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Emergency Communication
For Saratoga Don Steinbach AE6PM Saratoga Amateur Radio Association EmComm for Saratoga
Topics ARES & RACES MOU with City of Saratoga SARA & CERT
EOC Comm Capability Activation Go Kit Frequencies Operating Tips Training Opportunities MAC Program NIMS & ICS Issues & Concerns Links EmComm for Saratoga
ARES ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service)
The emergency communications arm of the ARRL (American Radio Relay League). Not directly connected with any government entity. Organized on a section-by-section basis within the ARRL field organization and responds on a local or regional level. We are the Santa Clara Valley Section in the Pacific Division Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. ARES operators provide their own insurance. You become an ARES amateur radio operator by joining ARRL, but you do not need to be a member of ARRL to participate in ARES. EmComm for Saratoga
RACES RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service)
A civilian entity established by the federal government after World War II A radio service using amateur radio stations for civil defense communications during periods of local, regional or national civil emergencies. Now the communications branch of FEMA. When a governmental entity (City, County, State or Federal) requests amateur radio assistance, the response is through RACES. Defined under Part 97 of the FCC Rules (47 C.F.R ) RACES operators are covered by government insurance. You become a RACES amateur radio operator by signing up for DSW and registering with your local ARES/RACES organization. EmComm for Saratoga
ARES vs. RACES Think of ARES as “civilian” and RACES as “government; ARES as “no insurance” and RACES as “insured.” During a “non-declared emergency”, ARES can operate under ARES, but when the emergency or disaster is officially declared by a governmental authority, the operation can become RACES with no change in personnel or frequencies. Each city in Santa Clara County has an ARES Emergency Coordinator position, and the person in that position is also that city's RACES Radio Officer. At the county level is the ARES District Emergency Coordinator who is also the RACES Chief Radio Operator. An exception is Gilroy, which has as of 1996 put a new aspect of radio communication, the Auxiliary Communications System (ACS), in place. EmComm for Saratoga
Saratoga ARES/RACES A current amateur radio license is required.
Saratoga residency is not required. No formal training is required. Members should participate in the weekly net and the quarterly drills to maintain operating proficiency. Should be able to program/reprogram radio, or follow instructions to do so. Net Control experience is a plus. CERT training is a plus. Familiarity with ICS is desireable. Registration as a DSW for Saratoga is required for RACES participation. See Jim Yoke to register. EmComm for Saratoga
MOU with the City of Saratoga
SARA agrees to: Establish and maintain fixed, mobile and portable station emergency communication capabilities for local amateur radio coverage and point-to-point contact between City officials and remote locations. Assist in operating, maintaining, and programming the Traveler’s Information System (TIS) AM broadcast station. Conduct the monthly EOC radio test with County Communications. EmComm for Saratoga
MOU with the City of Saratoga
The City of Saratoga agrees to: Make space available for a ARES/RACES two-way radio system and placement of an antenna on the City’s antenna tower. Make reasonable accommodation to store a 8’ x 24’ tower-trailer in the City Yard. EmComm for Saratoga
SARA and CERT SARA supports Saratoga CERT with radio communication resources. SARA ARES/RACES operates the EOC to communicate with CERT divisions and the County. Each CERT division has one or more hams to communicate with the EOC and between divisions. CERT uses FRS within the divisions. SARA conducts classes for Technician Class license exams. SARA provides orientation and training classes for new licensees. HT Orientation Two-Way Radio Basics HT Selection Seminar Radio cheat sheets EmComm for Saratoga
EOC Comm Capability The EOC is equipped to communicate with:
Local amateurs on 2-meter and 70 cm fm voice The County EOC on 2-meter fm voice The County EOC on 220 MHz packet The County EOC via the EOC radio net on 39 MHz Amateur radio stations and the OES on HF Requires installation of a temporary antenna. EmComm for Saratoga
Activation ARES/RACES activation will probably be coincident with CERT activation if the incident involves Saratoga. Monitor the SARA 2-meter repeater (K6SA) output frequency on MHz if you suspect something is going on. This is your best source of local information. Has backup power system. Others with high-power base or mobile stations will fill in if the repeater is down. Instructions will be given on this frequency. “Alert SCC” might provide telephone notification. Performance to date has been iffy. Telephones may be out of service. EmComm for Saratoga
Activation Issues Spontaneous Untrained Volunteers
There are about 300 licensed amateurs with a Saratoga zip code in the FCC database. Many of them will want to help – this is good. May show up on the repeater. May show up at EOC. Ok to use for status reports from home, but must be DSW to be deployed in any RACES activation. Will be referred to volunteer registration area, same as any other volunteer. We need (and don’t have) a handout for all communicators. Telephone notification tree with City and within ARES/RACES is TBD. EmComm for Saratoga
Go Kit (12-Hour) Amateur Radio license. Driver’s license.
