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Theme 2 Practice.

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1 Theme 2 Practice

2 Read the sentence: Marla likes different colors now, so she wants to redecorate her room. What is the meaning of the word redecorate? decorate again not decorate able to be decorated decorate before

3 2. Read the sentence: As motionless as a statue, the turtle sat on the log. What is the meaning of the word motionless? full of motion able to be in motion without motion in motion again

4 3. Read the sentence: Those ripe strawberries I ate were juicy and flavorful. What is the meaning of the word flavorful? having flavor again having flavor before without flavor full of flavor

5 Read the sentence: All of the inexpensive games are stacked on the sale table. What is the meaning of the word inexpensive? not expensive expensive again expensive before able to be expensive

6 5. Read the sentence: Mia loves to sing. Misa loves to dance
5. Read the sentence: Mia loves to sing. Misa loves to dance. Mia loves to swim. What is the best compound predicate for combining the three sentences? sings, dances, and swims loves to sing, dance, and swim loves to sing, dance, or swim sing and dance

7 6. Read the sentence: Bats are able to fly. Birds are able to fly
6. Read the sentence: Bats are able to fly. Birds are able to fly. Bees are able to fly. Which is the best compound subject for combining the three sentences? Bats, birds, and bees Bats and birds Bats or birds and bees Bats, birds, or bees

8 Read the sentence: Diego is tall. Mac is tall. Jon is also tall
Read the sentence: Diego is tall. Mac is tall. Jon is also tall. Which is the best way to combine the sentences into one sentence? Diego, Mac, or Jon is tall. Diego and Mac and Jon are tall. Diego, Mac, and Jon are tall. Diego, Mac, and Jon is tall.

9 8. What is the root word of actually?

10 9. Which of the following is the suffix in the word objection?

11 Read this sentence: Our volleyball team did so well this season that it was unequaled. What is the meaning of the word unequaled? with many equals with no equals equaled before equaled again

12 Read this sentence: In science class, the students were studying poisonous snakes. What is the meaning of poisonous? with no poison having poison having little poison turning into poison

13 12. Read this sentence: As Dr
12. Read this sentence: As Dr. Patel poked on Jason’s injured knee, the knee’s soreness increased. What is the meaning of soreness? state of feeling too much pain state of feeling no pain state of feeling pain state of accepting pain

14 13. Which is the best way to search a library database for books by Beverly Cleary?
By book title By author’s name By keyword By call number

15 14. Where would you search to find recent information about new models of bicycles?
A CD-ROM encyclopedia The Internet A CD-ROM dictionary A library database

16 *hint ROM means read only memory. In other words, the information on a CD-ROM can not be updated or changed. That means that a CD-ROM is not useful for storing information that is constantly changing, such as daily weather, current sports scores, and so on. The CD-ROM is best used for storing information that will not change, like past events in history.

17 15. Which of the following could you most easily research by using a CD-ROM encyclopedia?
A. Today’s weather B. Current sports scores C. Photographs of your town’s courthouse D. Life history of a former U.S. president

18 16. What information would you most easily find on a local newspaper’s website?
A. Information about the latest game in the World Series B. Information about different breeds of dogs C. The population of Tampa, Florida D. The length of the Mississippi River

19 17. Which is the best way to find a book titled Spot a Cat in a library database?
By book title By author name By the keyword cat By call number

20 18. Where would you search to find the location of Happy, Texas?
A CD-ROM encyclopedia An online newspaper database A CD-ROM atlas Internet links on the library website

21 19. Which would be the best way to search in a CD-ROM encyclopedia for information about Finland?
By the letter F By author name By book title By internet link

22 20. Which of the following could you most easily research by using a CD-ROM encyclopedia?
A bus schedule This year’s top movies The giant octopus Current candidates for an election

23 21. If you wanted to find books about the history of baseball in a library database, which of the following should you do? Look through the call numbers of books about sports Type in the keywords baseball and history Search for the author name “Baseball historian” Look for books with the word “history” in their name


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