availability to health care workers 7. Availability of drugs Health Behaviour Specific Impact Indicators 21. Contraceptive use 22. Malaria prevention 23. Hand washing 24. Road safety Health Risks Specific Impact Indicators 25. Safe drinking water and basic sanitation 26. Food safety 27. Air pollution Health Awareness Outcome Indicators 8. Awareness of infant and maternal care 9. Awareness of HIV/AIDS 10. Awareness of water borne diseases Mortality Intermediate Impact Indicators 28. Life expectancy 29. Maternal mortality 30. Child mortality 31. Adult mortality Employment Outcome Indicator 11. Employment in health sector Service Utilization & Intervention Coverage Specific Impact Indicators 12. Antenatal care coverage 13. Births attended by skilled personal 14. Child immunisation 15. Family planning 16. Malaria treatment Morbidity & Disability Intermediate Impact Indicators 32. Spread of HIV/AIDS 33. Spread of malaria 34. Spread of TB 35. Disability levels

27 Water & Sanitation

28 Water & Sanitation Intervention Logic
Sustainable Eco-System Intervention Logic Water and Sanitation: Intervention Logic Water & Sanitation Intervention Logic Economic Intervention Logic Public Health Intervention Logic Output Clusters Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Improved Conservation & Preservation of Water Environment Reduced vulnerability of Ecosystem to climatic events Sustainable National Water Supply MDG 7 Improved Use of Water & Sanitation Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Economic Growth Economic Increased Employment Improved Water & Sanitation Health & Hygiene Behavior Poverty Reduction Education MDG 1 Improved Quality of Water & Sanitation Social Development Increased Access to Water Institutional Reform Reduced Rate of Water Related Diseases Greater Equity in Allocation of Water & Sanitation MDG 7 MDG 4 Increased Access to Basic Sanitation Improved Health Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Increased Affordability of Water & Sanitation

29 Water and Sanitation: Public Health Intervention Logic
Output Clusters Outcomes Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Indicators Water and sanitation hygiene awareness Domestic access to safe water Access to basic sanitation Indicators Pollution of water and soil Treatment of waste water Equity in domestic water and sanitation allocation Household expenditure on water and sanitation Improved Water & Sanitation Health & Hygiene Behavior Indicator Rate of water borne diseases Poverty Reduction Education Improved Quality of Water & Sanitation Social Development Increased Access to Water Institutional Reform Reduced Rate of Water Related Diseases Greater Equity in Allocation of Water & Sanitation Increased Access to Basic Sanitation Improved Health Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Increased Affordability of Water & Sanitation

30 Water and Sanitation: Economic Intervention Logic
Output Clusters Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Indicators Irrigation requirements Employment resulting from water and sanitation construction and maintenance Equity in allocation of water between sectors Cost of water for businesses Indicator Efficiency of production Improved Use of Water & Sanitation Improved Conditions for Economic Growth Economic Growth Economic Increased Employment Poverty Reduction Indicator Business access to water Social Development Increased Access to Water Institutional Reform Greater Equity in Allocation of Water & Sanitation Infrastructure (construction/ maintenance) Increased Affordability of Water & Sanitation

31 Water and Sanitation: Sustainable Eco-System Intervention Logic
Output Clusters Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Indicators Availability of water Preservation of water Water leakages Recycling of water Indicator Sustainable extraction of water Reduced vulnerability of Ecosystem to climatic events Environment Improved Conservation & Preservation of Water Sustainable National Water Supply Economic Growth Education Improved Use of Water & Sanitation Poverty Reduction Institutional Reform