DSW badge for requesting agency. Personal supplies/snacks/water. CERT graduates already have this. Remember prescription medication. Radio programmed with local frequencies Spare battery pack for radio Cheat sheet for radio Pad and pencil or pen Flashlight Safety vest & hard hat EmComm for Saratoga
Go Kit (12-Hour) Nice to have: Lapel speaker-mic or earpiece
Improved HT antenna/rat tail Thomas Guide or local map See the SCC ARES/RACES website for more comprehensive go-kit recommendations. EmComm for Saratoga
Primary SARA Frequencies
Normal operation (duplex): MHz, negative offset, Hz PL tone Repeater failure – stay on repeater output: MHz, simplex, Hz PL tone Contingency (simplex) MHz, simplex, no PL tone MHz, simplex, no PL tone EmComm for Saratoga
Alternate SARA Frequencies
Normal operation (duplex): MHz, positive offset, 100 Hz PL tone Repeater failure – stay on repeater output: MHz, simplex, 100 Hz PL tone HF MHz (Upper Sideband). EmComm for Saratoga
Other Frequencies County Message Net (W6TI)*
(+) MHz, PL Hz County Command Net (WB6ZVW)* (+) MHz, PL Hz County Resource Net (AA6BT)* (+) MHz, PL Hz Santa Clara County ARA (W6UU) (–) MHz, PL Hz West Valley ARA (W6PIY) 147.39(+) MHz, PL Hz *These assignments can change! See the SCC ARES/RACES website for complete County frequency list. EmComm for Saratoga
Operating Tips Keep the keypad locked when not in use.
Prevents unintentional configuration changes. Disable everything except the memory channel selection knob (maybe that, too!). Know how to program/reprogram your radio. Make, buy or steal a cheat sheet. YAESU users - be sure WIRES is turned off. Keep your batteries charged. Keep the HT antenna vertical when communicating. EmComm for Saratoga
Training Opportunities
Self Study Program your radio and make a cheat sheet to carry with you. Test signal strength to the repeater from various locations. Press PTT, identify yourself, press”8”, release PTT Make a rat tail for your HT. CERT Available through County FD (contact Jim Yoke) Quarterly Drills & Communications Exercises SARA Classes HT Orientation, Two-Way Radio Basics Weekly Saratoga Net Sunday 2100 hrs EmComm for Saratoga
Training Opportunities
ARRL On-Line Courses EC-001 Introduction to Emergency Communication ICS & NIMS On-Line Classes IS-100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System IS-200 – ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents IS-700 – National Incident Management System, An Introduction These classes may become a requirment for “first responders”. MAC Classes Available through County ARES/RACES EmComm for Saratoga
Changing Times It used to be that if you had a two-way radio and showed up at an incident, you were welcomed. Now you’re likely to be viewed as a pest or a terrorist. So ….. Be professional. Follow instructions/orders/requests. Resist the temptation to voice “a better way.” Stay alert. Avoid talking to the news media. EmComm for Saratoga
MAC Program Mutual Aid Communicators (MACs) are amateur radio operators who have volunteered their time, their expertise and their equipment to provide communications services during times of need. These individuals are trained and prepared to provide a variety of communications services and are available for deployment throughout the county, according to the county mutual aid mechanisms. The MAC Program defines standards of performance and includes several types and levels of qualifications. These qualifications are the basis for resource typing and effective and efficient resource assignment. EmComm for Saratoga
NIMS and ICS NIMS (National Incident Management System) was developed so responders from different jurisdictions and disciplines can work together better to respond to natural disasters and emergencies, including acts of terrorism. ICS (Incident Command System) is a part of NIMS. It is a widely applicable management system designed to enable effective, efficient incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures and communications operating within a common organizational structure. You’ll see ICS being used in the EOC during exercises and emergencies. Not much different than Field Day. EmComm for Saratoga
NIMS and ICS The following three ICS courses are web-based and take an hour or two each to complete. They are required for all MACs and recommended for RACES participants: IS-100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System IS-200 – ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents IS-700 – National Incident Management System, An Introduction EmComm for Saratoga
Issues and Concerns EOC emergency power
Unknown if Fire Department emergency generator actually powers the building/EOC. County Command Net (WB6ZVW) signal is marginal MAC course availability Almost always on the first Saturday of a month. Saratoga activation procedure Never successfully exercised from top down? EmComm for Saratoga
Useful Links Santa Clara County ARES/RACES
Silicon Valley Emergency Communication System American Radio Relay League County frequency list EmComm for Saratoga
Alphabet Soup SARA – Saratoga Amateur Radio Association
CERT – Community Emergency Response Team MOU – Memorandum of Understanding ARRL – American Radio Relay League ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Service RACES – Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service EOC – Emergency Operations Center DSW – Disaster Service Worker MAC – Mutual Aid Communicator SUV – Spontaneous Untrained Volunteer FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency NIMS – National Incident Management System ICS – Incident Command System ACS – Auxiliary Communications Service SEMS – Standardized Emergency Management System EmComm for Saratoga
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