32 Specific Impact Indicators
Outcome Indicators Public Health Pollution of water and soil Levels of chemicals, minerals, metals, pesticides etc in soil and water Treatment of waste water Proportion of domestic, agricultural and industrial waste water that is treated before being discharged Equity in domestic water and sanitation allocation - Rate of connection to water/sanitation network for slums/shanty towns compared to national average Level of rural poor connection to water/sanitation network compared to national average Household expenditure on water and sanitation x% of household expenditure on water and sanitation by each income group in society Economy Irrigation requirements Amount of water needed to produce xm² of x food Employment resulting from water and sanitation construction and maintenance Number of people directly and indirectly employed in water and sanitation construction and maintenance projects Equity in allocation of water between sectors Implementation of transparent public/private mechanisms to allocate water Cost of water for businesses - Water as a x% cost of agricultural value Water as a x% cost of industrial value Sustainable Eco-System Availability of water Change in water levels for lakes, rivers and water table Preservation of water Area of protected wetlands, lakes and rivers Water leakages % of water lost through water systems due to leakages Recycling of water - Amount of sanitation water that is recycled Amount of water used in industry that is recycled Specific Impact Indicators Public Health Water and sanitation hygiene awareness - Improved collection and storage of drinking water - Proportion of people hand washing Use of hygienic sanitation facilities Domestic access to safe water (inc. time savings) - Households connected to water network for x months of year - Households within 1km of safe water for x months of year Households who receive more than 20 litres of water per day Access to basic sanitation Number of people with access to basic sanitation Economy Business access to water - x% of agricultural water needs meet for x months of the year x% of industrial water needs meet for x months of the year Specific/ Intermediate Impact Indicators Economy Business productivity - x% change in food production/yield and processing costs x% change in industrial production costs Intermediate Impact Indicators Public Health Rate of water borne diseases Inflection rates for diseases such as diarrhoea, intestinal worms, parasitic infections etc. Sustainable Eco-System Sustainable extraction of water Annual extraction of from surface and ground water, in relation to its minimum annual recharge (i.e. water balance sheet)

33 Agriculture & Rural Development

34 Agriculture & Rural Development Intervention Logic
Specific Impacts Output Clusters Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Efficient Employment Non-Farm Agri-Labour Higher Rural Income Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Economic Growth Provision of Public Goods Increased Profitability of Rural Business Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services MDG’s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Poverty Reduction Increased Productivity Increased Affordability of & Subsistence in Food MDG 1 Greater Food Security Increased Production Increased Trade MDG 1 Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Social Development Improved Quality of Products Better Management of Natural Resources Improved Environmental Sustainability MDG 7

35 Agriculture Based Economies (1)
Identified by: Agriculture provides basis for growth (i.e. contributes over 30% of GDP) 70% of poor live in rural areas Typical areas: Sub-Saharan Africa Regions within India & Mexico Intervention focus: Improve smallholder competitiveness Ensure livelihoods and food security

36 Agriculture Based Economies (2)
Specific Impacts Output Clusters Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Efficient Employment Higher Rural Income Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Non-Farm Economic Growth Agri-Labour Provision of Public Goods Increased Profitability of Rural Business Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Smallholder farming Poverty Reduction Increased Productivity Livelihoods & Food Security Increased Affordability of & Subsistence in Food Greater Food Security Increased Production Increased Trade Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Social Development Improved Quality of Products Better Management of Natural Resources Improved Environmental Sustainability

37 Transforming Economies (1)
Identified by: Agriculture no longer driver of growth (i.e. 7% of GDP) with rising urban-rural poverty gap 82% of poor live in rural areas Typical areas: South/East Asia (e.g. China, India) Middle East and North Africa (e.g. Morocco) Intervention focus: Comprehensive approach and multiple pathways out of poverty to reduce the urban-rural divide shifting to high-value agriculture decentralising non-farm economic activities to rural areas

38 Transforming Economies (2)
Specific Impacts Output Clusters Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Efficient Employment Address Rural-Urban Income Disparity Increase non-farm employment Higher Rural Income Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Non-Farm Economic Growth Agri-Labour Provision of Public Goods Increased Profitability of Rural Business Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Poverty Reduction Increased Productivity Increased Affordability of & Subsistence in Food Greater Food Security Increased Production Increased Trade Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Shift to High Value Agriculture Social Development Improved Quality of Products Better Management of Natural Resources Improved Environmental Sustainability

39 Urban-Based Economies (1)
Identified by: Small agriculture sector (i.e. less than 0.5% of GDP) with high urban poverty 45% of poor live in rural areas Typical areas: Latin America Central Asia Intervention focus: Link farmers to modern food markets Improve quality of agri-business and food industry Introduce market for environmental services

40 Urban-Based Economies (2)
Specific Impacts Output Clusters Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Outcomes Efficient Employment Higher Rural Income Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Non-Farm Economic Growth Agri-Labour Provision of Public Goods Increased Profitability of Rural Business Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Poverty Reduction Increased Productivity Increased Affordability of & Subsistence in Food Greater Food Security Increased Production Increased Trade Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Social Development Improved Quality of Products Link farmers to modern food markets Better Management of Natural Resources Improved Environmental Sustainability Market for environmental services

41 Outcome Indicators (1) Output Clusters Indicators Outcomes Support for consumers vulnerable to short-term food price changes Support for farmers vulnerable to short-term food price changes Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Provision of Public Goods Access to road transportation Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Access to land Access to water Access to seeds and fertilisers Access to improved breeds of animals/fish Access to extension services Access to information on market Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Availability of credit Investment in rural areas Establishing a rural business Preservation of natural resources Sustainable management practices Environmental services Better Management of Natural Resources

42 Outcome Indicators (2) 16. Non-farm employment
Output Clusters Outcomes Indicators Efficient Employment 16. Non-farm employment Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Non-Farm 17. Agriculture labour employment Agri-Labour Provision of Public Goods Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Land productivity Labour productivity Capital productivity Increased Productivity Increased Production Production Type of production/diversification Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Improved Quality of Products 23. International marketing standards Better Management of Natural Resources

43 Specific Impact Indicators
Output Clusters Outcomes Indicators Efficient Employment Non-Farm 24. Agricultural prices 25. Growth in agricultural businesses 26. Growth in rural non-farm businesses Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Agri-Labour Provision of Public Goods Increased Profitability of Rural Business Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Increased Productivity Increased Affordability of & Subsistence in Food 27. Affordability of food 28. Subsistence in food Increased Production Increased Trade 29. Agricultural trade 30. Rural non-farm trade Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment Improved Quality of Products Better Management of Natural Resources

44 Intermediate Impact Indicators
Output Clusters Outcomes Indicators Efficient Employment Higher Rural Income Non-Farm 31. Rural Income Mitigating Agricultural Price Volatility Agri-Labour Provision of Public Goods Increased Profitability of Rural Business Improved Access Markets Farm Inputs Capital Information Services Increased Productivity Increased Affordability of & Subsistence in Food Greater Food Security 32. Undernourishment Increased Production Increased Trade Enabling Economic & Regulatory Environment 33. Land sustainability 34. Sustainable extraction of water 35. Adapting to climate change Improved Quality of Products Better Management of Natural Resources Improved Environmental Sustainability

45 List of Key Indicators (with examples)
Price Volatility Outcome Indicators 1. Consumer vulnerability to short-term price changes 2. Farmer vulnerability to short-term price changes Improved Access Outcome Indicators 3. Access to road transportation 4. Access to land 5. Access to water 6. Access to seeds and fertilisers 7. Access to improved breeds of animals/fish 8. Access to extension services 9. Access to information on markets 10. Availability of credit 11. Investment in rural areas 12. Establishing a rural business Natural Resource Outcome Indicators 13. Preservation of natural resources 14. Sustainable management practices 15. Environmental services Employment Outcome Indicators 16. Non-farm employment 17. Agricultural labour Productivity Outcome Indicators 18. Land productivity 19. Labour productivity 20. Capital productivity List of Key Indicators (with examples) Production Outcome Indicators 21. Production 22. Type of production/diversification Quality Outcome Indicators 23. International marketing standards Profitability Specific Impact Indicators 24. Agricultural prices 25. Growth in agricultural businesses 26. Growth in rural non-farm businesses Affordability/Subsistence Specific Impact Indicators 27. Affordability of food 28. Subsistence in food Trade Specific Impact Indicators 29. Agricultural trade 30. Rural non-farm trade Rural Income Intermediate Impact Indicators 31. Rural income Food Security Intermediate Impact Indicators 32. Undernourishment Environment Sustainability Intermediate Impact Indicators 33. Land sustainability 34. Sustainable extraction of water 35. Adapting to climate change

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